/ / The best Soviet lenses: photo, history

The best Soviet lenses: photo, history

With the advent of digital cameras, everyonecan make an infinite number of your own pictures from any angles. However, soon enough, lovers of capturing beautiful moments realized that for good work (except for naked enthusiasm) they needed a decent camera with decent optics, and not a soap box with a plastic lens. Therefore, gradually came the fashion for the purchase of professional or semi-professional devices. But it turned out that the lenses for them are worth big money, which most enthusiasts-amateurs simply do not have. An alternative was found. She became the old Soviet lenses, which, it turned out, can still be removed and on cool modern cameras. Let's look at the best of them, which even today can be safely used, going to photo-hunting.

A little about the history of the development of Soviet photographic equipment

Before we consider the best Sovietlenses worth exploring their history. With the advent of the USSR in this country, they began to try to produce their own unique technique, among which were cameras. However, as it was in other areas, in most cases, Soviet lenses and devices for them were copied from successful foreign analogues. Sad but true. The first models of pre-war cameras were equipped with built-in optics. Only in the thirties came the fashion for removable lenses.

soviet lens

One of the very first cameras with suchOptics was the legendary FED in 1934 with the same lens. This design was completely "borrowed" from the German small-format rangefinder camera Leica II.

The next significant achievement in this area wasKomsomolets two-lens camera, manufactured from 1946 to 1951 (copy of German Voigtländer Brilliant). Unlike the FED, this device had no optics removable - these are T-21 f 6.3 / 80 mm lenses of the “Triplet” type. But the "Moscow-2" (Super Ikonta C 531/2 from Zeiss Ikon) already had a detachable lens "Industar-23" 4.5 / 110 mm.

Next couple of years of special advancement in makingSoviet optics and cameras were not there, but only already known models of world brands or earlier copies were copied. By the way, in this way “Komsomolets” became “Lover”, and the FED - “Sharp-sighted”.

В 1951-1956 годах на рынке появился малоформатный the Zorky-3 rangefinder camera (Leica III, for which detachable Jupiter-8 2/50 and Jupiter-17 2/50 lenses were developed). In parallel, in 1952-1956. was invented and produced a small single-lens mirror "Zenith", created on the basis of the rangefinder "Sharp-Sighted", but much more perfect, as at that time. For this, no doubt, the achievements were applied such Soviet lenses as "Industar-22" 3.5 / 50 and "Industar-50" 3.5 / 50.

The next success in this area wasthe modernized reworking of the Zorky-3C into the apparatus of the Zorky-4 (1956-1973). At that time, it was the most popular model, which for many years remained the best in its series. As a rule, the Zorky-4 was equipped with such Soviet mirror lenses as the Jupiter-8 2/50 and Industar-50 3.5 / 50. There is also evidence that a separate series of devices was equipped with a Jupiter-17 lens 2/50. Most likely, these were the copies that were issued in the year of the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Soviet power.

soviet camera and lens

After the war, the country began to be issuedmany new models based on the old or borrowed from the decaying West. In fairness it should be noted that domestic minds have tried to bring their own ideas to such devices. However, leadership often inhibited these undertakings. The main reason was, of course, in money. After all, developing something yourself is longer and more expensive than stealing an already prepared thought.

For all of us, the main thing is the fact thatfrom the second half of the fifties, most of the new models in the Union were equipped with interchangeable optics. And this means that several enterprises specializing in the production of photographic lenses have appeared in the country. So this period was a turning point in the history of Soviet photooptics, since now it has gained a certain independence.

The main lines of lenses in the USSR

Although photooptics were produced in the following years quite a lot, only a few brands gained the greatest popularity.

  • "Jupiter".This type of lens was originally copied from the German CZJSonnar back in 1949. During the years of the USSR, about two hundred models of such optics were developed. And the appointment they had the most different. High-aperture Soviet lenses "Jupiter", as a rule, were copied from the most successful CZJ Sonnar models and approached most cameras like "Kiev", "Salyut", "Narcissus", "Leningrad", "Zorky", etc. It is worth noting that the bayonet (thread size) of such optics were different, as were the manufacturers.
  • Another type of Soviet lenses that is familiaralmost everyone - is "Industar" (the name from "industrialization" + fashionable European suffix -ar). In total, this line had a little more than a hundred models that were produced at completely different enterprises of the USSR. The main distinctive feature of such devices was their optical scheme consisting of four lenses, two of which were glued to each other. Most of these lenses were put on cameras of the following brands: Zenit, FED, Neva, Sport, Moscow, Zarya, Salyut, etc.
  • Также известен был во всей стране "Гелиос".The optics of this brand were placed not only on cameras, but also on cameras, used for aerial photography, etc. Most of the Helios consisted of six lenses in four groups, although there were also lenses for seven lenses. In this line, a little more than one hundred and twenty models were released, which could be put on the same cameras as Industar, since the bayonet type of this optics was identical.
photo from a soviet lens
  • Slightly less numerous was the line of Sovietwide-angle lens "World". They were released more than seventy models. Such devices could be put on the same cameras as the above. Although there were exceptions to this rule. For example, "World 1-A" had a replaceable tail-adapter, which made it possible to install it on devices with other types of thread.
  • А вот "Калейнар" - это серия довольно редких lenses for Soviet cameras, which was small. Their optical system consisted of four lenses in four components. This miracle was produced at the Arsenal plant in Kiev, and only two models of the line came into free sale: Kaleinar-3 and Kaleinar-5. Because of the special types of bayonet ("B" and "C"), this optics could be placed only on the devices "Kiev-6C", "Kiev-60" ("B"), as well as on the "Salyut", "Salyut-S "and" Kiev-88 "(" B ").
  • You can not forget about the range of long-focus lenses"Tair". Such optics were not put on ready-made devices, but were sold separately as interchangeable small-format single-lens reflex cameras. An interesting feature of them is that the models with the letter "A" in the title were bundled adapters. Thus, the "Tair" could be put on most cameras with different types of bayonet, which led to its prevalence. The rest of the types of Soviet mirror lenses had a clear mounting size: either "B" or "C".
  • Another small line of photooptics of the USSR- "Ruby". This was the name of the series with a variable focal length. The device was copied from Voigtländer Zoomar. As for mounting, most models had a rare bayonet “Ts” or “Avtomat”, therefore they could only be placed on a limited number of cameras: “Zenit-4”, “Zenit-5”, “Zenit-6” (“C”) "Kiev-10" and "Kiev-15" ("Automatic").
  • It is also worth highlighting such a family of lenses,as "Zenithar". Unlike all of the above, the optics of this brand is produced in the Russian Federation to this day. The Zanitara has both lenses with a normal focal length, and wide-angle, long-focus and models with a variable focal length.

Is it possible to use optics from old cameras on modern cameras?

Разобравшись с линейками лучших советских lenses, it is worth knowing which of them can be used today. Theoretically, almost everything, because most of the film cameras of the USSR times are still in working condition. So you can put the film and shoot what you want. Moreover, some photographers today, yearning for retro, put off digital devices and take out their Soviet ancestors.

adapter for canon and nikon m42

However, there are only a few such eccentric enthusiasts, butMost photo enthusiasts are quite satisfied with good digital technology, on which, by the way, Soviet optics can really be used. But in order to connect this miracle, it is necessary to use special adapters, since most mastodons have photooptics of bayonet different from those on modern Nikon, Kenon, Olympus and Sony (the most popular brands of digital devices).

What adapters are used for old photooptics

Although the types of adapters for Soviet lensesToday there are quite a few (thanks to hardworking Chinese), most often you have to deal with three of them, each of which is designed for a specific type of bayonet:

  • Adapter for optics with M39 thread.
  • Bayonet N.
  • Adapter on M42.

The latter is one of the mostcommon Therefore, it can be used to connect the predominant majority of Soviet lenses. M42 is perfect for almost all modern models "Nikonov" and "Kenonov." In addition to the mounting diameter, adapters are still distinguished by their additional functions. So, the simplest of them are the usual metal rings that allow you to fasten the optics to the camera.

More expensive models are usually equipped with anti-reflectiveglass, whose main task (despite the assurances of many vendors) is to prevent the accumulated dust and factory grease from entering the digital apparatus over the years. The coolest are adapters with chips. They allow at least a little to automate the work of retro-opticians. Here, for each line of cameras developed a separate ring, adapted to the mechanics. However, the speed and agility of their work is still inferior to modern counterparts.

You can purchase any of the adapters in anymore or less serious shop of photographic equipment or through the Internet. Also many craftsmen make similar accessories with their own hands. That's just it is long and too laborious, while the simplest rings like M42 or M39 cost mere pennies.

How to attach vintage optics?

To connect the Soviet lenses to the Nikon, Kenon, Olympus, Sony or other modern devices, you need to do a number of simple actions:

  • First of all, turn off the camera (and who would have thought that some might forget about this).
  • Next, you need to fasten the adapter to the optics, which must first be cleaned from dust, grease and other contaminants. By the way, for this purpose it is better to use special rags or sets.
  • Затем снимается родная оптика с фотоаппарата.As a rule, for this you need to press the button near the bayonet and unscrew the lens. In any case, you must first examine the instructions (despite the fact that our national tradition prescribes the reading of this Talmud only in the event of a breakdown).
  • The last action is itselfinstallation of the Soviet lens on the Nikon, Kenon, Sony, etc. To do this, you need to find a red or white dot on the adapter, and comparing it with a similar label on the camera itself, screw in the optics. Now we turn on the device in the "M" mode and use the device.
photo from the Soviet lens Helios 44/2

Advantages of using retro optics on modern cameras

As can be seen from the previous section, the connection of Soviet photooptics to digital devices is a simple matter. In addition, the use of such equipment has several advantages:

  • The first is the price. So, the Soviet lenses for Nikon and Canon are many times cheaper than their modern counterparts.
  • In addition to cheapness, optics has excellent glass, which allows you to take very clear pictures that do not deform and stretch around the edges, as happens when working with plastic substitutes.
  • In such devices, the lens system, as a rule, has been tested for years and allows us to achieve excellent results.
  • Another advantage of using Sovietlenses for Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc. - this is their strength. Most of them are made of practically non-killed metal. By the way, that's why they weigh two times more than their modern versions.
  • In addition, this optics is designed to work in manual mode, which means that the wheels and its running parts are made as comfortable and durable as possible.

Disadvantages of Soviet photooptics when used on modern cameras

However, the use of Soviet lenses for Canon, Nikon, Sony, etc., has drawbacks, and they are quite significant:

  • В первую очередь это старость техники.A good half of it is older than photographers using it, or at least the same age. And this means that the possibility that it will be worn out and quickly fail (despite the praised Soviet quality) is very great.
  • In addition, it is worth remembering that mostLenses were designed for black and white photography, which means that when working with color, they can produce a more faded picture. Although the possibilities of modern photoshop is trivia.
  • Another major drawback is the quality.manufacturing. Recalling the history of the photo industry in the USSR, we see that the overwhelming majority of everything that was produced in this field was actually stolen from other countries. However, so that no one noticed, often made minimal cosmetic changes. And based on the number of marriages (which the Indestructible was so famous for), it can be concluded that part of the lenses were not made according to GOST, which means the quality of the photos will leave much to be desired. So, acquiring a used optics made in USSR, you can be exactly the darling of fate, who will get a defective copy.
soviet lens helios
  • If the previous reasons concerned a conditionlenses, then further it is worth listing the negative features of their work. First of all, this is what they can photograph only in manual mode and not otherwise ("M"). Of course, the rings with chips theoretically allow the Soviet miracle to connect to modern electronics and somehow interact with it, but it will still be noticeably worse than using native optics. So, deciding to work with manual Soviet lenses, it is important to prepare for manual labor and the need to independently adjust all the functions in the camera. On the other hand, most professionals even work with cool modern optics. Therefore, shooting with Soviet lenses can be an excellent school and test of exposure for beginners. So it’s worth a try, especially since in case of failure you can always put your native automated lens back.

What categories are photo optics made in USSR

Having dealt with history, merit anddisadvantages of retro-optics, it is worthwhile to proceed to consider which Soviet lens is better to use and for what. So, photo optics can be distributed in different categories, but the best way to do this is by focal length (this distance from the optical center of the lens to the matrix, where a sharp image of an object is formed, is measured in millimeters). It is easiest to single out the most common three types of such equipment:

  • Wide-angle is optics in which the focal length is shorter than normal. Due to this property, it is great for shooting landscapes.
  • Portrait long-focus lenses are designed for close-up photography.
  • Telephoto lenses are a kind of long-focus optics, the design of which allows you to make the frame and the whole lens shorter than its focal length.

The best Soviet portrait lenses

In this category, five models of Soviet times optics are considered the most-most:

  • First of all, it is "Helios 44/2" with focaldistance (f) two. His device is allowed to create on the pictures favorite many bokeh. In other words, the whole unsightly background is blurred with bizarre circles. However, to learn how to focus this miracle on what you need, you have to sweat a lot.
  • Another "Helios", which is considered one ofbest in its category - this is the model 40-2. By the way, that is why it is still being produced in Russia, although it is inferior to Western counterparts. This equipment can create even brighter bokeh, since its focal length (f) is only 1.5. It is designed for portrait and street photography. "Helios 40-2" is able to create a three-dimensional and plastic image, as well as provide a soft drawing of parts without gaps and shadows in the shadows.
soviet lens world 20
  • "Jupiter-37A" has a diaphragm of twelvepetals. Like Helios, it perfectly blurs the background with the aperture open. By the way, to avoid blurring in the finished image due to hand shake, it is best to shoot with this lens at shutter speeds of less than 1/200.
  • Сородич 37-го "Юпитер-9" имеет еще большее the number of diaphragm blades is fifteen. Due to this, such optics creates bright and clear portraits. By the way, this copy is almost completely copied from Carl Zeiss Sonnar 85/2.
  • And the last among the best portrait lensesSoviet era - "Tair-11A". It was designed for group portraiture. He has even more aperture blades - twenty. Therefore, the bokeh in the blurry background of this device comes out the best among those listed.

It is worth noting that all the mentioned opticsperfect not only for photography, but also for video. So, many modern cameras are able to work in camcorder mode, and the ability of the listed Soviet lenses to blur the background beautifully helps to create an extraordinarily romantic effect when shooting clips. By the way, together with all the above-mentioned optics, you can use macro rings, which will allow you to create excellent pictures of small parts.

The best wide-angle lenses

There are not many examples in this category.good hardware. Perhaps, because she and in her time was in demand much less than portrait optics. So, consider the best Soviet wide-angle lenses:

  • "Zenitar-N" is the so-called "fisheye," because its angle of view is almost 180 degrees.
  • Его сородич - "Зенитар МС" - до сих пор is issued. Despite obsolescence, it is perfect for those who want to get a hand in portrait photography. However, for more serious work in the future, it is worthwhile to dig up and buy something more modern.
  • But the old "World-20M" can still dogreat photos. Most often it is used for shooting architectural works and landscapes. Its feature is high sharpness over the entire area of ​​the frame.


As for telephoto lenses, their list is very short, since even in Soviet times they were rare and very expensive:

  • The most famous and successful in this category and bythis day is considered "Telezenitar-K". He just has a great aperture and built-in hood (protection from glare). He refers to those sharp Soviet lenses with which you can photograph landscapes and objects from afar. He also worked well for shooting at various events, if the object is at a great distance. The main disadvantage of such optics is the lack of image stabilizer. Because of this, it is best to shoot with a tripod, as with manual shooting the likelihood of jitter and blurry image is very high.
soviet lens granite 11

Also a good telephoto lens"Granit-11", which was produced in the Ukrainian SSR at Arsenal. He was one of the few Soviet zoom lenses. By the way, after the collapse of the USSR, the Arsenal plant continued to produce it, albeit under a different name - MS ZOOM ARSAT. "Granit-11", as well as "Telezenitar-K", is capable of taking various pictures from a long distance. At the same time, when zooming, the length of the device does not increase, which is quite practical in operation. It is also equipped with a built-in hood. It is worth adding that today this telephoto lens is often used in photo studios as a portrait lens.