/ / Berets tied with knitting needles - some tips for beginners

Berets with knitting needles - some tips for beginners

Beret is the most popular headgear. From the Middle Ages to the present, it is part of the military uniform. In Spain, beret is considered the national headdress of the Basques.

berets with knitted needles
Nowadays he takes it - it's also his beloved heada dress for representatives of creative professions, as well as a fashion accessory for connoisseurs of style. Beret perfectly combines with any clothing - and with jeans, and with a dress. It is universal for any season of the year - it naturally looks both in winter and in summer.

Knitting berets

This headdress is not difficult to make your ownhands. An interesting topic - berets, knitted. There are different ways of knitting. You can create separate wedges and then sew them, you can knit on several spokes in a circle, you can perform berets with knitting needles on the line. Consider the options for knitting on two spokes on the line.

Berets knitted from top to bottom

We type 5-7 loops.The first row - repeat 1 cape, 1 facial. The second row and all even - the hinges are simply knitted according to the drawing. The third row is like the first. The fourth row - we divide all the loops into 6 wedges, separating with a red thread. We begin the expansion of the wedges. We make the cape on both sides of the red thread in the front rows 3 times, then in every third facial row 6 times. When the bottom becomes the right diameter, we begin to loosen the loops. In the front row, we evenly reduce the hinges to an amount equal to the circumference of the head. Then it is bound with an elastic band about 5 cm.

beret hats
Berets knitted from the bottom to the top

This is the most convenient way for knitting a headcleaning. Usually this is how the caps are knit. Berets knit in this way is easier, because you can try on an unfinished product and fix all the shortcomings. In order not to make a mistake in the size, you need to tie a sample of knitting density, 5-7 cm in length. Calculate how many loops are placed on 1 cm. Having measured the volume of the head, subtract 2 cm by stretching, multiply by the figure of the density of knitting. The resulting number of loops is typed on knitting needles and we knit the side of the beret. The optimal pattern is an elastic band 1x1. But other variants are also possible - a wide elastic band, garter stitch. The height of the edge is at least 3 cm.

are picked up with knitting needles

Now we start adding loops.Determine the desired circumference of the beret in cm, count the number of loops. From this value we subtract the number of loops already typed on the spokes. The result means that you need to add exactly the number of loops you need when knitting. This can be done with a crochet or a second loop for the other wall, without removing it from the knitting needle. If you are going to knit with an English rubber band, you will not need to add loops. We knit the height of the beret (10-12 cm) with the selected pattern. Next we begin the descent for the bottom of the beret. We cut the loops first through 20 loops, sewing together each 20 and 21 loop. We sew the wrong length with no abbreviations. In the next facial series, the loop, obtained earlier from 2 loops, is tied together with the neighboring loop. We knit so, until there are so many loops that they can be pulled off threaded in them. We tighten the thread and tie it. Sew the product back. Berets, knitted, traditionally decorate the top with a brush or pompon.