/ / How to merge layers in Photoshop correctly?

How to properly merge the layers in Photoshop?

When working in the graphical editor "Photoshop"beginner will necessarily raise a question on the topic, how to merge the layers in "Photoshop"? Without this function, professional processing of any complexity in the editor becomes almost impossible. How to work with layers correctly?

What can layers in Photoshop?

When it is necessary to make any machinations in a graphic editor, you need to use "canvases" which, if necessary, will allow:

  • Undo the perfect action if you make a mistake.
  • Compare the state of work: at the stage of implementation and before this stage.
  • Achieve the desired effect by applying multiple layers.
  • Change the transparency of the effects used.

The functions of the layers are huge, but it is easier to sort out through constant practice.

Merge Layers

How to combine layers in "Photoshop" is a questioneasy. The main thing is to perform this procedure a couple of times in the present tense, and then this skill will be firmly deposited in your head. After all, 75% of the work done is done using "canvases".

There are several ways to combine layers in Photoshop. But first you need to figure out where the layers come from.

For example, when you open the editor, on the screen, on the right side, you see the line where "Background" is written. This is the main layer or, in other words, the source file.

Initial view

If you start working on the source file and repeatedly mistaken, you will have to start all over again. To avoid such situations, you need to use layers.

To create a new layer, right-clickClick on the "Background" line and select "Create duplicate layer". If you need a name, enter it and click OK. The shortcut for this action is ctrl + j.

Create Duplicate Layer

You can see how one more line appears above the "Background" line, called "Layer 1" or "Background copy".

Result of layer creation

Here you have created new "canvases", but by the end, how to unite the layers in "Photoshop"? There are 2 ways:

  1. Press the ctrl button, select both layers with the mouse.Right-click on the selected lines and see the "Merge Layers" item. Click on it with the left button. Everything is ready, your layers are united.
  2. To merge the layers with the keys in Photoshop, you need to do the following: squeeze the ctrl button, select both layers. Next, press the key combination Shift, Ctrl, Alt and E. Get the finished result.
    Merge Layers

Such methods are suitable for any number oflayers. Many often use method number 2, as this noticeably reduces the time in the editor and brings the user much more convenience in using the program.

This instruction answers the question of how to merge the layers in "Photoshop cs6", as it is suitable for any version of the editor.

On a note

If you need to work constantly in the"Photoshop", but you're just starting to master it, it's important to remember one thing. How to combine layers in "Photoshop" is easier with the help of "hot" keys, and perform other machinations necessary for professional activities in the editor.

Grouping layers

Лучше всего группировать слои, так как, если у you accumulated from 10 pieces or more, they are very easy to get lost. Grouping of layers occurs on the same principle as the union, but instead of the combination of keys Shift, Ctrl, Alt and E you need to press ctrl + g. After applying this command, you will see how on the panel there is only the line "Background" and the line with the picture of the folder, named "Group 1". If so, then you did everything right.