/ / Taking on the aisle - just one pawn move

Taking on the aisle - the course of only one pawn

Just a month and a half ago, all countries andcontinents celebrated International Chess Day. This year it was celebrated for the fifty-first time. And so far interest in this game is not waning. But what is chess? Is it a sport, an art or a game? One of the opinions says that this is, after all, science, which is based on logic, because chess is a triumph of reason, which is also capable of giving aesthetic pleasure. In this article we will try to understand what the notion of "taking on the aisle" implies in this interesting game. How is this done and what does it give a chess player?

Broken field

Before we figure out what istaking a pawn on the aisle, let us familiarize one more term in chess. Broken field is directly related to our issue. This field is what is attacked by the opponent's pawn vertically in front of your pawn, which is in the initial position. You can make a move through the broken field. But this is exactly how the opponent gets the right to take the pawn in the same way as if it was moved only one square.

One field or two?

So back to our question - taking onaisle What do the rules of chess say? Taking on a broken field means that the pawn has a special move, thanks to which it is fully entitled to take the pawn from the opponent, which has been moved to two fields at once. It should be noted that the battle is not the field where the second pawn made a stop, but the one she managed to cross. The first pawn just on this bit or a crossed field completes the capture exactly as if the opponent's pawn moved only one square - one field.

These are the rules

Such a situation can arise only ifwhen the pawn is on certain horizons: for white - on the fifth, for black - on the fourth. And the field, which is crossed by the pawn of the opponent, is under fight. It is possible to take a pawn from the opponent only if it is done immediately, as soon as it is moved to two squares.

taking on the aisle

A capture on an aisle in chess (these rules have been discussed for a long time) is lost if it is not committed in a reciprocal move. And so it will be with each new batch.

If you plunge into history a bit, you can find outthat the capture on the aisle and the broken field was established in chess six centuries ago. And this was at the same time as the rule according to which it was allowed to make the first pawn move, not one, but two squares ahead. The rationale for such a rule is very simple: the pawn cannot move absolutely freely, provided that the aisle field is under the full control of the opponent, without fear of being “eaten”.

The same important move

The most important thing.Taking a pass in chess is a special move of one pawn, the most important one in which she can hit an opponent's pawn, which is moved to two squares. After all, it is known that the pawn can make its first move in the game two fields ahead. That is, she jumps over one field.

On the "line of fire" is completely wrongthe square where the second pawn made a stop, namely the one that was crossed by it. The first pawn will complete its capture on this, crossed field, as in the case in which the opponent's pawn moved only to one field. This has already been mentioned a little higher.

So. Clearly it will look like this:

taking on the aisle in chess

The black pawn hits the white pawn,at the same time, he gets up on a broken field, and not to where the pawn was white (this happens with ordinary strikes). Taking on the aisle is possible only on the next turn, because later this right does not apply.

Some terms and conditions that must be followed

Only a pawn is allowed on the aisle. Despite the fact that both the queen and the rook walk vertically into two squares, these figures on the aisle are not allowed to beat.

No other figure besides a pawn can take on the aisle. This can be said to be an exclusive right, and it belongs exclusively to the pawn.

taking a pawn on the aisle

The opportunity to beat on the aisle is used to move this pawn. In other words, the next move. And nothing else. Otherwise, the opportunity is lost.

Since there are eight pawns, theoretically there is a chance to take a full eight times on the aisle. Only this applies to different figures.

And it is absolutely not necessary to beat on the aisle. I.e? There are situations when taking on the aisle turns out to be a serious mistake. What does it mean?

Taking on the aisle. Playing effectively doesn’t mean that it’s effective

Virtually any beginner chess player is surethat taking on the aisle will be a very bright start to the game. But you should not forget that this, like all the other, subsequent ones, is just one of many other moves. He is no worse and no better than others. And sometimes it can be a huge mistake, just like some other move.

A vivid example to this is the following photo. So:

taking on the rule

It clearly shows that Black made a move. While White was tempted by the opportunity to take it on the aisle.

Unfortunately, White lost the rook. The party was lost.

In this particular case, taking the aisle was a gross mistake. And it was not necessary to do this. It was possible not to take a pawn, to play somehow differently, thereby trying to preserve the chances of winning.

taking on a pass in chess rules

Any chess player - both beginner anda professional - you should always remember that in this game the move is effective, or just beautiful, not in every case will be the most correct and best. When taking the aisle, all the mentioned rules must always be remembered, during each chess game, because in another case you may encounter the most ridiculous and not very pleasant surprises, or even lose.