/ / What coins are valued by collectors?

What coins are valued by collectors?

Collectibles - a common hobby,especially often collect coins. Such people are called numismatists. If you decide to replenish their ranks and begin collecting money, you first need to know which coins are valued and which are not. After all, the taste of collectibles is to have a rare specimen that others do not own.

For starters - a small educational program, an excursion into the history.Throughout the time, banknotes were made in large quantities - this was dictated by the needs of expanding trade. Many of these specimens are preserved, only those that are, in principle, impossible to recover or recover are lost. In view of the fact that some coins have been in use for a long time, they have worn out, outwardly become unattractive, others have completely lost their attributes. Therefore, among them, one must choose those that have retained a higher quality.

Each country has its own, the most valuable coins,so a beginner collector should not collect at once everything that comes across him. It is necessary among these specimens to look for those that are well preserved. This means that it was these coins that were valuable during their release, so they were kept in special conditions, and they were not running.

In order to know what coins are valued, it is necessary to study the criteria that determine the value. These, in the first place, include such as a combination of rarity, class, the demand of collectors.

The combination of rarity depends on the numberissued copies and the number of coins that have survived and have survived to the present day. Collectors usually pay attention to the specific signs that are on them. They are called stigma. Most of all, those with a mint mark are valued. Among such banknotes are most often found specimens from the United States of America, Chile, Colombia. But coins from Bolivia and Peru are less popular - these poor countries issued their signs, not taking too much care of their attributes.

In order to determine which coins are valued,you need to pay attention to the class. The class of the instance is the state of the sign to date compared to the state when it was released. Usually beginners cope only with the simplest task - determine the age, starting from the date of coinage on her side. However, this does not at all determine the value of a coin among numismatists. In order to make up its value, you need to know not only the release date, but also its circulation, as well as popularity. It can only be determined by an experienced numismatist who has been collecting for many years. In order to understand what coins are valued, you can check them by catalog. It indicates the product series, its quality, but the market value of the specimen is not specified at all.

If we talk about Russian coins, thenToday, these cash equivalents are in high demand among collectors. For example, 5 rubles with a portrait of Alexander the Third (gold), which were issued in 1888, sold at auction for one hundred and fifty thousand, but the silver hryvnia (silver), issued in 1741, went for ninety thousand rubles. A record sum of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars was received at the auctions by the silver ruble. It was trial, but released in 1806. According to experts, there are only two such coins in the world. If you look at what coins are valued at Russian auctions, it is worth summarizing that these are coins of Russia and the USSR, which are in good condition and in small quantities. They are an ornament of any collection, especially if they are provided with proper care, content in a special album, as well as observance of a certain storage temperature.