/ / LCD "Ecopark Nakhabino": characteristics, builder and reviews

Ecopark Nakhabino LCD: characteristics, builder and reviews

New buildings of the Moscow region have longoffer promising options for settling the residents of the capital and visiting citizens. Recently, the residents of Moscow began to increase the tendency to sell their capital's housing and move to new buildings in the near Moscow. One of such development projects is Ecopark Nakhabino.

ecopark nahabino

A bit about the village

In the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, ona distance of about 32 km from the center of Moscow and 16 km from the Moscow Ring Road, the largest settlement of the country - Nakhabino - is located. Its population exceeds 40 thousand people, constantly increasing. This is due not only to the natural growth of the population, but also to the active construction in the village. Already several residential complexes supplemented the architecture of the village and increased its population. Among them is the Eco Park Nakhabino.



As mentioned above, just over 15 kmseparate a new residential complex from the Moscow Ring Road, and, accordingly, from the capital of the state. Volokolamsk and Novorizhskoe highway are considered to be the most prestigious areas of the Moscow region. "Ecopark Nakhabino" is located near the famous golf courses "Moscow Country Club" and occupies about 10 hectares of land.

The area on which the complex is built is verypicturesque. The noise and bustle of the capital do not come here. Not far from the new buildings are local attractions - the New Jerusalem Monastery and the museum-estate "Arkhangelskoye", enveloping their beauty and charming atmosphere.

Ecopark Nakhabino reviews

Description and characteristics

"Ecopark Nakhabino" "Best Novostroy" must be delivered in the 4th quarter of 2017. By that time, in the specified territory all 33 3- and 5-storey houses of gallery type should be built.

Also all apartments are equipped with individualentrance. Residents of the first floors can get to the apartments directly from the street, and the second and third floors - through the glazed gallery. In addition, each apartment on the ground floor has its own small front garden, the territory of which is quite enough for planting, for example, flowers or installation of sun loungers.

The buildings form 7 quarters, within whichthere are well-equipped courtyards. It also uses the widely known principle of "yard without cars," that is, houses are built in such a way that cars in the yard can not be stopped. The construction of residential buildings is made of reinforced concrete structures according to the frame-wall scheme. All used building materials are environmentally friendly.

Residential complex

What else will please the residential complex "Ecopark"Nakhabino "? Its residential buildings are in perfect harmony with the surrounding natural landscape. The developer took as an example the houses of the Mediterranean type, its architectural style and natural colors. All together in combination gives a unique comfort.

Apartment Fund

Apartments (Nakhabino) Ecopark will providevarious: studios, one-room, 2- and 3-room. The developer so rationally designed the gallery houses, which included two-level multi-room apartments. Not every residential complex can boast of such luxury, so this proposal is very limited in the real estate market.

Apartments Nakhabino

Two-level apartments are good because in themit is possible to carry out the most useful zoning of a premise, to execute desirable internal lay-out with maximal advantage and comfort. They are well circulating air, which ensures the best indoor microclimate. In addition, in such apartments it is most convenient to arrange sleeping rooms, isolating them from the gallery on the second floor.

The cost of square meters

Studios in "Ecopark Nakhabino", the metro of which starts from 35 , are almost the most expensive incomplex. Their cost is more than 66 thousand rubles for 1 sq. M of housing. One-room apartments, the size of which starts from 44 m², are slightly cheaper - 64-65 thousand rubles per 1 m². Traditionally, the cheapest are three-room apartments - 57-60 thousand rubles per 1 m².


The developer of "Ecopark Nakhabino" is GK"The Granel." The company was founded in 1992. She specializes in the construction of residential and commercial real estate in some regions of the country. The most vivid and large-scale projects are being realized in Moscow and the Moscow region. The project portfolio is more than 4.5 million m², which includes both low-rise and multi-storey residential complexes. In addition to residential buildings, the fully integrated infrastructure necessary for the comfortable life of future tenants is necessarily included in the projects of the complexes.

The specialists of the company "Granel" clearlyall stages of the developer are controlled: from design to realization of the object. Thanks to this, all construction projects are of the highest quality and are provided to buyers at affordable prices.


How about opinions about Ecopark Nakhabino?Customer reviews are different, but negative ones predominate. Basically, this is caused by a violation of the deadlines. Originally, the object was to be commissioned in 2015, but the deadline was postponed to the last quarter of 2017. Accordingly, this did not add optimism and already invested in the construction, and potential buyers.

Positive feedback is relativelyaffordable prices for apartments and studios, as well as a successful and thoughtful planning. People like and two-level housing projects, and houses of gallery type. Also, buyers pay attention to the quality of building materials. The great advantage is that they are completely safe and environmentally friendly.

Infrastructure of the complex

"Ecopark Nakhabino", reviews about which, likementioned above, there are both negative and positive, remains a very attractive development project. Given the many residential buildings, the project included a kindergarten for 95 places. In addition, it is planned to build a shop and a covered parking.

Yard territories are subject to ennobling and improvement. They will be equipped with children's and sports grounds, walking alleys. By the way, the Nakhabinka River flows nearby.

The infrastructure of the village provides almost all the necessary social facilities for a comfortable life. There is even a golf club, a fitness center, horse riding circles, a ski resort.

Ecological situation

Ecological situation in the village of Nakhabinosufficiently prosperous. Nearby there are no huge industrial enterprises that poison the environment. Around a lot of forest green massifs, reservoirs. The residential complex is located slightly away from the Volokolamsk highway, which means that neither the noise of passing vehicles, nor the exhaust gases can spoil the pleasant living here.

The advantages and disadvantages of the complex

The most undeniable advantage of the complexis the original layout of his apartments - building them in two levels. This allows us to realize not only the most daring ideas about planning, but also to intelligently zonate living space. Also the advantage should be recognized the construction of houses of gallery type and the fact that the apartments have individual entrances. And the residents of the first floors were even more fortunate. They even have small plots, which are quite suitable for placing a recreation zone or a flower garden on them.

Недостатком же является сильно затянутый срок construction. This process has been going on for almost 2 years. Of course, this does not add optimism to customers, and the prospects for the complex are questionable. But now the construction is being carried out at an active pace, and the buyers again have hope that it will end at the promised time, that is, at the end of this year. Judging by the photo, the construction is really going at an accelerated pace.

Of the shortages still mark the surrender of apartments without finishing. But in this there is a positive side: you will be free in your desires and do not have to remove the finish of the builder.

Summing up. This residential complex is a good place to live. Here all conditions are created for a comfortable and carefree life away from a noisy city. You just have to wait a little.