When free money appears or arisesa tempting offer to get passive income with minimal investment, you should not think long. Immediately invest your savings, and you will be happy. At least, this is what they say in advertising of such a non-banking organization as the Family Capital CCP. But is this really the case? This will be discussed in this article.
Company Profile
The company "Family Capital" is relativelya young organization, which has been operating since February 15, 2011. She specializes in financing various profitable projects, lending and providing material assistance to members of her cooperative.
According to preliminary information, among adherentsThis association is a lot of individuals and over 30 different companies. For example, among them there are such large enterprises as the Second Breath Plant, the Medvezhiegorsk Dairy Plant, the Tuxa agrofirm and others.
At the moment, the consumer credit cooperative of citizens "Family Capital" has more than 50 branches located throughout Russia.
What is the principle of the cooperative?
Компания «Семейный капитал» работает по the following principle: first, interested shareholders are attracted, who make a certain monetary contribution with a further prospect of interest accumulation; At the expense of this money, a certain fund is formed, which helps the members of the cooperative to receive loans for personal needs.
Credit Consumer Cooperative "Familycapital ”does not provide loans to people who are not part of this organization. Therefore, to obtain the right borrower a loan, he must first become a member of the cooperative.
Where does the money go to the shareholders of the cooperative?
According to the organization’s employees themselves,part of the money goes to the long-term development of the domestic agricultural industry. This is due to the fact that the majority of members of the cooperative are employees and owners of agro-industrial enterprises and organizations of various scales.
In addition, the credit cooperative hasa rather large trading network where goods and products of the same agricultural companies that are shareholders of Family Capital are sold. In addition, the structure of the organization fully controls the entire full production cycle. The company owns the following assets:
- several own farms;
- processing enterprises;
- grocery stores.
The organization also employs experienced professionals in the field of logistics, pricing, lending, financing, etc.
How to become a member of the cooperative?
Anyone can become a shareholder and join the Family Consumer Credit Cooperative. To do this, follow these steps:
- come to any nearest office with a passport;
- make a starting amount (fee for joining the organization) in the amount of 100 rubles;
- conclude a cooperation agreement;
- make an additional amount of up to 500 rubles (executed after signing a cooperation agreement).
In addition, all members of the Family Capital organization are required to pay an annual membership fee of up to 300 rubles. This should be done before the first of February next year.
"For the Motherland!" - the cooperative's income program
Currently in credit cooperativethere are several programs at once, one of which is profitable. It has the original patriotic name “For the Motherland!” And provides the following parameters:
- down payment in the amount of 500 rubles;
- making a monthly fee for replenishment of any amount (at least 500 rubles);
- interest rate up to 28.9% per annum;
- loan period up to 42 months;
- monthly interest payment or upon expiration of the loan agreement.
Revenue program "Rent"
PDA "Family Capital" offers its shareholdersand another income program "Rent". It also implies a fee of 500 rubles, an interest rate of 18% per annum and a monthly receipt of interest. In this case, interest may be obtained by transferring them to your bank account in the cooperative or by issuing the required amount in cash through the cash desk of the organization. The validity of such a loan agreement can be from 6 to 24 months.
The program of the cooperative "Income"
And finally, the third program for shareholders,which offers KPC "Family Capital" is the "Income". It also operates only after the shareholder makes the first installment (500 rubles), assumes an interest rate of 18–20% per annum, a loan period of 6 to 12 months and the possibility to receive interest upon expiration of the contract.
Cumulative program "Millionaire for 500 rubles per month"
In addition to income, in the cooperative act andcumulative programs. For example, "Millionaire for 500 rubles." Like the previous three, it provides for making a down payment, as well as an additional monthly replenishment in the range of 500-1000 rubles. The interest rate for such a program will be 15% per annum. It implies a monthly capitalization of interest and a term of up to 262 months. It is this “product” that the Family Capital CCP offers to its shareholders. You will read reviews about it below.
For example, the shareholder invested 500 rubles for all 262 months. Over the entire period of the contract, he handed about 131,000 rubles, therefore, accumulated in the end, 1,008,930 rubles.
The program "Millionaire for 1000 rubles per month"
Shareholders of the Family Capital CCP can acceptparticipation in the alternative program. To do this, it is necessary, in addition to the desire, to make a down payment in the amount of 1000 rubles, and then it is imperative that you pay 1,000-10,000 rubles each month. The term of such a contract is 229 months, and the interest rate is 13% per annum. Interest on this project is charged at the end of the agreement.
For example, for 229 months you transferred 229,000 rubles (1000 per month) to the members of the cooperative, therefore, as a result, the income amounted to 1,007,054 rubles.
Cumulative program "Millionaire"
Предлагает КПК «Семейный капитал» и еще одну Millionaire savings program. The amount of the first installment on it is only 10 000 rubles, and the mandatory contribution made by the shareholder on a monthly basis - from 10 000 rubles. The interest rate on such a program is 11% per annum. However, it does not provide for a monthly capitalization, but implies early termination of the contract. Validity period is 73 months.
For example, with a monthly transfer of an organization of 10,000 rubles for 73 months, your income will be 1,042,193 rubles.
The program for your child - "Children's Capital"
Это уникальная программа, так как пайщику при to participate in it, you must first invest only 500 rubles and pay exactly the same amount every month, and receive 10,000 as a bonus from the cooperative. In this case, 15% per annum will be charged on the entire amount, including the bonus. In turn, the program is cumulative and operates until such time as the child is 18 years old. This is an example of a program that operates in the Family Capital CCP. You will see reviews about this organization below.
"Happy Child" and "Young Millionaire" - savings programs
The Happy Baby program is also valid untilThe 18th anniversary of your child and involves a down payment of 1,000 rubles, monthly contributions of 1,000 rubles each and a bonus of 10,000 rubles from the company. The interest rate is 13% per annum.
"Young millionaire" involves monthly installments and the first deposit in the amount of 10,000 rubles, as well as a bonus from the company for the exact same amount. The interest rate is 11% per annum.
Also, members of the cooperative can easily save up for the following needs:
- for training (there are programs for schoolchildren, students and teenagers);
- for the purchase of real estate and car.
The organization also has other programs designed for young families and people of retirement age.
Credit cooperatives: reviews
Before becoming a member of one ofnon-banking organizations should carefully review the reviews about it. Most often this is due to an erroneous misconception. For example, many users sincerely believe in the similarity of the credit cooperative and the financial pyramid. But it is not so.
As a rule, such organizations do not havenothing to do with banks, but operate within the law and do not violate the law. All contributions are made by shareholders on a voluntary basis. In addition, for example, in the “Family Capital” they can spend the interest earned for personal needs by purchasing products from the cooperative’s retail chains. At the same time and here they are waiting for a cumulative system of discounts and bonuses.
We open the information and we study creditcooperatives (reviews). For example, the most controversial things are said about the Moscow branch of the “Family Capital” cooperative. So, some say that they “bought” on advertising and promises to get easy passive income, but in the end they invested money and did not see the promise. For example, one of the users writes that he invested 1000 rubles for three years, and received a discount on the purchase of goods in the cooperative’s stores. At first only there and bought. Later, the quality of products ceased to arrange, and decided to pick up your share. As a result, he deducted from the base deposit (1000 rubles) any doubtful additional contributions in the amount of 900 rubles. and only 100 were returned to their hands.
Other shareholders said that for four years alreadyparticipate in the program for young families. While percent did not receive, as it is calculated on the majority of the child. However, they are satisfied with the loyalty of employees and transparency in the design of documents.
Still others believe that the appeal to thisthe organization is associated with certain risks: you invest now and a lot, but will you be able to get your money back with interest? But what do the employees themselves say about this company?
What they say about the company in the team
Smart people say:"Do not be lazy to read, referring to the CPC" Family Capital ", employee feedback." What do they say? For example, some ex-employees of the Moscow branch of the cooperative argue that the company operates under the license of a legal entity; therefore, it operates within the law and should not be afraid to invest money in it. Others, on the contrary, focus on the dubious reputation of the company and say that it should not be contacted.
In short, think it over and check it out three times before trusting your savings to the Family Capital organization. A consumer credit cooperative is always a certain risk.