/ / Pension Fund - what is it? Main functions and principles of work

The pension fund is what? Main functions and principles of work

Alas, but in this mortal world there are manyprocesses, which are not yet subject to man. And one of them is aging. To alleviate the inconvenience, a lot of different schemes were invented, one of which is a pension. But what organization is responsible for ensuring that when the time comes, a person receives material assistance? The pension fund is a financial body created specifically for these purposes. Funds are public or private, but each performs a set of important functions in society.

What is a pension fund? Does he manage all the consolidated funds?

pension fund is

Initially, we must determine what we areNow we are dealing. A pension fund is an organization that provides socially significant services to the population of a particular state (or countries). When a person reaches a certain age, he is paid appropriate payments, and it is the fund that produces them. Simply put, the PF manages the resources of the pension system (all or part depends on the state). Specifically, in our case, the fund guarantees the fulfillment of the rights of citizens of the Russian Federation to receive appropriate payments.

Pension funds and legislation

Russian Pension Fund

This organization was created according to theDecree of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR No. 442-1 "On the organization of the Pension Fund of the RSFSR". At the moment, its budget is approved by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly by a separate law during the adoption of the main financial document of the Russian Federation. At the moment, there are more than 40 million pensioners and 20,000,000 beneficiaries in the country who receive payments from it (despite the fact that there are 128 million citizens in the Russian Federation). As you can see, at the moment the Pension Fund of Russia is experiencing significant workloads.

Social functions

Pension Fund of the Russian Federation

An important reason for the existence of the RF Pension Fund is the fulfillment of social functions. Among the obligations that this organization performs are:

  1. The appointment of pensions to citizens, based on their experience and working conditions, followed by the payment of the relevant amounts.
  2. The Pension Fund of Russia takes into account insurance funds that are received on compulsory pension insurance.
  3. Assign and implement social payments for certain categories of citizens: disabled people, veterans, people awarded high awards.
  4. Accounting for all participants who are in the system of mandatory pension insurance.
  5. Work and interaction with employers whopay premiums. In particular, the Pension Fund of Russia is engaged in collection of arrears. Consequently, some law enforcement functions are assigned to it.
  6. The Pension Fund of Russia is engaged in the payment of funds that are issued as parent capital.
  7. Manages all the funds that are available to the pension system throughout the country.
  8. Implements a program of state co-financing of voluntary savings. It is also known as the Thousand per Thousand Initiative of the Russian Federation.
  9. Administers insurance funds that come under compulsory pension and medical insurance.
  10. The Pension Fund of Russia sets federal social supplements in order to bring the total income to the size of the subsistence minimum.

State Pension Fund

Russian Pension Fund

In this case, the Pension Fund will be considered.Russia. Conventionally, the mechanism of this security can be formulated as follows: the current generation of able-bodied citizens is working, receiving material benefits. Some of them are transferred to modern pensioners, who receive maintenance from the state for their past labors. When the generation of working age becomes older, and matured youth will take its place, this scheme will act, as before, only with other participants. And those who previously filled the Pension Fund of Russia, will pay the security. This is a cyclic change. The negative side of this order is the gradual decrease in the purchasing power of the pension, which is due to a number of reasons. Therefore, in the absence of additional sources of income, old age can be a very unpleasant part of life. Indeed, in most cases, the amount paid by the Pension Fund of Russia is not very different from the subsistence minimum.

Also note the difference in hierarchy.So, after the national level of the organization, the next is the Pension Fund of the region. He is working on all the issues that arise in this administrative unit. The district pension fund, in turn, collects information.

Private pension funds

The main problem, namely - impoverishmentpensioners are often offered to solve with the help of private pension funds. They own funds that can be mobilized. Thus, private pension funds operate on the principle of investment funds: citizens give them money, managing organizations decide where to invest them, and from their interest pay pensions to people. Thus, money does not lose its purchasing power by increasing its mass. But such a good and attractive scheme has its drawbacks.

Данный тип пенсионного обеспечения пользуется popular in the United States of America, so about the features of the system will be discussed on the example of this particular country. So, a rather problematic issue is the issue of honesty and the return of funds in case of the ruin of a pension fund. Also the problem is that they operate in a market economy, where it is impossible to guarantee that everything will turn out as planned. Therefore, money can be lost (in most cases, a fixed percentage is charged, but even a private one does not help with the ruin of a private pension fund). There are no such negative aspects of the Pension Fund of Russia, but it has its minuses.

Importance in society

district pension fund

As you can see, these organizations are important in orderso that people can feel support in time when they themselves can not fully take care of themselves. Often, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation actively interacts with social services. It is also worth noting that the practice of monthly payments, although partially, allows to free children from the need to provide financial assistance to their parents. Therefore, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is important in terms of increasing the efficiency of social institutions.

Contributions as a major source of income

The main source of replenishment ishas the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, are contributions received from existing employers. The standard rate is 22%, which is taken from the wage fund. Since 2009, it has become possible to make voluntary contributions that go to the funded part of the pension. Here it is stipulated that both the state and the employer charge the pension in equal amounts (the state has a restriction for this rule - the amount of payment must be at least 2 thousand rubles and not more than 12). This option is beneficial for each of the participants in this relationship. Thus, the employer receives a tax deduction from the amount of earnings in the amount of up to 12 thousand rubles. Also, part of the obligations that the Russian Pension Fund has has been transferred to the National Wealth Fund.


regional pension fund

Как видите, пенсионный фонд - это несложно, и в This organization is very easy to understand. In conclusion, it should be said that timely contributions are important, because they allow you to keep the whole system afloat. Also important is the presence of white wages (which is not affected by the contribution to the state budget). After all, the Russian Pension Fund works for the benefit of any citizen of the Russian Federation.