The question of how to learn how to save money is relevant from ancient times. And, it seems that day by day its importance is growing.
Decades ago, when prices did not change for years,it was possible to collect the necessary amount for several years. Today this is impossible: a constant increase in tariffs, an increase in prices, "eat up" all the accumulations, without giving the opportunity to turn them into a commodity.
So what do you do? How to learn how to save money, how to buy things that cost more than monthly income?
For this, first of all, you have to pull yourself together. Because you have to control all your expenses, and maybe even change your needs.
Before you answer the question howlearn how to save money, you should answer the shorter, but not less simple question: "Why?" If you are going to save only to match the material status of a neighbor, then you will have to lead the same lifestyle as she. But this is often impossible.
But if you need finance to buy big things or just "for life", then you can save money.
How to learn to save money?To begin with, you need to take a sheet of paper and make a list of necessary expenses and the incomes that you have. What are the necessary expenses? Money for food, household chemicals, cosmetics, medicines. Without their acquisition can not do. But you can spend less money on their purchase. To understand how to save money properly, read the annotations to the products that you use constantly. Do not chase after what is advertised in the media. Did you know that, for example, shampoo "Horsepower", which costs four or five hundred, is in reality a highly diluted and flavored composition sold in veterinary stores? No, I do not call for buying cosmetics there, but comparing the composition of the funds from advertising and those sold in ordinary stores is simply necessary. Remember: the more often the product flashes on the screen, the more it costs.
On the same list, it is recommended to pay expenses for gifts, entertainment, in a word, to paint in detail all the upcoming expenses. And then stick to some rules.
Buy essentials betteronly in specialized stores, where there are regular sales, there are discounts. It is enough to buy such goods once a month, you should only correctly calculate their consumption.
How to learn to save money on nutrition?First of all (it has long been known), you can not go to the store hungry. The list of products should be prepared in advance. Believe, in time you can get used to self-control and not buy what you want right now. Just like the previous category of products, products are better to buy in large specialized stores.
In order to understand how to learn to save moneymoney on clothes, you need to learn one truth: ostromodnye goods - a waste of money. They are very expensive, but out of fashion they come instantly. It is better to buy a few classic items of excellent quality. They will serve not one season, but they can be supplemented with inexpensive fashion accessories.
A few words should be said about shopping on the Internet. Most often, the goods purchased on the manufacturer's website are much cheaper than in the store.
Finally the next, very necessary moment.Determine for yourself and write down the amount you must save per month. Do not give up, do not make excuses. It's difficult: always want to go to the movies once again or buy a bottle of champagne more expensive. Make a choice: pleasure now or benefit in the future.
Remember: only you decide whether you will be able to collect the planned amount or will again have to "intercept" money to travel with a neighbor.
Limit yourself, plan, think - and you can qualitatively improve your living standard.