Согласно действующему законодательству, legal entities are required to generate financial statements. Order of the Ministry of Finance of July 6, 1999. № 43n was introduced a normative act establishing the rules for its preparation. It is PBU 4/99.

"Accounting statements of an organization" ("Consultant Plus")
Regulatory rules govern the structureinternal financial documents of the company, determine the methodological foundations of their formation. PBU 4/99 "Accounting statements of the organization" (current act) applies to all legal entities. The exceptions are banking institutions, as well as municipal and state-owned enterprises.
When is it allowed to not use the position?
"Accounting statements of the organization" (PBU 4/99) разрешено не применять на предприятиях, financial documentation for internal use. The norms of this act do not apply to companies that provide information to interested persons according to the rules not regulated by the order of the Ministry of Finance specified above.
PBU 4/99 ("Accounting statements of the organization"), briefly speaking, is intended to identify typicalforms of financial documents and explanations to them. This document is used by the Ministry of Finance to establish the order of reflection of information of small businesses and NGOs. Besides, "Accounting statements of the organization" (PBU 4/99) defines the rules for the formation of pivot tables,documentation in case of a change in company status. In the latter case, it means liquidation or reorganization of the company. The regulatory act also determines the procedure for publication of financial documents. The goals given above are fixed in clause 3 of the PBU 4/99. Accounting records of the organization should be prepared by competent employees. They are required to understand the terms used in accounting. Basic concepts reveals a regulation "Financial statements of the organization "(PBU 4/99 g.).

The main terms used in the regulatory act include:
- Accounting statements.
- Users
- Reporting periods and dates.
Under the first should be understood a comprehensive system of information about the financial status of the company, the results of its business activities. Based on what data is compiled accounting statements of the organization? PBU 4/99 as sources names accounting documents (registers,primary papers, etc.). The control period is the time period within which financial results are formed and reflected. Reporting date is the day on which the subject provides the documents. Another important definition used in a regulation is the user. It is an entity interested in obtaining the corresponding reality, complete information about the financial status of the company.
Composition of documentation
"Financial statements of the organization "(PBU 4/99) defines the required forms that must be filled by the economic entity. These include:
- Balance.
- Tables reflecting losses and profits.
- Applications.
- Explanatory note.
In some cases (as defined by law) in addition to the structure of the documentation include an audit report. This list is present in paragraph 5 PBU 4/99. Accounting reporting organizationThus, it is a comprehensive document reflecting different aspects of the company's activities and the results of its work.

Documentation Requirements
"Financial statements of the organization "(PBU 4/99) contains a number of prescriptions that mustbe respected by persons reflecting financial data. First of all, the documents should contain complete and reliable information about the position of the company and the results of its business activities. The main criterion in this case is compliance with the requirements enshrined in the regulatory acts of control bodies. If the compilation of any data is not enough, the documentation should be supplemented with the necessary indicators and explanations.
Предприятие может не соблюдать предписание о the completeness of the information provided, if it is impossible to obtain the required indicators for objective reasons. The data that is collected in the process of the formation of financial records should be neutral. In particular, it is meant that information cannot influence decisions made by interested users who evaluate the information provided.

Data complexity
This requirement is considered one of the key.The information presented in the statements should contain indicators reflecting the results of activities of all structural units of the organization, representative offices, other divisions, including those that maintain independent balances. Documents must be drafted consistently. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the continuity of the structure of forms, in which indicators are recorded for different time intervals. Accordingly, the forms containing information used for the subsequent preparation of the balance should be permanent. They can be changed only in exceptional cases. For example, when switching to another type of activity. At the same time, the company should be ready to substantiate the changes, making explanations to the financial documentation. Reporting must be formed taking into account the continuity of results for different periods. If any discrepancies are identified, the specialist who prepares the documentation may adjust the indicators. At the same time, he needs to provide explanations for the operations performed in the annexes to the report and balance sheet.
Specific Information Reflection
There are several nuances that should beconsider when working with PBU. Consider the main ones. First of all, indicators of liabilities, assets, costs, revenues of the company are reflected separately if they are essential for a reliable analysis of the state of the enterprise. If they do not have special value for assessing the financial position of the company, they can be included in the supplements to the report and balance sheet.

Key dates and periods
They are given special attention in the PBU.The key date is the last day of the year. The reporting period is equal to the calendar year. For a newly registered company, it is a time period from the date of registration until December 31. This should take into account the nuance. If an enterprise is registered after October 1, then the reporting year for it lasts from the date of registration until December 31 of the next year.
Additional rules
There are some more special requirementsinstalled in PBU. First of all, it should be said that each element of financial documentation must contain a set of mandatory details. These include:
- Company name.
- Control period and date.
- Document's name.
- Information on the organizational and legal type.
- The way to reflect the indicators.
The Order of the Ministry of Finance is also required to makethe documentation is in Russian, and the ruble is used as the currency. Reporting must be certified by the head, ch. an accountant or other employee with appropriate authority.
Balance sheet
It has a liability and an asset.The indicators contained in them characterize the company's financial position on the reporting day. Assets and liabilities are classified as long-term and short-term. The latter include funds / debt, the period of use / repayment of which is less than a year. For long-term assets / liabilities longer than 12 months.

Profit and loss statement
Based on the report, income is classified.enterprises and its costs. The document reflects the results of business operations performed during the control period. Report analysis is of particular practical importance for managers and interested users. The results of the company show the level of its stability, solvency, payback.
They contain explanations for the report and balance sheet.The purpose of the application, therefore, is the disclosure of information that is present in the financial documents provided for familiarization to interested users. In the explanations, the reporting specialist cites the rationale of any deviations from the rules, indicates their reason. The appendices also reflect the financial consequences of the non-compliance with the norms governing the formation of financial documentation. In addition to the sources of information may be present information relating directly to the business operations performed by the enterprise. As a result, interested users receive complete and reliable data on the financial condition of the company, the sources of their receipt.

Accounting statements must complylegal requirements, the provisions of local acts adopted in the organization, if necessary, according to the policy. Documents reflecting the financial condition of the company should be transparent and understandable to users. If specialists had to abandon the application of certain standards in the preparation of reports, this must be justified in the annexes. The indicators presented in the documents should correspond to the actual state of affairs. Otherwise, liability for inaccurate information is possible. PBU corresponds with many regulations governing the formation of financial documentation. Not all nuances are disclosed in the regulatory act. Therefore, reporting staff should have prompt access to all other legal acts.