/ / 1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management (description and features)

1C: Enterprise 8. 1C-Logistics: Transportation Management (description and features)

Logistics is a process of managementhuman, information and material flows on the basis of cost minimization. To increase its efficiency, many enterprises use the software product "1C: Enterprise 8. TMS Logistics. Transportation managementIn this article we will consider its features.

1с Logistics Transportation Management

general characteristics

The program "1C: Logistics: Transport Management" It is used for automation of flow control. The main goal is to increase the profitability of operations.

Software solution "1C: Enterprise, Logistics, Transportation Management" was created on the basis of international experience, based on the analysis of the needs of domestic enterprises.

The system allows you to manage the transportation of inventory items from the supplier to the warehouse and to the end user.

Who can use the product?

Software solution "1C: TMS Logistics. Transportation management"is focused on companies that seek to optimize the process as much as possible.

The product can be used:

  1. Transportation companies, carrying out transportationany TS, including mixed schemes. Enterprises can use not only their own fleet, but also use the services of other firms to transport cargo on those or other sections of the route.
  2. Transport and logistics unitsproduction, trading and other companies that deliver goods from both suppliers to the warehouse, and to the final buyer. The units can also use the TS of their fleet or third parties.
  3. Procurement department in the process of planning and controlling the delivery of goods by the supplier. System "1C: Enterprise 8.1s. Logistics. Transportation management"allows you to take into account all current and future supplies and forecast the company's trade and production operations.
  4. Sales department when planning and controlling the shipment of products from the warehouse of the enterprise, if it is delivered to consumers.
  5. Divisions of the company responsible for moving goods between warehouses.

 1с Company 8 1с Logistics Transportation Management

Tasks of the software product

System "1C 8: Logistics. Transportation management"allows you to solve the most common problems of transport logistics. In particular:

  1. Inefficient use of vehicle types and models due to the lack of selection algorithms that take into account the maximum use of vehicle characteristics (load capacity, etc.).
  2. Increased mileage due to the lack of optimal routing schemes.
  3. The lack / absence of data exchange between the units of the enterprise involved in transportation.
  4. Absence of control over the location of the vehicle and the condition of the goods in transit.
  5. Absence of a reporting scheme for analyzing the efficiency and quality of delivery for making managerial decisions.

Minimizing costs

The intensive increase in freight traffic and the need to improve the quality of service to partners and consumers force enterprises to revise the composition of freight costs.

 1s 8 logistics transportation management

Automated control system "1C: Transportation management" allows:

  1. Increase the volume of transported goods without expanding the fleet of vehicles.
  2. Reduce the share of "idle" runs.
  3. Increase the accuracy and quality of orders.
  4. Reduce staff costs.
  5. In the automatic mode, create a travel and shipping documentation.
  6. Receive up-to-date information on various performance indicators.


Software "1C: Logistics. Transport Management"allows:

  1. Consider the transport and logistics departmentcompanies as a financial and responsible center. This, in turn, facilitates the adoption of well-founded decisions related to the involvement of outside enterprises in the implementation of certain tasks in the transport process. In addition, the unit is given the opportunity to conduct internal self-financing, to form the prices for services provided to other departments of the firm.
  2. Use in work different types and types of vehicles depending on the stage of delivery (air, courier service, etc.).
  3. To manage the transportation carried out by both own and attracted funds.
  4. To register the goods in the form of goods (according to the specification), and as impersonal units (places, pallets, boxes, etc.).
  5. Monitor all stages of transportation.

"1С: Предприятие 8. Логистика. Управление перевозками": description of delivery

 1с company logistics transportation management

A distinctive feature of the product is its simplicity. The software solution is easily implemented in the work of almost any enterprise, adapting to the specifics of organizational and technological requirements.

In the product "1C: Logistics. Transport Management"All the advantages of the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform are used: openness, ease of configuration, ease of administration, scalability,

The software solution is compatible with Ingit electronic cards. Due to this, the work of the route scheduler for a particular vehicle becomes much more convenient.

In the delivery of the product "1C: Logistics. Transport Management"includes:

  • Full set of documents.
  • Security keys (licenses for the use of the system and configuration for one workplace).

To expand the number of users an enterprisecan acquire an unlimited number of additional licenses. In the basic configuration, there is also a half-year subscription to ITS (information and technical support). It can be considered self-taught to "1C: Logistics.


Software "1C: Logistics. Transportation Management provides automation of management:

  1. Requirements for the transportation of goods. With the help of the software solution, registration and control of orders for orders from buyers and suppliers, on consignment notes (with internal movement) is carried out.
  2. Tasks for transportation. In particular, accounting and control of order execution is provided.
  3. Shipping freight. In the automated mode, routes are formed for the transportation of products specified in various tasks, and the control of the execution of flights with tracking of the vehicle on the way is conducted.
  4. Resources. In the automated mode, accounting and control of the satisfaction of applications for the provision of vehicles for the implementation of formed flights is carried out.

1c tms logistics freight management

In addition, the software product provides:

  1. Visualization of data on electronic maps.
  2. Obtaining analytical information to assess the basic parameters of the effectiveness of completed orders, depending on the type of vehicle, as well as to analyze the accumulated statistical information.

The software solution also allows you to organize functional work areas for purchasing / sales managers, dispatchers, logisticians, and heads of departments.

Manage Shipping Requirements

These needs may appear on the basis of orders of the buyer, supplier, as well as the planned movement of inventory between the warehouses of the enterprise.

Registration is done by the manager of the purchasing or sales department or by the employee accepting applications. This automates:

  • Registration of the application for transportation and instructionsinformation available at this time. In its composition, in particular, includes information on the nomenclature of the goods, the recipient, the sender and their addresses, the time interval for delivery, data on contact persons.
  • Cancellation of the application before the execution.
  • Execution control: "refused", "completed", "executed".

Job management

In the framework of this direction, the design is automated with the help of a software product:

  • tasks based on information from the application;
  • failure to execute the application;
  • tasks for delivery.

In the latter case, the nomenclature composition, volume-weight parameters of the cargo and places, transportation conditions, delivery chain, information about the performer at each stage are registered.

In addition, the cancellation of the task is automated before the start of its execution.


В системе "1С: Логистика.Freight Management "orders are registered for multi- and unimodal transportation consisting of several links in the chain of the logistics process. The delivery company can also be the company that directly accepts the applications and a third-party transport organization.

1c transportation management 1c management system

The software product allows you to create a workplace of the employee, analyzing the applications for transportation, forming tasks and developing the optimal delivery chain for each cargo.

Transport Management Optimization

In the automated mode are carried out:

  1. Supervision of processed flights with the possibility of cancellation of the route.
  2. Control of delivery performance with tracking the movement of the vehicle on the way.
  3. Cancel mission assignments.
  4. Monitoring changes in the status of the goods (registration of losses, shortages).
  5. Accounting for actual shipping costs.

With the help of the "1C: Logistics" system, you can create a workplace for an employee who completes and routes flights.

Resource management

With the help of the program are carried out:

  1. Control of applications for the allocation of resources for flight operations and their analysis.
  2. Confirmation of applications and their execution.
  3. Registration of refusal in granting the HARDWARE for performance of flights.

The program's functions allow you to create a working area for the head of the transport department or another employee authorized to distribute the vehicle and personnel for specific flights.

Analytical reporting

The program can be analyzed:

  1. Fulfillment of applications for the delivery of goods.
  2. Execution of tasks for transportation along the links of the logistics chains installed in them.
  3. Satisfying applications for the provision of vehicles.
  4. Perform flights.
  5. Shipping costs.
  6. Task processing time.

In the automated mode, the analysis of technological, technical, quality indicators of the efficiency of the use of the vehicle. These factors include:

  1. The use of load capacity. It is calculated by dividing the amount of cargo on the load capacity of the vehicle.
  2. The use of volume. It is determined by dividing the volume of cargo per flight by the volume of the vehicle.
  3. Unit costs for own / hired transport. It is calculated by dividing the total costs by the quantity of the delivered goods.
  4. Transportation efficiency It is determined by dividing the amount of cargo transported by the number of machine hours (days).
  5. Completed assignments. It is calculated by dividing the number of completed tasks by their total number.
  6. Refusal to provide the vehicle. It is calculated by dividing the number of refusals by the total number of applications.

 Enterprise 8 1c Logistics Freight Management Description

Visualization of information on electronic maps

This feature helps improve efficiency.dispatcher work with routing. Cards are not included in the software package. At the same time, work with them will be supported in the presence of licenses purchased from copyright holders.

The company chooses the cards with which it will work, based on needs.