/ / Voluntary insurance of an apartment. Rating of insurance companies

Voluntary apartment insurance. Rating of insurance companies

On the protection of real estate people think aftersome kind of incident. Statistics show that persons who independently purchased housing (in cash or on credit) want to issue voluntary insurance for the apartment themselves. Rating of insurance companies that provide such a service, the conditions of service - we will try to highlight all these issues in our article.

Short glossary

The premium is the contribution of the client to the company in accordance with the insurance contract. Its size is individually calculated in each case.

Indemnification is monetary compensation for damage paid under the contract after the occurrence of the insured event.

Rate - the rate of contribution per unit of contract value.

Apartment insurance against fire, natural disaster or other risk is usually issued for a period from a month to one year.

apartment insurance insurance company rating


Mortgage apartment insurance isa prerequisite for obtaining a loan. But among the clients of companies there are individuals who independently purchased housing. They are aware of the value of the property, willing to spend money on additional measures of protection. To obtain a policy you can insure only the finish or property. But many customers include bearing walls in the contract. This greatly increases the cost of services.


Voluntary insurance of an apartment iscostly pleasure. There are not many people willing to spend a large amount at once to protect the property. For such clients, insurance is provided, which is paid on a receipt along with utilities. This innovation does not work in all regions. It is more suitable for people who want to issue voluntary apartment insurance, they are reviewing the rating of insurance companies, but they have no time to issue papers.

apartment insurance reviews

To participate in the program, you must specify the amountof the fee, note in the receipt the risks to be protected. You can pay for the service simultaneously with utilities. This option does not take into account the individual characteristics of the property. Therefore, to rely on a large payment in the event of an insured event is not worth it.

What is protected?

  1. Walls and supporting structures that make up most of the cost of the apartment. The risk is damage to these items. Even with minor damage, high payouts are foreseen.
  2. Finishing: windows, wallpapers, communications, etc. Such protection will help to compensate for damage, for example, from flooding.
  3. Property: from household appliances to jewelry.
  4. Civil responsibility. The company will pay a refund if you accidentally damage your neighbors' property.

The payout amount varies depending onthe area in which the object is located. It is not profitable to lower the numbers of the company, since in this case the premium decreases. In order not to be mistaken in the calculations, insurers personally come and inspect the object. Household appliances are insured for 10-20% of the cost. Expensive items are a separate item. Their value is determined by check.

home mortgage insurance


  1. Fire, domestic gas explosion, lightning strike, arson.
  2. Natural disasters.
  3. Water damage from plumbing, sewer, heating systems.
  4. Actions by third parties.

Contract Features

The financial capabilities of the client are the only ones.a restriction that applies to apartment insurance. Rating of insurance companies consists of several hundred financial institutions with different service programs. You can use standard service packages, choose constructors or use an agent to make an individual contract. Risks that are not subject to protection are stipulated in the legislation - damage to the object as a result of a nuclear explosion, military operations, and natural corrosion.


Approximately 80% of all property insurance contracts fall on the collateral segment. Another 10% - transactions concluded with the owners of luxury real estate. But this segment does not affect the market much.

Most potential consumers of the servicedon't even think about it. There are several reasons for this. First, citizens do not trust this segment. Secondly, no one lobbies the law “On Compulsory Property Insurance”, unlike “autocitizen”. It turns out that the car owner represents how much it costs to protect the vehicle, while the landlord does not. But this does not mean that the service is inefficient.

apartment insurance against flooding

Who needs it?

Experts believe that insurance is worthall property owners. After all, the risk of suffering from a flood, fire, or damage to property of third parties is always present. Insurers also recommend protecting apartments that are rented out even for several months, especially if they do not have reliable locks, fire and security alarms, bars on windows, metal doors. Objects that are located near the pipeline, heat mains, airports, and airways are exposed to even greater risks. The apartment insurance contract even includes protection against the fall of aircraft and vehicles and their debris. These factors greatly increase the size of the premium. Office owners claim that sometimes the cost of strengthening the security system is less than the cost of the service.


Mortgage insurance. Банки обязывают клиентов оформить такой договор when buying a dwelling on credit. The document provides for payment in case of loss of work, ownership of property, etc. The agreement is concluded for the entire period of use of borrowed funds.

Apartment insurance. Insurance companies under such contracts make payments in case of fire, flooding, theft, robbery, natural disaster. The service program is selected individually.

apartment fire insurance

Home insurance - a service similar to the previous one. Protection is subject to any structure (its element), which is located in the city or village.

Title Insurance - used only when buying property.This transaction protects the interests of owners in case of loss of real estate rights by a court decision. For example, if the apartment was purchased a few years ago, and ownership changed hands. There is a risk that the transaction of one of the former sellers may be challenged. If the property was purchased from a construction company, there is no need for such a service.

Apartment insurance: rating of insurance companies

Банк России ежегодно на своем сайте публикует list of the most profitable companies. This rating is based on such indicators as the amount of premiums paid, the share of contracts concluded, the percentage of refusals, etc. According to official data, Rosgosstrakh, SOGAZ, Ingosstrakh, and RESO are leaders in the market by economic indicators. At the same time, Russians trust such companies more: Hephaestus, Energogarant, Ugoria.

apartment insurance insurance companies

When choosing a company, it is worth paying attention toreviews of relatives, acquaintances, as well as customers on sites. There were cases when the apartment was insured in two companies, and upon the occurrence of an unforeseen situation, one paid the compensation in full, and the second even refused to consider the case.

It is very important to study the documents, requirements forfiling an application, the procedure for calculating the amount of damage, documents confirming the fact of its application. In practice, the more a company requires securities, the more problems there will be in the future with the receipt of payment.

Apartment insurance against flooding on receipt

The introduction of this service not only protectsproperty interests of citizens, but also reduces the budget costs for the restoration of damaged property. Whether to take part in a public offer, everyone decides on their own. The advantages of such a transaction mass. There is no need in the first stage to spend large sums on apartment insurance, there is no need to study the rating of companies. To enter into a contract, you just need to pay the down payment. The amount has already been deposited in the EPR, which is distributed to all residents.

The apartment will be considered protected from the firstnext month. That is, if funds are deposited in October, on November 1, apartment insurance begins to operate. Customer reviews confirm that such a scheme is very convenient. To use the service permanently, you need to pay dues together with utilities every month.

The scheme is also called preferential.Companies develop a single tariff (1.5-2 rubles / sq. M.), Which significantly reduces the cost of the service. The public offer includes standard risks: protection against fire, gas explosion, lightning, natural disasters. Subtenants can also get insurance for an apartment. Reviews confirm that you can calculate the contribution amount yourself. It is enough to multiply the tariff for the total area of ​​housing. For example, for a two-room apartment of 50 square meters. m. at a rate of 1.5 rubles. the contribution will be: 1.5 x 50 = 75 rubles. per month.

voluntary apartment insurance

Сумму можно внести одним платежом сразу за весь year. Under the preferential program, unlike the standard one, tariffs rarely change. Feedback from people confirms that in case of voluntary insurance, advance payments are not always appropriate. Sometimes customers paid for the service for the year ahead, and then the tariffs were changed in the lower direction. That is, to save money did not work.

It is very important to pay for the service on time.In the case of skipping the next installment, the contract is suspended, and the previously transferred money is not returned. If in a few months a person again wants to insure the housing, it is enough to start paying in again. Debt for the period of inactivity is not charged. But the client will not receive compensation in case of an insured event. Compensation is paid within seven days after settlement.