/ How to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer? Preparing a healthy drink at home

How to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer? Preparing a healthy drink at home

Natural orange juice is wonderfuldrink. It has a rich citrus flavor, rich in vitamins, perfectly refreshing in the heat. On sale there are many varieties of this drink, but their quality is often in doubt. Happy owners of juicers can pamper themselves with a frash at least daily, and what should those who do not acquire modern technology do? Is it possible to do without it? So, let's talk about how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer. By the way, it's not such a complicated business.

how to squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer

Cooking Orange Juice Himself

Ripe oranges are so juicy that sometimes forgetting the juice is enough to cut the fruit into two parts and strongly press. Of the two halves will almost a whole glass of fragrant orangeade. For the process to go faster, hold the fruit in boiling water (3 minutes) or in the microwave (1 minute) in advance.


Many more know how to squeeze juice fromorange without a juicer, using a special device - a citrus-press. It is a cone-shaped plastic funnel, which is simply screwed into a half of the fruit and facilitates squeezing out the juice. Sold such a thing in hardware stores and is quite a bit. And the result is in no way inferior to that provided by expensive electronics.

How can you squeeze juice from an orange without a juicer

Strain through gauze

Continuing the theme of how to squeeze juice from an orangewithout a juicer, we can not fail to mention the most effective, but rather laborious method. The fruit is peeled from the peel and films, we put the lobules into a colander, laid with several layers of gauze. With the help of a pistil, squeeze the juice into a container. The remains of the pulp are wrapped in gauze and carefully squeezed.

Brute force

Не знаете, как выжать сок из апельсина без juicers, and there are no devices like the citrus press at hand? No problem! Armed with a kitchen board and a knife. A whole orange roll on the board, pressing to its surface with effort. When it becomes soft, make a hole with a knife and just squeeze the juice into a glass. One of the options for this method is to simply carefully crush the orange with your hands, so that the juice comes out of the lobules.

Variety of flavors

Well, with how to squeeze the juice from an orange withoutjuicers, we figured it out. You can begin to practice. And all these methods are good for other citrus fruits: grapefruit, lemons, tangerines, limes, twigs, pomelo. Experiment with different tastes, alternating them and combining with each other.