/ / Why does white blotch appear on chocolate? Can I eat it?

Why does white blot appear on chocolate? Can I eat it?

It happens that there is a white raid on chocolate. Such a product seems to be completely unappetizing for a person. This article will look at why this happens and how it affects your health.

Шоколад является очень калорийной пищей.Despite this, some nutrition experts recommend including it in the diet. It contains such beneficial substances as magnesium and antioxidants. The latter, in turn, are responsible for the level of a person’s mood. But what action should be taken if the chocolate is covered with white bloom? Let's try to sort out this issue.

white chocolate coating

Why does a rash appear on the product?

The main source of this “miracle” is considered high humidity. Often, when the product is in a refrigerator for a long time, it is covered with a touch of this shade.

Другой причиной такого вида шоколада является sudden changes in the temperature of the room or device in which it was stored. Not always the product is delivered to the supermarkets properly. Although in the transport, with which the delivery of sweets to the store, all the conditions of its storage must be met.

How does white blot form on chocolate? Moisture condenses on a certain area of ​​the tile. After that, sugar dissolves here. As soon as the water evaporates, it turns into small crystals.

White chocolate coating: what does it mean?

Most people think that this shadesweet treats informs them about expired shelf life. In fact, this is a wrong opinion. The coating itself is completely harmless. It has no effect on the quality, taste and smell of the product.

chocolate covered with white bloom

Of course, this chocolate does not look verybeautiful. But the formation of plaque is a natural process. Thus, the white tint on the tile in no way indicates the deterioration of the product.

How to keep a sweet treat?

It is known that for any kind of food there iscertain storage conditions. So for this sweetness. Chocolate should be in a room where the air temperature does not exceed +19 degrees. As mentioned earlier, sharp drops in this indicator should be avoided. So, it is strongly recommended not to place tiles near radiators or near a window on which the sun's rays fall.

Продукт не нужно хранить в холодильном device, as white chocolate coating may appear. It is best to have this sweet treat in the kitchen, on any of the shelves, or in a cool, dark room.

Where and in which dishes should not use the product with a white tint?

Having reviewed and read the previous sections of the article,It is safe to talk about the harmlessness of tiles with such color. To eat such a product, of course, you can, but we often add it to any dishes. Under what circumstances you can not use chocolate with a white patina? In the food served on the table, which should look perfect.

white bloom on chocolate what does it mean

It turns out that this white color on the tile cangive some shade to the rich brown color of the product. For example, it is not suitable for chocolate fondue. The color of the dish will not be so beautiful and bright. This product will not spoil the taste of food. But a little spoil his presentability. Therefore, before you prepare a dish for guests, you should choose chocolate without white bloom. And then in this case, your table will be impeccable. And the people who came home, will only admire not only the taste, but also the beautiful design, the bright color of sweet treats. Therefore, if you are faced with the choice of which chocolate to choose for cooking, do not be lazy and get that tile that does not have any shades on its surface.

What can be made of such a product?

Answering the question:“Why is chocolate covered with white bloom?”, We will try to figure out where to use it. By itself, the product does not lose its unique taste, the smell remains the same. Accordingly, you can eat it.

But what to do, except how to use it infood? You can cook such sweet pastries and treats, which include this component. Chocolate cookies or muffins? Or maybe a cake? Anything your heart desires. One has only to turn on the fantasy. It turns out that seemingly unpresentable and rejected goods can be used in cooking in a variety of dishes.

why chocolate is covered with white bloom

An interesting delicacy is chocolate muffins. There are lots of options for their preparation, so everyone will be able to choose the right one for themselves.

Therefore, seeing a white bloom on chocolate,get discouraged and in no case throw it away. This is a complete product with the same taste, only with a touch. Unpresentable tiles can be eaten by your children or added to any sweet homemade treat. Do not hesitate, the taste of dishes will be wonderful!

And in order to avoid white bloom on the tile of your favorite chocolate, observe all the conditions of its storage.