/ How to Preserve Cucumbers: Recipes and Tips

How to Preserve Cucumbers: Recipes and Tips

Most of us just love winterblanks. One of the most common among them are canned cucumbers. There is a great mass of their recipes, among which there are both bad and good. And sometimes there are very good, prepared for which vegetables are just a find in the winter. So let's take a closer look at how to preserve cucumbers.

First of all, I would like to draw the reader's attention to some rules that are unshakable when choosing the main product.

In order for cucumbers to be preservedtasty and stood under the lid for a long time, it is desirable to choose such fruits that will be approximately the same size. Also no less important is their color - dark green is the best option. Do not use flabby and soft cucumbers - they will not last long - you just spend your time and money.

And now, having understood with the most simplethe rules for choosing fruits, it's time to begin to describe some ways how to preserve cucumbers. And I would like to start, perhaps, with the most unusual.

Recipe 1

For cooking you will need:

  • fresh cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • water - 1 l .;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • sugar-1 l;
  • salt - 1.5 liters;
  • black peppercorns;
  • red currant (for decoration);
  • fennel

All of the above ingredients are designed for one three-liter jar.

How to preserve cucumbers?First of all, it is necessary to perform their primary processing. It consists in thorough washing. Note that if the cucumbers are not domestic, then it is best to hold them for some time in the water - about five hours. Meanwhile, do other preparations: you need to sterilize the cans and prepare greens with berries.

When the cucumbers are ready, and the tare is sterilized,proceed to the laying of the fruit. To begin with, you need to put peas, dill and chopped garlic on the bottom of the jar. Only then lay out the cucumbers. Note that they should be placed only vertically: this way you will be much easier to get them later, and even more. After that, in each jar you need to add a few currant berries and cover the marinade with a lid. After that, the jars need to be sterilized for 10 minutes and then rolled up.

Cooking marinade. He prepares very simple. To do this, take salt, sugar and water. The mixture is boiled and poured hot in jars at the right time.

Recipe 2

Now I would like to draw the attention of readers.on how to preserve cucumbers so that they eventually turned out crispy and no less tasty than in the previous recipe. All the ingredients of this recipe are also designed for a three-liter jar. And for this it is not at all necessary to make canned cucumbers with mustard, which is far from being useful to everyone!

For cooking you will need:

  • cucumbers;
  • Bay leaf;
  • dill; salt 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • water - 1.5 l .;
  • seasoning to taste (cloves, dill, bell pepper, etc.);
  • Table vinegar - 2 tbsp.

Then take the pan, the size of which depends onthe amount of fruit you cooked. After that, cucumbers need to be poured and, wrapped in a blanket or towel, leave to cool until the water is just warm.

In the meantime, take steps to sterilize the cans and when you get cucumbers, put them in prepared containers. Put the garlic, pepper and bay leaf there.

Now pour all the marinade that is being prepared.exactly the same as for the previous recipe. At the same time, you can put other spices prepared by you in the jars. Add vinegar. The field of this container must be very quickly clogged and, covered with a blanket or towel, let stand for a while.

A very important point is the period during which ready cucumbers will stand under a blanket - try to reduce it to a minimum, otherwise the fruit will be soft.