/ Roast beef recipe. How to cook roast beef?

Roast beef recipe. How to cook roast beef?

Roast beef (recipe will be discussed a little below)is a fairly popular dish, which is a large piece of beef baked in the oven. Sometimes this ingredient is fried or stewed on a grill grate.

roast beef recipe

The right choice of meat

Before cooking roast beef, you shouldcorrectly select all the necessary ingredients, in particular the meat product. It should be noted that the beef for the preparation of the presented dish is not recommended to take frozen. However, the twin product will not suit us. The best thing would be such a meat piece, which lay in the refrigerator for at least three days.

Ростбиф, рецепт которого мы рассмотрим в данной the article will turn out very tasty and satisfying, if the beef is taken without stones and with a minimum amount of fat. Before using this ingredient to make a fragrant dinner, it must be taken out of the refrigerator compartment in advance and kept at room temperature for about an hour. So, a piece of meat will heat up to the temperature we need at 20-23 ºС. By the way, roast beef, the recipe of which involves the use of fresh beef, will turn out soft and tender, if you buy the main ingredient only from a young animal. After all, if you take an old and wiry product, the dish will be very tough and tasteless.

Roast Beef: A Classic Cooking Recipe

To make a simple, but at the same time hearty and very tasty dish, you need to stock up on a small amount of inexpensive products. For this we need:

  • a piece of beef without bone and fat - 2.5 kg;
  • refined olive oil - 45-65 ml;
  • Dijon mustard - add to taste and desire.

Processing the meat product before baking

roast beef classic recipe

    Strictly observing all requirements for cookingsuch a dish, you must cook a very tasty and satisfying roast beef. The recipe for this classic culinary creation does not recommend the use of salt and other aromatic spices. They can be used only when dinner will be served to the table in chopped form. So, before heat treatment of beef, it should be thoroughly washed, cut off all unnecessary films and veins, as well as the surface layer of fat (if any). After that, the marble meat piece is required to be flavored with Dijon mustard, as well as refined olive oil. These components will give the dish a special flavor and will contribute to its uniform coating with a golden crust.

    roast beef recipes with photos

    Baking process

    Before starting the heat treatment,A fragrant piece of meat without bones and the surface layer of fat is required to be rolled tightly, and then tightly tied with baking thread. This process should start from the center of the product. Next, you need to heat the oven to the maximum, place the treated beef on the rack, and set the pan at the bottom, in which it is desirable to pour a little drinking water. This will significantly speed up the preparation of roast beef, and it will turn out much juicier.

    In the process of baking meat without boneIt is recommended to turn over periodically. Within a quarter of an hour, the temperature in the oven should be around 250 ºС. Next, the degree must be reduced to 150 units and prepare the dish to the desired softness. It should be noted that the beef is considered fully suitable for consumption if a sharp knife is inserted into it, and reddish juice is extracted from the cut. To avoid the loss of broth when slicing roast beef, a reddened piece is required to be wrapped in several layers of dense foil and left in this position for 20 minutes.

    How to serve meat to the table?

    После приготовления мяса с кровью его следует right in the foil, cut into thin steaks, beautifully arranged on a flat plate, and then bring to the table along with some side dish. It is also recommended that such a dish be served with sauce, herbs and other snacks in the form of fresh vegetables. Enjoy your meal!

    Marinated roast beef: a recipe for step cooking

    This dish is cooked no more difficult.the previous one. But unlike the classic version, this dinner turns out more fragrant and tender. And this is due to the fact that after heat treatment, the meat is marinated in a special sauce for several hours. But first things first.

    So, the recipe for roast beef with marinade involves the use of the following products:

    how to cook roast beef

    • fresh young beef tenderloin - 1.5 kg;
    • onion bulbs - 4 pcs .;
    • peeled large cloves of garlic - 2 pcs .;
    • black pepper allspice - 2/3 dessert spoon;
    • salt cooked - add to taste;
    • refined olive oil - 55 ml;
    • wine vinegar or balsamic - 8 large spoons;
    • soy sauce - 70 ml;
    • white dry wine - 200 ml;
    • ground coriander - dessert spoon;
    • seasoning intended for marinade - use as desired (dessert spoon).

    Meat preparation

    Before you start cooking deliciousmeat dishes, purchased a piece of beef is required to carefully process. To do this, it must be well washed and cut off all inedible veins and films. Next, the meat ingredient is required to rub with salt and allspice, and then sprinkle with refined olive oil.

    roast beef recipe

    Heat treatment of the dish

    После того как кусок говядины будет полностью prepared and seasoned with spices, it should be placed on a preheated pan and fry thoroughly on all sides until golden brown. Next, an appetizing meat ingredient is required to be placed on a baking sheet or any other form and sent to a strongly heated oven for a quarter of an hour. During this time, the piece will become even more crisp and juicy. It should be noted that roast beef prepared according to this recipe is obtained with a small amount of blood. But those people who do not like half-baked meat can stand it in the oven for another quarter of an hour. In addition, beef can be pre-placed in cooking foil and bake it in this state.

    Preparation of marinade

    Маринованный ростбиф (рецепты с фото представлены in this article) turns out to be much tastier and juicier than cooked by the method described above. That is why this option is particularly popular with those who can not imagine their lives without hearty meat dishes.

    After the beef is cooked in the ovenput it on a large flat plate and then cut into small steaks up to one and a half centimeters thick. Next, you need to start creating a fragrant marinade. To do this, mix the following ingredients in one bowl: bitter onion rings, grated chives, wine or balsamic vinegar, soy sauce, dry white wine, ground coriander and various seasonings. In the resulting marinade should put the previously fried pieces of beef, tightly close the lid and put in the refrigerator for 6-10 hours, and better all night. After this time, the meat is completely soaked with sauce, it will become the most fragrant, juicy and tasty.

    roast beef pickled recipe

    Correct feed to the table

    Маринованный ростбиф следует преподносить гостям on a portion of plates with your favorite side dish. In addition, it is recommended to serve wheat bread, lemon, mustard, garlic or any other sauce, as well as fresh herbs (cilantro, parsley, leek, etc.) and a salad of raw vegetables to the meat dish. Good appetite!