/ / What is special about vodka "Morosha"?

What is special about "Morosh" vodka?

Nothing is more fun for adultsgood alcohol. And although it is possible to talk a lot about the dangers of alcohol-containing drinks, they will not become less on our tables. Therefore, it is extremely important to know which of the alcoholic products are created without the addition of “non-natural” chemicals, and which are commonly called “fake vodka”.

Vodka morosha
Not so long ago, TM appeared on the Ukrainian market."Frost". The unusual name and good advertising campaign allowed this vodka to gain popularity among many connoisseurs of alcoholic beverages in other countries. What is the difference between Morosha vodka, is it really unique in its composition and what are the reviews about this alcoholic beverage - let's look at it in order.

Brand History

In August 2011 in the city of Lviv (Ukraine)international alcoholic holding Global Spirits began production of a special vodka called "Morosha". The uniqueness of this drink is that, unlike the others, this vodka uses water from real mineral sources of the Carpathians. This, in the opinion of the producers, makes Moros vodka softer and more natural.

A wonderful advertising campaign, which was carried out mainly on television, bore fruit: in 2 months the company sold 1 million bottles of the drink.

Buyers liked the softness of vodka "Morosha", which was palpable in comparison with other strong drinks of the same price category.

Over time, the production of "Morosha" began in Russia - in Vologda. Neither the recipe nor the design of “Moroshi” has changed, however, those who have tried vodka both there and there, note the difference in taste.

The composition of vodka

The main "trick" of this drink is the use ofmineral water in the composition. Mining them in a mountain source "Mizunskoe" in the tract Lisintsy, Ivano-Frankivsk region. Due to the fact that the water beats at an altitude of 1122 meters above sea level, it is distinguished by a special mineral composition. The same water is used as a canteen in this region, and it can be drunk without prior filtration.

Vodka Morosha. Reviews

Water is defended for some timeafter which she is fully prepared to make vodka from it. Especially for this mineral water is selected alcohol of the class "Lux", which creates a unique taste of alcoholic beverage and affects its softness.

To fully support the image of "eco" in"Morosha" add aromatic spirits from the collections of mountain herbs and oatmeal infusions. Thus, at the plant "Hetman" create a unique vodka without a pronounced alcohol flavor.


Initially, the owner of the holding Evgeny Chernyakmade the promotion of the brand "Morosha" due to the environmental friendliness of the product. Despite the fact that the price of this vodka is above average, it is because of the naturalness and softness that consumers liked this drink.

"Morosha" is a word from the dialect of the inhabitants of the Carpathians,which denotes an atmospheric phenomenon when steam from trees rises above the forest, resembling fog. The word so suited the brand in sounding that, in the main, consumers do not even think about the origin of the word.

Immediately launched a large advertising campaignon TV. A beautiful commercial with views of the Carpathians and a clear position with the prefix "eco" interested many. Manufacturers also “transferred” the naturalness of this vodka into a bottle in the form of a drop with a label in the form of a leaf. This was an excellent detail that distinguishes "Morosha" on the shelves of stores among other vodkas. Also differs bottle cork, made from natural raw materials.

Over time, the ad campaign leaked toInternet, and the high-quality official website of TM "Morosha" was created. A dozen people worked on his work for a long time. Specially for the site unique photos were taken, a lot of information about the area was collected and a version for mobile devices was developed.

The softness of vodka Morosha

Brand success

Sophisticated advertising and an emphasis on naturalnessmade their own: today in Ukraine, "Morosha" is in the TOP 5 of the most popular vodkas in the country and is confidently gaining popularity in Russia. In 2013, at home, vodka showed an incredible development and became more popular by 81%. This indicator is one of the largest in the world in terms of the speed of brand propagation.

Since 2013 in Russia at the plant "Russian North" inVologda produces Moros vodka for the Russian market. Here it is produced using the same technology, but on mineral water from the source of Karelia. Although this is one brand, many consumers feel a significant difference in vodka from different countries. In Russia, not so high quality vodka "Morosha", customer reviews - confirmation of this.

Types of "Moroshi"

Vodka Morosha. Softness level

Depending on the height at which water is extracted from a source in the Carpathians, manufacturers have created 5 different modifications of this alcoholic beverage.

  • "Spring" ("Dzherelna"), the water for which is produced at an altitude of 470 m above sea level.
  • "Carpathian" - 630 m.
  • "Reserved" - 850 m.
  • "On the water from the lake Synevyr" - 989 m.
  • "Premium" - 1050 m.

Also, since the end of October 2015, a special vodka has been produced, Vodograyna. Water is extracted for it at an altitude of 430 m. Infusions from yarrow, lemon peel and black elderberry are added to it.

Criterion for Russia, which is different vodka"Frost" - the level of softness. So, it is 1, 2 and 3 levels, and each of the buyers can choose a suitable one. Thus, vodka "Frost 3" is the strongest, and 1 is the softest. Bottles are available in 0.5, 0.7 and 1.0 liters.

Reviews of "Moroshe"

In Ukraine, this vodka is really different in taste. Because of the greater variety, choosing a favorite option is much easier for the consumer.

In general, in the homeland, vodka "Morosha" is one of the mostpopular despite the general rise in prices in the country. This is due to the quality of the drink, which differs from the products of other manufacturers of softness and taste.

Vodka Morosha 3

In Russia, the situation is different.Many customers note that the vodka produced at the Russky Sever plant is not the best, even though it uses fairly high-quality alcohol Alpha. Moreover, some customers complained not only about the unpleasant taste of the drink, but also about the fact that it freezes at a temperature below 0. Therefore, Morosha vodka is not so popular in Russia, the reviews on Internet resources confirm this.