/ / The most delicious charlotte. How to cook?

The most delicious Charlotte. How to cook?

Surprisingly, the most delicious charlotte is preparedusing a small amount of mayonnaise. Such a sponge cake with apples differs from the simple one in that it turns out to be much more lush, fragrant and tastier. It is also worth noting that this dessert must be covered with a layer of chocolate icing.

the most delicious charlotte

How to cook a delicious charlotte for an unusual recipe

Essential ingredients for the base:

  • medium fat mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • chicken eggs small - 3 pcs .;
  • sugar sand - 1.3 cups;
  • wheat flour - 2 full faceted glasses;
  • lemon juice and baking soda - on a small spoon;
  • vanilla sugar - 6 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1-2 dessert spoons (for smearing dishes);
  • Fresh sweet apples - 2 pcs.

Process of kneading the base

The most delicious charlotte is prepared for the samethe principle as the classic version of this dessert. In order to mix the fluffy base, you need to break the eggs and divide them into whites and yolks. To the latter you need to add medium fat mayonnaise and granulated sugar, and then mix everything well using a whisk. Proteins should be slightly cooled and whipped with a mixer. After that, both masses need to be mixed, pour vanilla sugar and wheat flour to them. In order for the most delicious charlotte to turn out lush, soft and literally melting in the mouth, baking soda, which must be quenched with lemon juice, should be put into the dough.

how to cook a delicious charlotte

Fruit Processing Process

As you know, the sponge cake from apples does not toleratethe slowness of the cook. After all, the whipped base should instantly be in shape, and subsequently in the oven. Therefore, before preparing the dough, you should first process the sweet fruit. To do this, you need to take 2 apples, wash them thoroughly, clean them from tough rind, seeds and navels, and then cut them into small slices.

Formation and heat treatment of dessert

The most delicious recipe for charlotte involvesuse for baking cake split metal or flexible silicone molds. Before you put in the strongly whipped dough, it is recommended to grease the surface of the dish with vegetable oil and cover some of the sliced ​​apples. After that, you need to pour in the whole base, and lay out the remaining fruit on top. Next, the dishes need to immediately put in a preheated oven and hold it there for at least 50 minutes. Over time, the pie should be taken out, pushed with a spatula, put on the cake and cool completely. At this point, you can do the preparation of the glaze.

the most delicious recipe for charlotte

Necessary ingredients:

  • chocolate bar;
  • a pair of spoons of fresh milk;
  • piece of butter.

All ingredients are required to lay out in a metal dish, heat slightly, mix thoroughly, and then distribute over the surface of the charlotte.

How to properly serve the table

The most delicious charlotte should be served to the table.chilled with hot cocoa, tea or coffee. For greater attractiveness and beauty biscuit cake with icing can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.