/ / How tasty to bake a leg of lamb?

How delicious to bake a leg of lamb?

Bake a leg of lamb is not an easy task.This can cause difficulties not only for beginners, but even for experienced cooks. If you are still tempted by the idea of ​​making a leg of lamb in the oven, then use this recipe. With him you not only make a wonderful tasty dish, but you can surprise guests so that they will remember your food for a long time.

How delicious to bake a leg of lamb

bake a leg of lamb

In this recipe, we suggest immediately killing two birds with one stone: bake the meat and make a shurpa. To do this you will need:

  • one leg of lamb;
  • for minced meat: onions, tomatoes (mashed potatoes, canned tomatoes in own juice), lard, spices, sugar, salt;
  • any fresh vegetables and water for shurpa.

Start by cutting meat.Cut the leg, remove veins from it, some of the films with muscle tissue and the femur. In a baked leg, it will not be needed. Meat is baked before carrots carrots, garlic. Due to this, it acquires an additional taste and aroma. In addition, salt is pawned, since one salting of a large piece of meat is just not enough outside, inside it will remain fresh. To do this, we removed the bone from the foot: a cavity was formed, into which it is possible to lay a stuffing of vegetables.

Important point

Try to avoid stuffing with cereals andpotatoes, since they have the property of soaking all the meat juices. The liquid emanating from the meat will serve for other purposes. We need to make the vegetable juice savor the lamb with its own taste.

Cooking stuffing

to cook one's leg in an oven

The filling can be made from anything:mint, apples, raisins, quinces. But let's take the simplest vegetables: tomatoes, onions and carrots. This combination always gives good taste. In addition, we add to the vegetables bacon. It can be bought separately, as well as cut off excess from the top of the leg. Do not remove the fat completely, a small amount should remain to prevent the meat from drying out. Cut the fat into pieces, put them in a frying pan and wait for the necessary amount of fat to be drowned. It should be enough for roasting onion. Salo should not be brought to the state of squash, but it is not necessary to remove it from minced meat - let it remain in the frying pan. As soon as the onion began to brown, lay the shredded carrots. Sprinkle a little, sprinkle with seasonings. Tomatoes sift, cut into pieces and add to the frying pan. Wait until they are slightly cooked. Let the smell of raw tomatoes go away. After that, pour a little boiling water or broth into the pan. Put out, try salt. If the tomatoes are strongly added to the taste of the acid, put a pinch of sugar.

We stuff and cook a leg of mutton

we are preparing a leg of lamb

After the forcemeat for the leg of the sheep is ready,let it cool down. Cool the filling to such a state that the fat in it stays frozen. In such a state, laying minced meat is much easier. The edges can be sewn. Before baking a leg with a leg, it should be tied with threads so that during cooking it does not change its shape. Lay the prepared meat on the grate in the oven. Down put the dishes with chopped vegetables, which must be poured with boiling water. Please salt. During cooking, boiling water should gradually evaporate. Since the walls of the oven are hot, steam will not be collected on them, but will concentrate on the foot, which will not allow it to dry out. From the meat begins to drip fat, which will be collected in the lower container. As a result, you will get a wonderful broth with baked vegetables. It is possible to bake a leg properly at a temperature of 180 degrees. Time depends on its size. On average, this is 1.5-2 hours. If there is a grill in the oven, then shortly before the end of this time, turn it on and let the meat cover with a golden crust. After that, take your foot and the shurpa out of the oven and serve it to the table.