/ / The opened cafe in Moscow fascinates visitors

Opened kotokafe in Moscow fascinates visitors

In the capital of Russia opened a very unusual cafewhose fame spreads among the residents and guests of the city very rapidly. And the thing is that the administration of the kotakafa in Moscow focuses not on food, but on communication with animals. And at the present time, the sanitary-epidemiological station is allowed to maintain our smaller brothers in places of public catering.

The story of the first kato café

The first institution of this kind appeared in 1988year in Japan. He was visited by those people who could not afford to have a pet and just those who had excessive love for the representatives of the cat family. Guests of the cafe could have a cup of tea (coffee) surrounded by friends, as well as watch the lives of cats. There is a similar institution in South Korea, only in it dogs are the full owners. In Hong Kong, there is an amazing bookstore, filled with stray cats.

Kotokafe in Moscow

The service charge was almost symbolic, andsome establishments even kept animals and premises at the expense of customer charity. Previously, it was not possible to open a cafe in Moscow, because it was contrary to the law prohibiting keeping animals in public catering facilities. However, everything is changing, and now anyone has the opportunity to visit a cafe with cats and enjoy their company. Today, there are more than 40 such establishments all over the world, and there are so many people who want to visit them that administrators have to invite guests by appointment.

What are kota cafes for?

Cat cafes are kind of homes foranimals where they get care, shelter and food. From here, anyone can take to their home favorite pet. Some responsible administrators even collaborate with shelters for homeless animals, since this is a socially significant matter - it helps to reduce the number of stray animals. Unlike other cafes, kotkafe will offer its visitors to listen to a short lecture on nutrition, care, medical care and animal welfare. The emergence of such institutions was due to the goal of reducing the number of stray animals, searching for owners for homeless cats, as well as creating a friendly, warm environment common to pets and people.

The atmosphere in the institution and the rules of conduct for visitors

Живущие в котокафе «Солод» питомцы – не просто toys, and full owners and hostess institutions. In accordance with the law, absolutely all animals are sterilized and are regularly examined by a veterinarian. That is why at the entrance to the cat's house you will be offered shoe covers. Despite the fact that every four-legged kotokaph dweller in Moscow has its own character, any animal can be petted. The rooms, equipped with all sorts of special furniture, shelves and other devices, are free to go a few fluffies, but sometimes they can be found in the most unexpected places.

cafe Kotocafe

На ошейниках у животных висят кулоны с именами (nicknames), and particularly curious visitors can easily learn about the history of the appearance of a particular Fuzzy and about his character with the help of information placed on the stand. People react differently to the seals - they sit, do nothing, pounce on animals, trying to surround them with their love, or carefully try to establish contact. But the administration of the kotakafe in Moscow, whose addresses we give a little lower, recommends getting acquainted with the cats gradually: ironing, observing their reaction.

Cafe "Malt" is located at number 12 on the streetAstronauts in Moscow (metro station "VDNH", next to the hotel "Cosmos"). Kotocafe is open to all comers from 12.00 to 24.00. There is another antikafe with cats in the capital. It is located at Sadovaya-Samotechnaya Street, Building 6, Building 1.

Kotokafe can be visited with small children.

Besides the fact that kotokafe in Moscow gives fluffyfavorites for new owners, acquaints residents with animal life, this project is also aimed at a kind of mental therapy. After all, cats are creatures that can heal any ailments, including stress. There is even a type of cat treatment, called feline therapy (cat). The person who stroked the cat and heard its lulling rumbling begins to feel the atmosphere of warmth, comfort and safety. Even the youngest children are able to catch the peace spreading around them, helping them to relax. Parents can also offer the child an interesting and unusual game - find and count all the pets, study their breeds and persuade the cat to purr (for this, sometimes you need to put a lot of effort).

Kotokafe in Moscow, addresses

Food in the cafe

All kotokafe guests can choose any dish fromoffered by the staff menu. Food will be cooked in 15-45 minutes. The administration guarantees the quality and freshness of food, a diverse selection of drinks, as well as a pleasant atmosphere. At the request of the cafe visitors can take the ordered dish with them.

kotokafe Malt

The creators of the institution are confident that the attitudecats to visitors can disarm even those who do not like to be surrounded by a dozen animals. You will want to stay in the cafe a little longer, because in it you can get a charge of positive emotions and kindness. Having been once in an institution of this kind, a person will not be able to resist the temptation to return and, possibly, get a new fluffy friend completely free of charge.