/ / Pork goulash with gravy: recipe

Pork goulash with gravy: a recipe

Traditional goulash refers to popular dishesnational Hungarian cuisine. This thick soup according to the original recipe is prepared from slices of veal or beef with the addition of potatoes, peppers and onions. In the USSR, namely in public catering establishments, a completely different goulash was served - from pork with gravy based on tomato paste and with a garnish of potatoes, pasta or rice. How to prepare such a dish, we will tell in our article. Choose several recipes for its preparation.

Pork goulash with tomato sauce

Pork goulash with tomato sauce

In this recipe, juicy, soft, fragrant meatperfectly combined with a thick sauce. Gulash can be served with almost any garnish: from porridges, potatoes, pasta. Step by step the dish is prepared in the following order:

  1. Pork tenderloin (0.5 kg) is washed under running water, dried with a paper towel and cut into small pieces.
  2. A couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil is poured into the pan and warmed over high heat. Then lay out and fry for 5 minutes the pieces of pork.
  3. Add diced onions. Constantly stirring, the contents of the pan roast for 7 minutes.
  4. Salt, black peppercorns (5-6 pieces), flour (1 tablespoon) are added. The mass is thoroughly mixed and roasted for 3 minutes.
  5. Tomato paste (3 tablespoons) and bay leaf are added. From above pour out 2 glasses of cool water. After that, under a lid in a pan, pork goulash with gravy stews for another 30 minutes.

The finished dish should be served, after sprinkling it with greens.

Delicious pork goulash with cream sauce

Pork goulash with creamy gravy

Juicy meat with a delicate creamy sauce will haveto taste to all people without exception. Preparing goulash from pork with gravy (on the photo) is easy, but it turns out very tasty. Step by step recipe dishes is to perform the following procedure:

  1. Meat sliced ​​across the fibers (700 g) is fried in vegetable oil (4 tbsp.) Until browning.
  2. Onions are added to it, chopped into cubes, and passeed together with pork for 8 minutes.
  3. A glass of water is poured into the pan, salt and pepper are poured, after which it is covered with a lid. On a small fire goulash stews for about 40 minutes.
  4. When the meat is almost ready, flour is added to it (2 tbsp. L.), Ketchup (3 tbsp. L.) And 100 ml of heavy cream.
  5. After 5 minutes, the pan with the prepared dish can be removed from the heat.

Pork goulash with sour cream and tomato

Pork goulash with sour cream and tomato sauce

Fragrant meat with lots of tasty gravy will surely be prepared according to the following recipe. Both tomato and sour cream are added to the dish, which makes it even tastier.

Cooking goulash with pork gravy is a snap:

  1. Meat (500 g) cut into thin strips across the fibers.
  2. Fry it in vegetable oil until golden brown, fill with water (200 ml) and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. Add chopped onion to the finished pork. Saute it a bit with the meat.
  4. Cut into cubes large tomato. Add it together with tomato paste (2 tsp.) In a frying pan.
  5. Put salt, pepper, 200 ml of sour cream, pour another 80 ml of water. Mix well gravy. Let it simmer for about 7 minutes, then add the bay leaf and garlic clove.

The taste of the finished gravy can be adjusted with a small amount of sugar and spices.

Pork goulash in the oven with a delicious sauce

The gravy for the next dish is prepared fromsour cream, lemon juice and soy sauce. But the tomato paste is not added. Thanks to the sauce, the pork goulash gets a very interesting taste, and the meat turns out to be unusually soft and tender. The cooking recipe consists of just a few steps:

  1. Pork pulp intended for roasting (1.3 kg) is cut into slices of medium size and fried together with onions in a frying pan.
  2. As soon as the meat is reddened, it is put in a ceramic mold for the oven with a lid and mixed with salt and flour (1.5 tbsp).
  3. После этого приступают к приготовлению соуса.For this, 200 ml of sour cream is mixed with mayonnaise (2 tbsp. L.), Dried garlic and parsley, a pinch of salt and pepper, 1/3 lemon juice and soy sauce (4 tbsp. L.). Additionally 50 ml of water is added.
  4. The sauce is poured on the meat in a baking dish and mixed with it.
  5. Pork is sent to the oven first for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 °, and then for another 45 minutes at 150 °. The dish is prepared under the lid, due to which the gravy is quite a lot.

Pork Goulash Recipe with Mushrooms

Pork goulash with mushrooms

Сочные шампиньоны сделают вкус этого блюда более bright and interesting. But this goulash made from pork with gravy can be served not only with a side dish, but also as an independent dish. The recipe of its preparation is available to everyone:

  1. Put a thick-walled frying pan or cauldron on the stove, pour oil into it and heat it well enough. Put the mushrooms (400 g) cut into 4 parts and fry them until appetizing reddening.
  2. For some time, the finished champignons are transferred to the plate. A little more oil is added to the cauldron and pieces of meat are laid out (700 g).
  3. As soon as the pork is well browned, finely chopped vegetables (onion and garlic) are added to it.
  4. The contents of the pot are poured with water so that it covers the meat. Tomato paste (3 tbsp. L.) and spices to taste are added.
  5. Goulash stew for this recipe about 15 moreminutes, then roasted champignons are transferred to the pork. Now the cauldron can be covered with a lid and continue the cooking process until the meat is soft enough.

Traditional goulash with gravy in a slow cooker

Traditional pork goulash in a slow cooker

This juicy pork dish will delight you with itssavory taste and ease of preparation. As a spice, sweet paprika and dry adzhika are added to it. But preparing pork goulash in a slow cooker with gravy in this order:

  1. Pork pulp (800 g) is cut into thin strips and rolled in flour.
  2. Oil is poured into the bowl of the multicooker, and onion and grated carrot are immediately added to the sliced ​​half-rings.
  3. In the "Frying" or "Baking" mode, vegetables are passaged for 5 minutes, after which meat is added to them.
  4. After five minutes, 200 ml of water is added to the bowl, spices and salt are added, 4 tablespoons of sour cream and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.
  5. Set the program "Quenching". In this mode, the goulash is cooked for 1.5 hours. The finished dish is served to the table with or without any side dish.

Pork goulash with sour cream sauce in a slow cooker

Pork goulash with sour cream sauce

Cooking meat in a sauce according to the following recipe is simple. In a gravy, pork is tender and fragrant, and is perfect for any side dish.

When cooking dishes should follow the following procedure:

  1. Enable baking mode. In a bowl in vegetable oil fry the pieces of pork (0.4-0.5 kg).
  2. Add chopped onions and grated carrots. Fry the vegetables with the meat for a few minutes.
  3. Sour cream (200 ml) mixed with flour (2 tbsp. L.), spices and herbs (basil, oregano).
  4. Pour 2 cups of water into the bowl and add sour cream sauce. Stir the contents of the multicooker.
  5. In the mode of "quenching" cook goulash 1 hour. If necessary, increase the time by 30-40 minutes.

Goulash with vegetables without tomato paste

Pork goulash with vegetables without tomato paste

Следующее блюдо идеально подойдет людям, которым For a number of reasons, tomatoes and tomato paste should not be consumed. Preparing such goulash from pork with gravy with carrots, leek and sweet pepper. It turns out very tasty dish with a rich taste and aroma. The recipe consists of several steps:

  1. Carrots (2 pcs.), Bulgarian pepper, leek and other vegetables are cut into pieces of arbitrary size if desired.
  2. After 5-7 minutes, pork (500 g) is added to the vegetable mass, which you must first roll in flour.
  3. Next pour out a glass of water. The pan is covered with a lid, under which the meat is stewed for 40 minutes.
  4. Sour cream (3 tbsp. L.) Is mixed with salt, spices and 100 ml of water. The prepared sauce is poured to the meat.
  5. Gravy is brought to a boil and 15 more stewedminutes A little more salt is added to taste, and at the end of cooking - bay leaf. The dish must be served hot, as the gravy may freeze in the fridge.

Features of preparation and recommendations

The following tips from experienced chefs will help you make the most delicious pork goulash:

  1. For this dish, you should buy chilled meat or defrost it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator gradually. A spatula, ham, neck or tenderloin is ideal.
  2. Meat for goulash should be cut across the fibers with elongated cubes of small size. Fat and fat is better to remove.
  3. Not to add flour to the gravy, piecesPork is recommended to roll in flour beforehand, even before frying them in a pan. This can be done in two ways: put the meat in a bag of flour and shake it, or just sprinkle the pork through a sieve and mix it with your hands.