/ Restaurant "Puri". Elegant part of the East in St. Petersburg

The Puri Restaurant. Elegant part of the East in St. Petersburg

Большинство ресторанных заведений, специализация which - the national cuisine, in the arrangement of the interior and detail of the menu, only partially use motifs and stylization. Restaurant Puri is an exception to the rules. What is the highlight of this institution? How did it earn the trust of the citizens of St. Petersburg and the guests of the city? Understand the menu and interior features of the institution.

puri restaurant

Specialty kitchen

"Puri" is a restaurant (SPB) specializing inpreparation of traditional dishes of Uzbek, Georgian and Caucasian cuisine. The restaurant was created as a cozy and quiet place, where you could fully enjoy the aromas and exquisite tastes of Uzbek national cuisine.

Today, many catering establishmentsindicate one direction in the kitchen (Japanese, Caucasian, Italian, etc.), counting on attracting a large number of customers. But in fact it turns out that Japanese borscht and Uzbek pilaf are served in the Japanese restaurant, while in the Italian menu the Caucasian khachapuri or Japanese rolls are indicated. "Puri" restaurant is perhaps one of the few establishments that serve only the national dishes indicated in the menu, not diluting them with recipes of dishes of other nations of the world.

The restaurant offers a varied menu, starting fromdelicious aromatic bakery and ending with traditional Caucasian shish kebabs, Georgian satsivi, Uzbek pilaf. You can try phalis here, Ajarian khachapuri, oriental sweets, fish on charcoal, tarragon. Of course, oriental seasonings and spices, as well as greens and vegetables, certainly take part in cooking. A nice meal is sure to be complemented by high-quality wines from Georgia, Italy, France.

puri restaurant spb

The zest of the establishment

Dignity and obvious pride of the institutionis considered a real tandoor oven. In this oriental invention, for the preparation of fragrant and hearty baking, not only tasty pies and khachapuri are prepared for guests of the restaurant - it sates the room with incredible home and cozy aromas.

The unique taste and aroma of baking is notonly by cooking in a tandoor. The cooks, who are proud of the Puri restaurant, use exclusively authentic national recipes and follow them exactly.

Unique design

We have already talked about partially stylizedinteriors. "Puri" is a restaurant (SPB), in which a full-fledged colorful atmosphere of the East is created. Here you can see firsthand the true national design elements of the premises.

Bright and colorful colors, inherent indecoration of rich houses of Uzbekistan. Carpets in the hall and guest room, made by hand craftsmen and brought from eastern countries. Luxurious soft sofas perfectly in harmony with the bright patterns on pillows scattered carelessly in cozy armchairs. There is an atmosphere of peace, of Eastern pacification and silence around.

puri restaurant on industrial

Pleasant, completely unobtrusive musicaccompanies guests during the entire stay in the institution. The hall is lit by a lot of lanterns, which hang from the ceiling with bright clusters. The Puri restaurant on the Industrial Avenue is the flower juiciness of the Caucasus and the striped multicolored of Uzbekistan.


The menu of the institution is famous for its variety.It is not limited to Uzbek pastry. Guests are offered, both world-famous dishes, and little-known "representatives" of national Uzbek, Georgian and Caucasian cuisines.

It's not for nothing that Puri restaurant is named that way.If you translate this word from the Uzbek language, it will mean "bread". Baked and hospitably greeted guests in this institution. Waiters are always courteous and sociable. Orders are carried in lightning-fast terms. Baking and hot dishes are always served "from the heat with the heat." A comfortable and calming atmosphere only sets on a pleasant evening for a beautifully laid table.

restaurant puri address

For children, the Puri restaurant offers a special menu.The institution often conducts musical entertainment programs, children's parties with clowns and animators, corporate parties and business meetings and even culinary master classes.

To summarize, I want to say that if you decideplunge into the national cuisine of the East and do not want to be disappointed, then immediately go to the restaurant "Puri". Address: St. Petersburg, Industrial Avenue, house 17.