/ / How to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter: basic ways

How to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter: basic ways

Leaf lettuce is a valuable croppleasing from spring to autumn. It contains a lot of folic acid, carotene, vitamin B6, so the greens are not only tasty, but also useful. It is advisable to use it fresh, adding to different dishes. How to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter is described in the article.


The Greeks appreciate the products of plant origin.They eat salad every day, and in large quantities. In ancient Greece, greens were considered miraculous grass. She was known for the benefits in the treatment of various diseases.

how to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter

Now the plant is no less popular.Based on it, they prepare various decoctions, eliminating the common cold, and allergies. The presence of pectin allows scarring of the stomach ulcer. Demand inhalation of the leaves. People who control their weight, such greens can be consumed in any quantity and at any time, as this will not affect the waist.

The presence of lactucine gives a calming effect.Green helps with insomnia. It must be added to different dishes. It is preferable not to cut the leaves, and tear hands. So it will save the taste and valuable components. It would be desirable to receive advantage from this additive not only in the summer, but also during the cold period. That is why many people are interested in how to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter.


Главным критерием выбора считается свежесть product. Need to inspect its appearance. The leaves should not wither, and on the stems is important the absence of mucus. On the packages, the expiration date of greens is usually indicated, which should also be noted.

salad leaves for the winter recipes

Crisp leaves are considered the best for differentsalads, cocktails, smoothies. They decorate sandwiches, sandwiches, snacks, vegetable casseroles, stews, pies. Fresh slices of tomatoes, cucumbers, radish, and lettuce leaves look beautiful on the festive table.

It is advisable to use fresh greens. But harvesting lettuce leaves for the winter will save valuable components if you use proven methods. It is important to properly assemble and prepare them.


When harvesting in the garden should consider a few rules:

  • Salad should be torn from the root, and then put it in a container in an upright position. Suitable and ventilated box.
  • Harvesting should be done in the early morning, after the dew has dried, when the sun is shining.
  • Looking for fresh and strong leaves of medium size.

If you take into account these rules, you will be able to maintain high-quality greenery, in which its valuable properties will be preserved. Each method is convenient and does not take much time.


Before you learn how to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter, you should prepare them for this procedure:

  1. It is necessary to remove the roots, rinse all the leaves, as there may be a slug between them, which must be removed, because it damages the quality of the product.
  2. Pure lettuce should be dried on the flannels and applied as intended.

lettuce leaves for the winter

Если зелень не будет употребляться, из нее нужно create small stacks. Each should be wrapped in a wet towel and put in a plastic bag. Rolls should be placed in the fridge. The leaves will remain fresh for 2-3 days. With the purchased product you need to do the same, only it should be borne in mind that he could already be stored for some time with the seller. Only after preparation, you can harvest lettuce for the winter according to recipes.


Can I freeze lettuce for the winter?This procedure is feasible, besides with it all the vitamins are saved. Clean and dry leaves should be decomposed into plastic bags and placed in the freezer. You can use food foil and plastic container.

Недостаток этого метода заключается в том, что the leaves are very delicate in texture, so after thawing the greens can turn into a mushy mass. But there are dishes in which the salad can be placed frozen. These are omelets, soups, vegetable stews. To cook them, the greens before freezing need to be cut into strips and packaged in containers.


It is possible and in another way to prepare lettuce leavesfor winter. Recipes allow you to save valuable vitamins that are so necessary in the cold season. Like other greens, the leaves can be dried using special tools, or placed in the fresh air, covered with gauze.

you can freeze lettuce for the winter

It is advisable to use young greens, sinceafter cooking, she does not taste bitter. The finished product is preferable to store in a tight-fitting glass container. Dried salad is used in different dishes. He has no special taste, but as a vitamin supplement, the product is irreplaceable. It is also used for the preparation of decoctions that help in the treatment and cosmetology.


You can pickle lettuce leaves for the winter orpickle. Many housewives believe that this is the most delicious way. To do this, use garlic, dill, parsley, vinegar. How to prepare lettuce leaves for the winter? For this you need to cook the marinade. It includes water, salt, sugar, citric acid and vegetable oil.

The leaves should be put in a container.Each layer should be treated with hot marinade, sprinkled with chopped herbs and garlic. Strengthen the taste and aroma will help peas allspice and bay leaf. This type of salad is prepared under the yoke and sent to the refrigerator or cellar. Keep it must be a month.

pickle lettuce leaves for the winter

For long-term preservation of the salad it is fried in sunflower oil with garlic. Then fragrant vinegar is added and the jars can be rolled up. This method is needed for long-term storage.

Thus, harvesting lettuce leaves for the wintercan be performed in any of these ways. You can try each of them, and then choose the one you like. In this case, the house will always be a useful additive to different dishes.