General information about the product
![Boiled rice](/images/eda-i-napitki/otvarnoj-ris-nizkokalorijnoe-blyudo.jpg)
Rice groats are one of the mostcommon foods in many parts of the world. This state of affairs largely depends on the characteristics of its agricultural technology. But this is due to the fact that boiled rice, despite its nutritional value, has a fairly low calorie content. This product is a wonderful side dish for any meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Boiled rice has excellent taste qualities. This product itself is very nutritious, so it takes very little cereals to satisfy the most severe hunger. Boiled rice contains a large number of useful carbohydrates, which are an excellent "fuel" for the human body. In the process of digestion, they are converted into the energy we need. The greatest benefit comes from brown rice. Carefully releasing the seeds from the husk, we deprive this product of a large number of minerals and vitamins. Despite this, even refined rice is a rich source of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and B vitamins.
Boiled rice (caloric content)
![rice boiled calories](/images/eda-i-napitki/otvarnoj-ris-nizkokalorijnoe-blyudo_2.jpg)
In the world there are many different varieties thatsomewhat differ from each other in their chemical composition. The average calorific value of 100 grams of cooked rice is 115 kcal. In this product there are practically no fats and proteins, but 100 g contains 24.9 g of carbohydrates. In fact, the nutritional value of raw rice is quite high. 100 grams of dry cereals contain 360 kcal. During the boiling, it absorbs water very strongly, so the specific portion of calories in the finished product decreases. Boiled rice is a popular part of many diets. Do not forget that when adding sugar, oil or other ingredients to it, its energy value will significantly increase.
Rice boiled (crumbly)
![Boiled rice friable](/images/eda-i-napitki/otvarnoj-ris-nizkokalorijnoe-blyudo_3.jpg)
To prepare this dish you will needrice croup, salt and water. There is one rule of boiling: 2 cups of liquid are always taken on the glass of the product. Washed several times with croup filled with water. Rice can be salted before cooking. Prepare it on medium heat until the water boils. After that, the fire diminishes slightly. The cooking time of rice is 25-30 minutes. Depending on the variety, it may vary slightly, so it is always necessary to observe the condition of the cereal so that it will not be digested. It should also be remembered that cheaper rice contains a large amount of gluten, so when cooking, it sticks together.
Rapid Boiling of Rice
This method is used by many women.Washed in several waters, rice is poured with water (ratio 1: 2). In the pot, add the salt and put it on the stove. When the water boils, the fire is reduced. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook rice for another 10 minutes. After that, it is removed from the fire and wrapped with a towel or blanket. Thus boiled rice "ripens". In this case, the probability of its digestion or burning is prevented. Within a few minutes of staying in the "shelter" the rice absorbs moisture completely and becomes friable.