Cutlets without eggs can be cooked quite realistically. Although many housewives doubt that minced meat without using the mentioned product will keep the form prescribed to it.
Of course, thanks to eggs, homemade chopsthey are more delicious, lush and beautiful. But even without the use of this ingredient, you can make a nutritious and nutritious dish, which is sure to please all your household members.
Cutlets without eggs: recipe
There are many ways to do thismentioned dish. If you do not have the necessary chicken products, then you can cook cutlets without eggs. For this we need the following ingredients:
- Low-fat pork and fresh beef - 500 grams each;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- sweet bulbs - 2 pieces;
- Spices, including sea salt, - use to taste;
- stiff loaf or white bread - several slices;
- cold water - a full glass;
- breadcrumbs and vegetable oil - used for frying.
Making mixed stuffing
Cutlets without eggs should be prepared withprocessing of meat. Low-fat pork and fresh beef are washed, cut off all inedible elements, and then twisted in a meat grinder. Sweet bulbs and chives are also cleaned separately. They are ground into a gruel using a blender.
Processed products are combined, spices and salt are added, and then carefully mixed.
To cutlets from minced meat without eggs do not fall apart during the heat treatment, the crumb of bread is necessarily added to the meat basis. It is first soaked in cold water, and then mixed into minced meat.
We form semi-finished products
Cutlets without eggs, the recipe of which we are considering,get ready pretty quickly. In the hands take about one and a half large spoons of minced meat, make a ball of it and a little flatten. Further, all the formed products are rolled in breadcrumbs (breadcrumbs).
The process of frying and serving the food to the table
As soon as products from the mixed forcemeat will beready, proceed to their immediate frying. For this, a cast-iron frying pan is heated on high heat and a little oil (vegetable) is added. After this, several semi-finished products are placed in the dishes.
After reducing the heat, cutlets are fried for about 5-7 minutes on each side. At the same time, they should not only brown themselves, but also completely bake inside.
After frying the products, they are laid out on a separate plate, and a new batch is placed in the frying pan.
Serve such cutlets to the table preferably inhot kind. Typically, these products are consumed together with garnish. As it can be used boiled pasta, buckwheat porridge, mashed potatoes and even rice.
We make chicken cutlets without eggs in the oven
If cutlets from mixed stuffing seem to youtoo heavy, then they can be made from chicken breasts. Moreover, such products can be processed not only in a frying pan, but also in the oven.
So, for cooked chicken cutlets we will need:
- chicken breast fresh - 1 kilogram;
- sweet bulbs - 2 pieces;
- Spices, including salt - to use to taste;
- white bread - a few slices;
- fat milk - a full glass;
- breadcrumbs and vegetable oil - used for frying and baking.
Preparation of stuffing
To make chicken cutlets without eggs, fresh breasts are washed, freed from bones and skin, and then ground in a meat grinder. Further separately clean bulbs and very finely shred them.
By combining both components together, they are savored with salt and spices. Also add to them a crumb of white bread, which is soaked in fatty milk.
The process of formation and frying
Form chicken cutlets should be exactlyin the same way as described above. Minced pick up in the amount of two large spoons, make from it a ball and flatten. After that, the products are rolled in breadcrumbs.
To cutlets turned rosy, before theirbaking in the oven all the semi-finished products should be lightly fried in a frying pan. To do this, it is strongly heated with vegetable oil, and then spread some of the products. Frying this way cutlets should be about 1 minute from each side. During this time they should be well browned.
The process of heat treatment in the oven
Once all the chicken semi-finished products are roasted, they are laid out on a sheet and placed in the oven. At a temperature of 220 degrees, cutlets are cooked for about ¼ hours.
We serve for dinner
Chicken cutlets, cooked in the oven,are obtained dry and less fatty than products fried in a frying pan with oil. After the thickness of the semi-finished products is completely baked, they are removed from the sheet and distributed over the plates.
Serve hot chicken cutlets to the dinner table with fresh vegetables and herbs or with any side dish and sauce.
As you can see, there is nothing difficult in cooking the mentioned dish without eggs. Using these recipes, you will get delicious and hearty cutlets, which are ideal for a family dinner.