/ How to cook delicious pancakes at home?

How to cook delicious pancakes at home?

Pancakes - an original Russian dish, symbolizingspring hot sun. Initially, they were baked only for the Shrovetide week, and the food itself was among the ritual. Today, delicious pancakes are most often served for dessert with syrup, jam or jam. Sometimes they can wrap up any stuffing (cottage cheese, fish eggs, minced meat, etc.).

delicious pancakes
To prepare delicate fragrant pancakes every housewife enjoys her, for years, tested recipe. Sharing the same secrets it is not with her hand - because it is in them is the highlight of the prepared dish.

But still there are basic recipescooking dough for pancakes, which are all on hearing. Learning to cook delicious pancakes in the traditional way, the hostess can afford to experiment in the future, creating her own culinary masterpieces and flavors.

Pancakes: prepare the dough home

pancakes without eggs

Since ancient times, the dough for pancakes has always been kneaded by hand, so today we should not deviate from this tradition, and then delicious pancakes will turn out to be "soulful" and aromatic.

The flour must be sieved through a sieve,to get rid of excess garbage. In addition, during such a "shake-up" the flour is saturated with oxygen, which will allow future pancakes to become airy, light and delicate.

In a deep enamel or plastic bowlbreak two eggs, add half a glass of milk, salt, sugar to taste, a pinch of soda, which is extinguished in the vinegar. All the ingredients are whipped thoroughly with a whisk or a fork.

When the mass becomes airy, you can enter flour. Do this gradually, not forgetting to stir. The dough should look a bit thicker than the home-made sour cream.

After this, 50% of the mass is addedg melted cream and 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. With constant stirring, milk is introduced in small portions. Consistency of pancake dough is brought to the state of liquid honey.

In the process of preparing the dough for pancakes, the main thing is to achieve the required degree of "fluidity". Too liquid dough will stick to the frying pan, but too dense - it is bad to spread over the surface.

Ready pancake mass for 30 minutes placed in the refrigerator. This is not necessary. But by experience it is known that from a cold and seasoned dough, pancakes are much more delicious.

There are other recipes. During the fast, as it is impossible, by the way, will come pancakes, cooked on mineral water, or pancakes without eggs.

How to bake delicious pancakes?

pancakes are cooked at home
Traditionally, pancakes are baked on a cast-iron frying pan.Today, for these purposes use pans with Teflon or ceramic coating. It is advisable to constantly use the same dishes, intended solely for the preparation of pancakes.

Pre-heated frying pan on high heat. The surface is smeared with a "smaltz" or a cotton swab impregnated with vegetable oil.

Pancake dough can not be poured on a cold or poorly heated pan. This will cause the pancakes to stick to its surface.

Bon Appetit!