Fillings for rolls

Japan has always been a land of tale for us,dream country. This for most, it remains and now. But a piece of this tale became available to us in the post-Soviet period. It's about Japanese cuisine, at first glance very simple, but really just magical. Experts consider it to be the healthiest food in the world. This is due to the fact that the Japanese love fish and seafood (regardless of the way they are cooked) and there is always rice on their table. In addition to the fact that these components are perfectly combined, seafood is rich in iodine and is used in many dishes (fillings for rolls, sushi). And rice, more precisely, the B vitamins contained in it, protect our hair, nails, skin from the influence of the environment, convert nutrients into energy. By the way, rice is used in many cuisines and other countries: for pilaf, as stuffing for cabbage rolls, dolma ...

But only in the Land of the Rising Sun does rice, asthe Japanese proverb says, is always the way (Moonlight night and boiled rice are always the way). With what only do not prepare this useful cereal Japanese: with beans, peas, vegetables, chestnuts, various seasonings and herbs. And, of course, special attention is paid to the combination of rice and fish. It is on this combination that the preparation of all our favorite sushi, rolls, or rather stuffings for rolls is built. The most popular in the preparation of rolls is lightly salted salmon, tuna and the most delicate eel.

By the way, speaking about the latter, it is impossible not to mentionThe fact that polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins contained in eel meat in large quantities pose a serious barrier to atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Salmon, in combination with rice, is used very often as a filling for tartlets with fish.

But, returning to favorite dishes of Japanese cuisine,do not forget about wasabi. This seasoning is prepared from the root of the same name, distinguished by its bright taste and unusual odor. Its main value is in its disinfecting properties. And as in the filling for rolls the Japanese often put raw seafood, this property plays a leading role. Very often for the preparation of sushi and rolls, Japanese chefs use soft cheeses that give a delicate taste, perfectly combined with rice and fish. Well, adding to it wasabi and soy sauce, you will get a dish with a unique taste and amazing aroma.

In addition to the above, to give a noteFreshness favorite taste of the Japanese use as a filling for rolls avocado or fresh cucumber. With a cucumber, everything is clear, but the avocado deserves special attention. What kind of fruit is this? A wonderful tropical fruit, which is called a meat substitute. Monounsaturated fatty acids, which are abundantly contained in avocados, will support your cardiovascular system, since they have the ability to reduce "bad" cholesterol, which is the main source of all trouble for the cores. Half of the avocado, eaten daily, can create a miracle in a month - the level of cholesterol will decrease significantly.

And, of course, we can not fail to mention the seeds,which are used in Japanese cuisine very often. This is a sesame seed. This powerful natural antioxidant is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and zinc. Seeds of sesame seeds will be saved from colds and flu, they will facilitate breathing in case of asthmatic exacerbation. Now, given the knowledge of the products used by the Japanese to prepare national dishes, there are no more questions about why the Japanese rank fourth in the life expectancy rating and why they are much less likely to get cancer. The secret lies in their stunning, magical cuisine that conquered the whole world.