/ / How to make apple jam with cinnamon. Recipes and some tips

How to make a jam of apples with cinnamon. Recipes and a little bit of advice

Apple jam with cinnamon
Apples are a truly invaluable gift from nature.It would seem an unremarkable fruit, and how much good it stores for a person. In addition to the variety of flavors, apples contain many vitamins to support the immune system. And what a space to create masterpieces they open in cooking!

What to cook from apples

In many world cuisines for cooking variousdishes, this fruit is used. It seems there is no such section in cooking where there is no use for apples, be it making wine or filling for meat. But the greatest popularity they received in the confectionery business. Stuffing for pies, the basis of the souffle, confiture - this is the smallest list of dishes that apples decorate with their taste.

recipe for delicious homemade apple jam with cinnamon
And after all, what is remarkable in order tomake a delicious dessert, sometimes it is enough to use only this red-sided fruit. An example of this is apple jam with cinnamon. Each housewife has her own signature recipe and small tricks that allow you to cook the most delicious apple delicacy in the world. About these recipes and will be discussed in the future.

Basic recipe

In order to create a masterpiece - apple jam with cinnamon, we need the following products:

Apple jam with cinnamon recipe

  • apples (it is better if they are sour) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 3 cups;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • Cinnamon - 1-2 sticks.

How to start cooking apple jam with cinnamon? Step-by-step recipe will help you prepare this simple, but unusually tasty dish.

  1. First of all, the apples must be thoroughly washed and dried. If the fruit has flaws, be sure to remove it.
  2. Cut apples into slices or cubes, as you like. It is not necessary to clean them.
  3. Put the sliced ​​dish in which the jam will continue to be cooked, and add sugar to it, throw cinnamon stick in the same place. Now, forty minutes, you can relax, but during this time the apples will let the juice.
  4. It's time to put the dishes on a small fire.From what sort of apples you used, will depend on the amount of selected juice. If it seemed to you that it is too small, add water, as long as the jam does not burn.
  5. When the sugar is finally dissolved, it will be necessary to boil apple jam with cinnamon over high heat.
  6. The degree of readiness is determined by the appearance of the apples and the syrup of the syrup. If the slices are soft and transparent, and the juice does not flow from the walls of the dishes, then jam is ready.
  7. It remains to pour it still hot in sterilized jars and roll up tightly.

That's all, apple jam with cinnamon is ready!

A few tips

Every person has their own taste and preferences.in food, so you should not give strict instructions in recipes. Of course, there are certain rules, as elsewhere, but each culinary specialist reserves the final selection of ingredients. Apple jam with cinnamon, the recipe of which was proposed, can be supplemented slightly and, thus, slightly change the taste of the dish:

  • in order that the fruit pieces do not lose their shape, choose harder apples of sour varieties;
  • You can add not only cinnamon, but also ginger root. To do this, cut it into pieces, which then, when the jam is cooked, it will be convenient to pull out;
  • some prefer to add brandy or rum to apple jam with cinnamon. Here, of course, it all depends on your taste.

Another recipe

If the recipe for delicious homemade apple jam with cinnamon seemed a bit boring to you, we suggest making some small changes and adding walnuts.

Apple jam with cinnamon step by step recipe
In the end, we need:

  • apples - 1 kg;
  • peeled nuts - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 300 grams;
  • cinnamon - a few sticks;
  • chopped lemon peel - 2 tbsp.

Let's start cooking apple jam with cinnamon. The recipe is also very simple, but the result does not suffer from this.

  1. The preparatory process is the same as in the main recipe: carefully wash the apples, cut them into pieces of the same size and cover them with sugar. Here we throw straw zest.
  2. In order for the apples to quickly absorb sugar, pour water into the pan and boil over low heat, 2-3 minutes is enough, then turn off.
  3. The second time you need to make jam is 10-15 minutes. This time should be enough for the syrup to begin to thicken.
  4. Put a drop of syrup on the plate if it isretained its shape, it's time to add cinnamon sticks and nuts. Increase the heat and boil the jam for another couple of minutes, after which the fragrant spice can be pulled out. Dessert is ready.

It would seem that they used simple ingredients that can be found on the site of any summer resident, and which delicious dishes were prepared. Enjoy your meal!