/ / How tasty salted cabbage: a simple recipe

How to tastelow salted cabbage: a simple recipe

Cabbage is for the human bodysource of vitamin C. As you know, in the winter we lack it, so we try to eat fortified foods. Sauerkraut is considered a very wholesome dish. Until the spring, we can consume it and receive the necessary substances for the body. We will tell about how it is more tasty to pickle cabbage in this article. We offer caring hostesses an interesting recipe.

pickle cabbage fast and tasty

Cabbage pickling

This vegetable can be cooked in different ways, but consider how tasty it is to pickle cabbage. On four three-liter banks you will need:

  • 6 kg fresh white cabbage;
  • fresh large carrots - 7 pcs .;
  • spices (allspice, bay leaf);
  • salt in the amount of 14 tablespoons;
  • sugar - about 7 tablespoons;
  • about 7 liters of drinking water.

How to pickle cabbage tasty: turn-based technology

Salt cabbage can be in banks, in a barrel or inother convenient for you capacity. We suggest using conventional three-liter jars. In them the product is well stored, and the capacity itself does not take up much space in the cellar. In addition, the transparency of the bank allows you to monitor how the process of salting.

1 step

How tasty salted cabbage?First, the vegetable should be chopped correctly. For this there are special float with a flat blade. You can do it with a knife, but the shredder will save you time and effort. Cabbage stumps do not rub!

Step 2

After preparing the cabbage, you need to wash and peel the carrots. It is crushed using a conventional coarse grater.

how to pickle cabbage tasty

Step 3

Mix chopped vegetables, mix in a large container. This is convenient to do in the pelvis or large pan. Do not salt and shake hands.

Step 4

Prepared jars (washed and dry)Spread the chopped vegetables. Tamp tightly to the top. Each layer is shifted with peas of allspice and laurel leaves. It is enough to make three bookmarks: at the very bottom, in the middle and at the top. Garlic lovers can add a few cloves.

Step 5

How tasty salted cabbage?You need pickle for good taste. It is prepared as follows: for a liter of drinking water you need to take 2 large spoons of salt and 1 spoon (large) of sugar. Spoons should be no slides. In a large saucepan, dissolve the specified amount of sugar and salt in 7 liters of water.

Step 6

Banks with rammed cabbage fill with brine.Do not try to use the entire volume. You should have a little more than 0.5 liters. Put leftovers in the fridge. You will need them, because in 4 days cabbage will soak up the liquid in itself and an additional brine will be needed in order to completely cover the ingredients. You can store cabbage for a long time, but always in a cold place.

Step 7

Cover the jars with plastic lids, take out in a cool place. After 3-4 days you pour the liquid in the tank,

how tasty salted cabbage
then tightly seal the covers.Sometimes water can seep through the cap. There is nothing terrible in it, just in the cellar is not very cool. You can put a regular plate under the jar. If you keep cabbage in the fridge, then just do not pour the cans to the top. Leave a few centimeters for stock.

Serve cabbage to the table

Теперь вы знаете, как засолить капусту быстро и yummy. Snacks can be eaten in 5-7 days. And you can leave in the cellar or basement until winter. In frosty evenings there is nothing better than hot potatoes with herring and crispy sauerkraut. Enjoy your meal!