Fish flounder juicy, tender and fragrant meat,it will be appreciated even by true gourmets. In this regard, there are many recipes for cooking this delicious fish. The most common recipe is fried flounder, also flounder in batter. However, it is very caloric, yes, as doctors say, not very useful. How to kill two birds with one stone - treat yourself to a delicious fish and at the same time make the dish not just tasty, but also useful.
If you are very fond of fish, and do not want fried, then flounder baked in the oven with a lemon is what you need. This is a very tasty and healthy dish.
You will need: about 1 kg of flounder, 1 lemon, 70 gr. butter, a few stems of parsley, salt.
Before you begin to clean flounder, we recommend it scalded with boiling water.
We begin to clean the flounder: from the eyes side it is necessary to cut off the head obliquely, to open the abdomen and remove the entrails.
Then it is necessary to scrape the scales from the lower, light side of the fish.
From the dark side of flounder skin, as a rule,rip off. However, in the event that a flounder baked in the oven is prepared, it is possible not to remove it, but to make small incisions - it will simply retire after the fish is baked.
Scrape the blood from the vertebrae, cut the fins, rinse the carcass of the flounder with cold water. Then wipe it with a paper towel dry.
The oven should be heated to 180 ° C.
Flounder should be seasoned and placed in a roasting dish. Then to it from above it is necessary to add some cubes of a butter.
We set the dish with flounder in a preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes.
Lemon should be washed and cut into slices. You also need to wash and chop parsley.
Then we take the fish out of the oven, sprinkle itlemon juice, add to it cut sliced lemon slices, finely chopped parsley and a few slices of butter. Again, put flounder for 5 minutes in the oven. When the time comes out, we take the dish out of the oven.
Flounder, baked in the oven, ready.We cut the finished fillet of flounder and put it on plates and served with boiled potatoes, sliced from various fresh vegetables or salad. Bon Appetit! In the same way, trout fillets are prepared. Baked in the oven, this fish will also please you and your guests.
Also, it's easy to prepare a flounder baked in the oven, according to the following recipe.
It will take:flounder gutted and headless 900-1000g, half a lemon, 4 large or 8 small potatoes, 2 tablespoons of white wine, best dry blend of herbs suitable for fish, a large sea salt and black pepper, or a mixture of different peppers to taste, which should be grind before use.
How to cook:potatoes must be cleaned, well washed, a little dried and put in a suitable form for baking. Then it should be sprinkled with pepper and salt, pour a little water and put it for baking in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. Pull out the baked potatoes and put it on the dish.
Flounder requires good washing, drying withusing a paper towel. Take two strips of foil, fold them cross-on-cross, in the middle pour a sufficient pinch of salt. On the salt should put flounder, sprinkle herbs, pepper and salt, lemon, which should be cut very thinly and pour it with wine.
All this must be carefully wrapped in foil andplace in a well-heated oven. Bake flounder should be 15 minutes at a temperature of about 180 degrees, then take it out of the oven, carefully unfolding. Next, you need to bend the foil. Put the potatoes to the ready flounder with a potato so that it is soaked with fish juice and put again in the oven for 10 minutes.
Then you need to get the form and quickly serve the dish on the table. Flounder, baked in the oven according to this recipe - the dish is very tasty, fragrant and not very high in calories.