/ Zucchini, canned without sterilization. Recipes for every taste

Courgettes, canned without sterilization. Recipes for every taste

Many housewives make zucchini as preserves for the winter, canned without sterilization. Each has its own recipe and depends solely on the special taste preferences of family members.

A rich choice

canned squash without sterilization recipe

В большой семье хозяйке, как правило, приходится not easy. This is especially felt in the period when autumn comes and everything around is busy with blanks for winter. Instead of annoying cucumbers and tomatoes, many have been choosing zucchini lately. After all, this vegetable as a culinary dish is simply unique. It harmonizes perfectly with almost any product. Yes, and harvested it is easy. You can even make squash, canned without sterilization. The recipe is much easier, and in addition there is plenty of free time. And this is important when it comes to great harvest. We have to save every minute, so as not to stand for days at the stove. In this case, a great option - zucchini, canned without sterilization. The recipe for this dish is also good because the products retain more nutrients. And this is one of the main advantages. Literally in an hour, you can prepare zucchini, canned without sterilization. The recipe includes the following products: one and a half kilograms of young zucchini 3 cloves of garlic, 4 sprigs of parsley, 90 grams of vinegar, bay leaf, 90 grams of salt, pepper-peas and 75 grams of sugar.

Everything must be done quickly:

  1. Washed zucchini cut across the circles one centimeter thick. Then put them in a saucepan, pour cold water and leave it for 3 hours.
  2. At this time it is necessary to prepare the banks and spread out all the spices on them.
  3. Then fill the dishes with zucchini, pour boiling water all the way to the top and cover with the lids.
  4. After 25 minutes, pour the water into another saucepan, add salt, sugar and boil. A little later, pour vinegar.
  5. Re-fill the courgettes with the zucchini and roll the jars.

Ready canned food can be wrapped in a blanket, and after complete cooling, carry them to the basement.

Right to choose

zucchini for the winter

Заготавливать кабачки на зиму можно по-разному.They can be frozen in the form of small bars, salt or pickle. Those who are not afraid of work can spawn or make jam. And if none of the options is suitable, then you can simply save the vegetable in its natural form. So the product is stored until the spring. One of the most popular ways of harvesting is still considered a salad. There is a great recipe for real lovers. It will take: 3 kilograms of zucchini - a liter of tomato juice, 1 hot and 3 sweet peppers, a glass of sugar, 60 grams of salt and the same vinegar, 100 grams (a few heads) of garlic and a glass of vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Pepper grind straws and put in a large saucepan.
  2. Pour it with juice, and then add sugar, salt, butter and put everything on fire.
  3. Cut the squash into thin rings and dip into the hot mass after boiling.
  4. After 20 minutes, add vinegar along with chopped garlic.

It remains only to decompose the mixture in cans and cork tightly. Such zucchini for the winter to do very convenient. After all, they, in fact, represent a ready-made independent dish.

Special composition

marinade for zucchini

Для того чтобы продукт имел определенный вкус, It is necessary to properly prepare the marinade for zucchini. Of course, spices also play an important role in this matter. Basically, garlic, chilli, bay leaf, dill and horseradish roots are used to preserve zucchini. And for the marinade the following composition will be optimal: per liter of water - 25 grams of sugar and 60 grams of salt. In addition, for each liter jar you need 15 grams of vinegar.

All of these ingredients not only determine the taste.vegetable, but also appear in the form of natural preservatives, ensuring its complete safety for quite a long time. It doesn’t matter here what the zucchini itself looks like in the bank. It can be cut into cubes or circles. The form is absolutely irrelevant. Of course, you should not grind the product as much as possible using a grater. In this case, it will not be a canned zucchini, but a fragrant mash, which will not be very pleasant to eat.

Canning rules

how to preserve

To make the zucchini tasty and notspoiled before winter, you need to clearly know how to preserve certain vegetables. If the product is prepared without sterilization, then usually ready-made brine is used. It is made immediately before pouring. In this case, a certain sequence of actions should be followed:

1. Prepare vegetables. To do this, they must be thoroughly washed, dried, and then cut into pieces of the desired size and shape.

2. Pick up the herbs and spices required by the recipe.

3. Sterilize packaging and lids.

4. Spread the products in banks.

5. Prepare a pickle.

6. Pour boiling marinade products.

7. Roll up the cans, and then wrap them tightly and leave to cool completely.

Иногда, как вариант, применяется способ двойной fill. To do this, first, vegetables are poured with ordinary boiling water. Then after a while it needs to be drained and on the resulting broth already cooked brine. This allows the product to be better soaked in spices. Vegetables become more fragrant, and the pickle is obtained as concentrated as possible.