/ How to prepare a pumpkin in a multivariate: a recipe for simple dishes

How to prepare a pumpkin in a multivariate: a recipe for simple dishes

Preparing a pumpkin in a multivark is convenient, quick and easy. We offer a few simple recipes that are perfect for any kitchen appliance.

Pumpkin in the Multivariate: Recipe for Milk Soup

pumpkin in multivariate recipe

To cook a delicious first dish, you will need:

  • pumpkin (pulp) in the amount of 400 grams;
  • small in size carrots, potatoes and bulbs;
  • a pair of garlic lobules;
  • salt and a little more than 500 ml of milk.

Technology of preparation

How is the pumpkin prepared in a multivariate?The recipe for vegetable soup with milk will appeal to both adults and children. If desired, you can take cream or make a dish on the water. All vegetables (including pumpkin) need to be cleaned and finely chopped (or grated on a grater). Ingredients put in a multivariate bowl and pour in milk (cream or water). Close the lid and set the "Milk porridge" function. As soon as the time runs out, transfer the vegetables into a separate container and grind them with a blender. The mass should become homogeneous. After that, put mashed potatoes back into the multivark, mix, salt to taste, add crushed garlic cloves. Let the dish brew on the "warm up" mode, then serve it to the table. An excellent addition to the first dish will be toast or toast.

Pumpkin in a multivariate: a recipe for soup with ginger

cooking pumpkin in multivark

Spicy, spicy and unusual will turn out soup, if you add a little ginger. How to do it correctly, we will describe in the next recipe. For him you will need:

  • vegetable or meat broth in volume of 1 liter (it is possible and it is more, if the size of a bowl allows);
  • 2 medium potatoes;
  • carrots are fresh medium-sized;
  • bulb of medium size;
  • ginger crushed - 2 tablespoons of tea;
  • garlic, salt, pepper, oil for frying.

Technology of preparation

In order to get a tasty and richsoup-puree, it is recommended to use meat broth. But you can take ordinary water. Pumpkin peel, cut the flesh into slices of arbitrary size. Put the pieces into the bowl of the multivark. Add to them peeled and chopped potatoes. Pour boiling broth and put on the function "Stew" (or "Soup") for 1 hour. Meanwhile, in a frying pan, save in onion oil, garlic and carrots. You can also do this in a multivariate before you have laid the vegetables. But to save time, we propose to do this on the stove. Stir fried vegetables into a bowl and continue cooking. Scrub ginger, 15 minutes before the end time, put 2 teaspoons into the bowl. Salt to taste. In order to make soup puree, broth with vegetables should be rubbed with a blender. The dish should be served hot, sprinkled with herbs and croutons. Now in your arsenal there is one more way of how the pumpkin is prepared in a multivariate. The recipe is designed for several servings. But if you have a large bowl, then it will not be difficult to increase the number of ingredients.

The recipe for cooking pumpkin in a multivark

recipe for cooking pumpkin in a multivark

Many do not like pumpkins, but if you cook it with garlic, then this product will acquire an unusual taste. So, for the recipe you will need:

  • pumpkin (pulp) in the amount of 600 grams;
  • basil dried, garlic, salt, white pepper;
  • olive or sunflower oil - 50 ml.

Technology of preparation

Slice the pumpkin into pieces. Put it in the bowl.Mix the butter with the chopped garlic, salt, put a spoonful of basil and a little white pepper. Refuel and mix a little. Pour the pieces of pumpkin with oil and put the function "Baking", time 1-1,5 hours. The dish can be served hot and cold. Bon Appetit!