/ Sour sauce. Cooking recipes

Sour sauce. Cooking recipes

A good sauce is the success of any dish, likesay experienced chefs. These liquid additives to the dishes there is a great variety. Sometimes they "make" a recipe, because without them cooked foods will have a completely different taste and aroma. Sour sauce takes a special place among representatives of its class. Sometimes it is simply necessary for proper digestion, so that the foods that make up the dish are well absorbed by the body.

sour sauce


What is so useful for sour sauce?The fact is that in the human body, acids are responsible for the cleavage, decomposition of fats in meat dishes. For example, the world famous tkemali. This sour sauce is made from plum and cherry plum and is used to be served to the table for almost all meat dishes. And these products often have a huge amount of fat, which will be absorbed very long. And then come to the aid of a sour sauce tkemali, perfectly coping with it. In the end, you get a delicious healthy diet!

Such tkemali sauces are sometimes prepared from forestsour berries (blackberries, cranberries, wild cherries) with the addition of various ingredients (spices, herbs, herbs and spices). This composition is necessary for the assimilation of fatty and heavy food, which without them will simply "stand a stake" in the stomach and take a long time to digest. The only limitation is increased acidity. With her, the use of acidic sauces should be eliminated or reduced (it is better to consult with your doctor).

Chinese sweet sour sauce

What products to use?

In many recipes use a variety ofproducts: plum, tomato paste, lemons, pickled cucumbers, lemon juice, lime. As a thickener, puree puree and starch are used. All these ingredients can be easily purchased at many stores. Vegetables for puree cut into small pieces, simmer on low heat, mixed until homogeneity in a blender. Fruit, cut finely (for example, apples), you can use and raw, but it is recommended to still slightly extinguish before preparing the sauce. We choose fresh spices so that they do not lie too long. From this, the flavor deteriorates, and the usefulness of the additives decreases.


One of the brightest representatives of this groupis a Chinese sweet and sour sauce. This delicious additive gives the traditional recipes a piquant unique taste. It can be served to various dishes from meat and fish, to vegetable dishes. Combining different flavors, playing unexpected faces - that's what sweet and sour sauce is in Chinese! Fidgety sour, bitter notes of soy, sweetness of aftertaste ... Let's try to cook?


Requiredabout:one bulb, a pair of cloves of garlic, a small root of ginger, a glass of good natural ketchup, a third of a glass of vinegar, half a cup of sugar, a couple of large spoons of soy sauce of natural fermentation without additives, two large spoons of wheat flour, two large spoons of lean oil.

sweet sweet sauce in Chinese


Grind the onion, garlic, finely rub the rootginger. In a skillet with high edges in lean oil, we pass all of the above, carefully stirring. In a small saucepan, bring the vinegar to a boil and dissolve the sugar in it. In the total mass we add ketchup and soy sauce, then - a mixture of onions, garlic, ginger. Next, cook on the smallest fire, gradually introducing flour, until thick. Filter the mass through a sieve and leave to cool. This sauce can be closed, canning in cans. You can store it for a long time (up to a month) in the refrigerator.

pork in sour sauce

Helpful Tips

As you can see, the preparation of such a product -the matter is not complicated. Especially since experienced masters are coming up with various variations, replacing the missing products with acceptable similar ones. Or add to the recipe of cooking anything from yourself, your favorite ingredients. Salted cucumbers, for example, or hot pepper, or even cognac! Instead of ketchup, you can enter plums or natural tomatoes. Do not be afraid to create, following the main channel of the recipe, and then even your gourmets will be delighted with your "brand" sauce. And now - a few traditional dishes prepared with its use.

"Pineapple" chicken in sour sauce

chicken in sour sauce

This dish is very popular in China. It is based on an unusual combination of sweetness of fruit and tomato acid.

Ingredients: chicken (fillet or breast) - half a kilogram, peppersweet - two pieces, a can of canned pineapple (200 grams) or one fresh, half a glass of soy sauce, a glass of cooked sweet and sour sauce in Chinese (see above), lean oil, greens, salt.

Fillet cut into small pieces, pour soysauce, marinate for several hours. Then fry the chicken on high heat in a well-heated lean oil. Sauce we put in the dishes for extinguishing and throw the same pieces of fillets. The last in the dish we add pineapples and stew for a few more minutes.

If you have pineapples in the arsenal of canned rings - cut into pieces. If fresh - clean and cut into cubes. A gorgeous oriental dish is ready!

Pork in sour sauce

Similarly, pork is prepared, but instead of chicken we use pieces of tenderloin or ham.

Ingredients: cut or back - 500 grams, sweet pepper - two pieces, fresh pineapple - one piece, ketchup, ginger, lemon, vinegar, garlic, spices (all in all a little).

Свинина — более жирное мясо по сравнению с chicken. First we pickle the pieces in soy sauce. We make a sauce of soy sauce, starch and flour, dunk the pieces of meat into it and fry it on high heat to a ruddy crust of golden color. For sauce, grated ginger root with garlic, onions and peppers fry in a pan. We add pineapples, ketchup, starch for thickening. We spread the toasted meat in the same dishes and stew for several minutes. For lovers of sharpened, add a little pepper. Solim to taste. You can serve on a table with rice and vegetables. Bon appetit everyone!