Choose recipes for gravy

Sauce, sauce, gravy etc.- as soon as they do not call this kind of kind of filling, which is filled with meat, mushroom, fish, and flour dishes. Here are all kinds of recipes for gravy. With their help, you can serve a completely different dish every day with an original taste. If you have properly prepared the sauce, the habitual dish will play with new colors and taste, will cause an unprecedented appetite among your family members.

Recipes of gravy are different.Some of them are dietary, while others are so rich and satisfying that they can be used as a separate dish by themselves. Cooking sauces is not so difficult. Let's start with simple ones.

Cooking with pork

How to make a gravy classic?Take the following products for cooking meat in a traditional sauce: half a kilo of pork, a tablespoon of ketchup (or tomato paste (tomato puree)), you can also use one tomato. Still need flour (two tablespoons), vegetable oil, two onions, salt, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of paprika, spices. Cut the pork into small pieces and fry in oil. Season the meat with paprika and spices. The bulbs need to be cut into half rings and added to the pork. Fill meat with onion broth or water, so that they are half covered with liquid. We put the frying pan on a small fire for an hour, so that the pork is thoroughly cut out. If necessary, the evaporated broth is added. When the remaining half an hour before the end of the preparation of sauce, the dish is added ketchup with a sliced ​​tomato. In the finished meat, pour a slightly salted mixture of flour and water. Here we have turned out pork in classic gravy. Very tasty, thick sauce.

Preparation of gravy with peaches requires the following products:

- three hundred grams of pork fillet,

- one peach,

- one hundred grams of low-fat sour cream,

- one tablespoon of flour and butter,

- bulb is large,

- an egg,

salt with pepper.

Finely chopped pork is cooked in boiling water,to remove the film. We cut onions in half rings and pass on butter butter until golden color is obtained. We put in the frying pan, where it is fried, spices with meat and stew for about 15 minutes. Now it's the peach's turn, which we cut beforehand. With him, the meat should be put out for a little more. At the end of cooking such an original gravy, add the egg, pre-whipped with sour cream and flour. Bring it all to the boil. This sauce produces a unique flavor, exciting appetite. If it is supplemented with greens, a new variant of unusual filling will be obtained.

The next mushroom sauce is superbly combined withdishes, where the main ingredients can be mushrooms, chicken, eggs. Take for it the butter (three tablespoons), one glass of chopped mushrooms (or white mushrooms), bechamel sauce (two glasses) and half a teaspoon of salt.

We melt in the saucepan oil, put choppedfinely mushrooms into it, salt and fry over high heat for 15 minutes. When extracting the juice from the mushrooms, you should wait until the saucepan is left. Then pour in the beshamel, bring to a boil and salt.

Recipes of gravy from dried mushrooms are significantly different from the above recipe. Such mushrooms should be pre-soaked. Then they are finely chopped or grinded with the help of a meat grinder.

In a pan until golden color, fry onions,which in advance cut into small cubes. Then add flour to it, everything is fried again. Then we send mushrooms to the frying pan, fill them with water, where they are soaked, and cook for 6-8 minutes on a small fire, while stirring constantly. At the end of the preparation of gravy, add butter (spoon table). Very tasty with this dressing cutlets from potatoes.

Now you know the different recipes of gravy. Do not be lazy to cook these sauces for the usual dishes, because with them any dish seems new.