/ / Original yeast recipe. Dough "drowned"

An original yeast recipe. Dough "Drowned"

Have you ever heard of the drowned dough?Of course, the name is not very optimistic. But do not worry, nothing terrible in it. The name dough has received such due to the peculiarities of the technological process. After all, before there were refrigerators. In the villages, cellars were used, and in the cities, the dough was put into cold water. Here is a story.

Process technology

By technology, a simple dough is wrapped in cloth,and then it is placed in a bucket of cold water. Initially, this bundle is at the very bottom, and then in the process of enriching the dough with gas (carbonic during fermentation) begins to slowly emerge and eventually turns out to be on the surface of the water. This means that it can already be used further.

Ingredients for the drowned dough with dry yeast

For the dough will need:

dough drowned recipe

  1. Dry yeast - one pack.
  2. Margarine (but better to take butter) - 170 g.
  3. Milk - ½ liter.
  4. Salt - one full teaspoon.
  5. Sugar - 2-2.5 Art. l
  6. Chicken egg (fresh) - 2 pcs.
  7. Flour (better to take the highest grade) - 1 kg.

The recipe for the drowned dough with dry yeast

So, we proceed directly to the preparation of the dough. I must say that instead of milk, you can take whey or kefir. Only you can not change the amount of fluid.

dough drowned recipe

Eggs and butter get out of the fridge. They should warm to room temperature for cooking.

Молоко нагреваем и в нем растворяем сахар.Add the yeast. This solution should be put in a warm place for about fifteen or twenty minutes. It should foam a little. If you do not have extra time, you can knead the dough immediately. However, with brew, it will turn out much better. Then it comes out more lush, and it fits much faster. Here is a secret that has a recipe. The Drowned dough is prepared quickly enough, so it makes sense to spend a little more time to get the desired result.

As soon as the opara foams, you can beginkneading dough. To do this, pour the mixture into dishes suitable for mixing. Add salt and grated oil. Mix the whole mixture very thoroughly. And then pour the sifted flour into the dishes. It is very important that the flour be sifted exactly. Such a recipe. Dough "Drowned" turns out to be more lush with the implementation of all recommendations.

As a rule, one kilogram of flour is enough for both the dough and the filling.

yeast dough drowned recipe

Итак, вымешиваем наше тесто.First we do it with a spoon, and then with our hands. Gradually add flour. The result should be loose, but elastic dough "drowned". The recipe is, in general, uncomplicated. Just a little unusual. From the finished test make the ball.

We drown the yeast dough "drowned"

The recipe implies further drowning.Once we carefully fulfill all the requirements, we take a bucket of cold water or a large saucepan and put the finished dough there. And you can not wrap it in anything. So to say, omit in natural form. Everything, our drowned dough drowned. The recipe implies that you need to wait until it completely pops up. Depending on how the dough was kneaded, the process of ascent itself can take from ten to twenty minutes. In the meantime, you can prepare the filling.

dough drowned recipe cooking

As soon as the dough has risen to the surface, we take it out and a little wet it with a towel. And then give him a rest under a cotton napkin for about ten minutes.


Then we do everything as when usingthe usual test. We form rolls, pies, belyashi, pies, cheesecakes, buns. Give half of the finished product for fifteen minutes and then send it to the oven or pan.

dough drowned recipe

We see that this is a very simple recipe.Dough "Drowned" can be used in the preparation of a large number of types of baking. This is a universal recipe for all occasions. Well, everything tastes great. The dough is fine and homogeneous. Remember this nuance. It should be borne in mind that in the process of baking the dough increases significantly in volume, which means that we must leave the distance between the rolls or pies.

Yeast dough

We made sure that just kneaddough "drowned". The recipe of cooking does not limit you in the choice of yeast. You can use both dry and fresh. However, we must remember that success directly depends on the freshness and quality of the yeast. This is a very important ingredient in the recipe. When using good yeast dough quickly and remarkably rises.

Before you knead the dough, you need to firstcheck the expiration date printed on the package. If the yeast is expired or packaged long ago, do not start cooking. You will not get the desired result.

Dough "drowned" on fresh yeast

We want to offer you another recipe. In this case, the “Drowned” dough is prepared with fresh yeast. You may like this option more.

Take these products:

  1. Margarine or butter - half a pack.
  2. Fresh yeast - 20 grams.
  3. Flour - 0.5 kg.
  4. Salt - half a teaspoon.
  5. Sugar - 50 grams.
  6. One chicken egg.

Preparation start with the fact that most thoroughly rub the fresh yeast with sugar. The result should be a fairly homogeneous mass.

dry yeast drowned recipe

В нее добавим подогретое до тридцати семи degrees milk. This will improve the fermentation process. Add flour to the mixture (six tablespoons). Then mix. The result was a sponge. Her, as in the previous case, put in a warm place for fifteen minutes.

Then add a soft butter to the dough, and then an egg beaten with salt. And again we mix flour. The dough should turn out a little soft and at the same time slightly cling to the hands.

In this form, drop it in a pan of cold water. Ten minutes later our dough will emerge. Let it lie down a bit, and then you can continue to work with him.