/ / What can be made from melon? Recipes

What can you make from a melon? Recipes

Traditionally, melon is eaten fresh, howeverThere are many recipes for sweet desserts and snacks made from it. In this article, you will learn what can be cooked from a melon and with which products it combines best.

what can you make from melon

Melon and Chicken Salad

You can make this snack for a festive occasion.table, serve during a bachelorette party or a friendly get-together. The original combination of products will not leave indifferent even the strictest criticism. The recipe for this salad will not cause you any difficulties:

  • Take one smoked chicken breast, remove the skin and remove the fillet from the bone. Cut the meat into small slices.
  • One small melon (about 400 grams) cut into several pieces, remove the seeds from the fibrous part and peel. Prepared pulp also cut into slices.
  • A small bunch of fresh mint and salad corn tear your hands.
  • Put the prepared products in a salad bowl, season them with salt and pepper, add a little oil and mix.
  • Pound grated cheese in small portions onto a pre-heated pan, fry and place on a napkin to get rid of excess fat.
  • Put ready salad on plates, decorate it with cheese chips, watercress, melon slices and cranberries.

You can also make this dish more nourishing if you fill it with homemade mayonnaise or yoghurt sauce instead of vegetable oil.

melon pie

Melon Pie

This delicious dessert is prepared very quickly and does not require special skills from the chef. That is why this recipe is indispensable when meeting unexpected guests. You can make a melon pie very simply:

  • In a large bowl, mix 300 grams of cottage cheese with one yolk and half a cup of sugar.
  • 500 grams of ripe melon free from seeds and cut the peel. Cut the flesh into cubes and add to the curd.
  • To make the dough, grind three yolks withhalf a cup of sugar. Chilled proteins in the refrigerator, whip into a foam, gradually adding to them the second half of a cup of sugar. Combine the prepared products with two glasses of sifted flour and mix thoroughly.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter, pour half of the dough into it, then lay out the stuffing and finish assembling the cake with the second part of the dough.

Bake the dessert in a preheated oven for half an hour andDo not forget to check its readiness with a wooden stick or a match. Serve the cake to the table, pre-decorating it with powdered sugar or nuts.

candied melon

Candied melon

To make this sweet treat, you need two or three small melons with a smooth crust. The recipe is as follows:

  • Rinse the melons thoroughly and cut the top layer off the peel (no more than two millimeters). For this purpose you can use a vegetable cutter.
  • After that, cut the melons into several pieces and remove the pulp with a spoon to a solid layer (this time we will not need it).
  • Cut the crusts into small pieces, and then put them in a saucepan with water and two spoons of lemon juice. Blanch them there for a few minutes.
  • Throw melon slices in a colander, rinse under cool water and dry.
  • 750 grams of sugar and half a liter of waterboil the sweet syrup, and then pour the prepared crusts on it. Cook the candied fruit over low heat for ten minutes, and then let it stand for 10 hours.
  • The last procedure is repeated two more times, and lastly add two tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Discard the prepared mixture in a colander and let excess liquid drain for one hour.
  • Put the crusts in a sieve and place to dry in a preheated oven for one hour.

Sprinkle sugar over the candied melon and leave to lie at room temperature for two or three days. After that, place the sweets in a container and store them under a closed lid.

simple melon jam

Melon jam

What can be cooked from melon for the winter? Of course, a variety of sweets, preserves and jams. To make a simple melon jam, you will need:

  • Peel one large melon from the skin and seeds, and then cut its flesh into small cubes.
  • Pour into a pan of water, boil it. Put cooked melon for five minutes.
  • Throw the pieces into a colander and drain excess liquid.
  • From the water and sugar, boil the syrup (for one kilogram of melon - one kilogram of sugar) and send slices into it.
  • Jam should be boiled three times for ten minutes, taking breaks of 10 hours and adding sweet syrup if necessary.

In the process of cooking do not forget to remove the foam and mix the contents of the pan.

melon jam

Lemon and Melon Jam

Рецепты из дыни на зиму достаточно просты и не too different from each other. Therefore, we offer you a recipe for an original dessert that will delight you and your loved ones in cold winter evenings. To make melon jam, do the following:

  • Pulp one melon cut into small pieces, do not forget to carefully remove all the bones and peel.
  • Pour the prepared pulp with sugar and leave it alone for one night (at least 10 hours).
  • In the morning, put the melon in the pan and put it on the fire.
  • Rinse and slice one lemon thinly. Squeeze the second lemon into the pan, in which melon was cooked.
  • When the jam boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for about an hour.
  • After that, remove the dishes from the stove and let cool its contents.

Arrange the melon jam in sterilized jars and close them with lids.

melon juice

The juice

What can be cooked from a melon for the winter, except for sweet preserves and jams? We suggest you stock up on delicious juice, the recipe of which you can read below:

  • Peel the three lemons, cut each into four pieces and remove all the bones from them.
  • Pulp ripe two-kilogram melon cut into small pieces.
  • Using a blender, grind the prepared products, and mash the resulting puree through a sieve.
  • Combine melon with water (one and a half liters) and 180 grams of sugar.
  • Pour the juice over the sterilized jars and cover with clean lids.
  • Put the dishes with the juice in a pot of water, and at the bottom of it, first place a towel. Boil the jars for ten minutes, then remove them and close the lids.

Turn the blanks upside down, wrap a blanket and leave to cool in this form. After that, melon juice should be stored in a cool and dark place. It has an original, unusual taste.

Melon and Ham Appetizer

What can you make from a melon for the holiday if you want to surprise your guests? In this case, we offer you an original snack, the recipe of which you can read below:

  • Cut one ripe and sweet melon in half, remove the seeds and fibrous part from the center.
  • Using a carving spoon, cut small balls out of the pulp.
  • Prepare 350 grams of Parma ham - it should be cut into thin strips.
  • Wrap balls of melon in ham sheets and pin them with toothpicks.

Put the snack on the dish and serve immediately to the table. Please note that this dish should not be kept in the refrigerator for a long time, because it can lose its beautiful appearance.

melon recipes for winter

Salad with cucumber and melon

The delicate taste of this dish will surely please you and your loved ones, and it is very simple to cook it:

  • Cut one melon in half and from one part remove the pulp.
  • One peeled cucumber and cut it into half rings.
  • For dressing, mix 150 grams of natural yogurt, a tablespoon of lemon juice and two spoons of olive oil. Add salt and pepper to sauce to taste.
  • Mix melon pulp, minced cucumber and yoghurt dressing.
  • Put the salad in an empty half of a melon and decorate it with slices of cucumber and roses of radish or carrots.

This original salad, consisting of only two ingredients, will impress your guests and give them great pleasure.

We will be happy if you like the recipes,collected in this article. Now that you know what can be made from a melon, you should have no difficulty in this matter. Surprise your family with delicious dishes and more often try new recipes.