/ / Cooking tomatoes without vinegar

Cooking tomatoes without vinegar

All people almost without exception love tasty andaromatic tomatoes. They not only have a unique taste, but are also very useful. This vegetable contains a large percentage of the substance that helps fight cancer in its very early stages. Eating tomatoes in any form (fresh or canned), a person prevents the development of cancer cells.

Why it is worth refusing preservation with vinegar?

tomatoes without vinegar

Tomatoes without vinegar are very tender,the use of which does not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, acetic acid sometimes leads to abundant secretion of saliva and gastric juice. It also irritates the kidneys and the liver.

In addition, the essence has specific contraindications: you can not use the elderly, those who suffer from a disorder of the nervous system, has diseases such as gastritis and ulcers.

Now it is difficult to imagine that the hostess atpreserving products do not use vinegar. But scientists have thought about how this substance affects the human body. It turns out that it is better not to use it for food. So it's time to create recipes for canning vegetables for the future without adding vinegar. Now we consider them.

Tomatoes without vinegar for the winter. Recipes

In this recipe, vinegar is replaced with citric acid.In stock, hostesses have a lot of options on how to prepare tomatoes for the winter without vinegar. Such tomatoes turn out very tasty, with aroma of the summer spicing vegetables. And most importantly, in such blanks remain all nutrients. So let's consider the recipe itself.

tomatoes without vinegar for the winter recipes

For cooking you will need:2.5 or even 3 kilograms of tomatoes, 5 cloves of garlic, 6 leaves of currant and cherry for the smell, 7-8 pieces of pepper peas. Salt will need 1.5 tablespoons, and sugar is taken in the amount of 2.5 tablespoons. Water needs as much as will be included.


All of the above will be required to complete.one three-liter cans. If the family prefers cans of small sizes, you can distribute all the ingredients into three liter jars. So, it's time to cook tomatoes for the winter without vinegar.

tomatoes for the winter without vinegar

First, banks and lids are sterilized.Then cook tomatoes and garlic. Next should be spread on the banks of greens, garlic, tomatoes, pour boiling water to the top. Let the banks stand for about 20 minutes, covered with lids. If they are cold, they should be poured into a saucepan and boiled again. Again, pour the banks and leave again for 20 minutes. At this time, sugar and salt should be poured into an empty saucepan. Then you need to drain the water for the last time and prepare the brine. Bring it to a boil and immediately fill it with a jar of tomatoes. The final chord will be rolling up the cans with covers. Do not rush to try this piece immediately after preparation. Such tomatoes without vinegar are good if they last longer. Such a billet is best stored in the refrigerator or in the cellar. But there are cases when the mistress cannot provide such storage for her pickling. Then you just need to add a little citric acid after the last pouring. In this case, canned food can be stored even at above zero temperature.

Another option for cooking conservation

To give the hostess a choice and an opportunity to experiment, it is worth proposing another simple recipe.

tomatoes in cans without vinegar

Ingredients: tomatoes (how many will fit into the container for preservation), salt in the amount of two tablespoons and four tablespoons of sugar per liter of water.

Large fruits are needed, as they are usuallyremain unused in the preparation of other types of conservation. They should be cut into two pieces and put into liter jars. Marinade is prepared as follows: bring salt, sugar and water to a boil. After cooking do not immediately pour boiling water, you need to give the marinade a little cool. Then you should fill them with cans and cover them with lids.


And how to make salted tomatoes for the winter without vinegar?Now tell. For cooking, you need to take peppercorns (3-4 pieces), cloves and horseradish root, dill umbrellas, garlic and onions. The brine is prepared from all that has already been named, with the addition of water (1 liter) and citric acid. Then you should put the tomatoes in the bottle, then pour the resulting liquid. That's all, pickled tomatoes in jars without vinegar are ready. Whoever likes the quickest, can add quite a bit of bitter pepper. Enjoy your meal!

Tomatoes with apples and leaves of cherry

This original version of tomatoes will appeal to those who prefer non-standard food. For the preparation required for each three-liter jar:

  • two apples (medium in size);
  • leaves of cherry (a couple of pieces will be enough);
  • dill - to taste;
  • tomatoes;
  • A small slice of bitter pepper.

salted tomatoes without vinegar

For brine you will need (one and a half liters of water) three tablespoons of sugar and the same amount of salt.


  1. First, take a jar, put dill, pepper, and cherry leaves.
  2. Now you need apples, they should be cut into quarters, while necessarily cutting the hearts. Place the pieces of fruit in a jar.
  3. Put tomatoes on top.
  4. After that, fill everything with brine.
  5. Sterilize for ten minutes, roll up and turn over to cool the jar.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to prepare tomatoes without vinegar for the winter. Recipes of different cooking options for such conservation, we have considered. We hope that you will be able to make such blanks at home.