/ / Viburnum wine - unforgettable taste and aroma of summer

Wine from Kalina - an unforgettable taste and aroma of summer

It is known that any housewife tries for the futureprepare fruits and berries collected in the country. One of the many ways to use these necessary stocks is to make homemade wine. And if you follow the technology, then in this alcoholic beverage you can save all the flavors of summer.

wine from viburnum
Moreover, home-made wines are oftenQuality is much better than industrial production. We will share with readers a recipe that has long been tested and successfully used to make an amazing drink. Wine from viburnum has a bitter taste and delicious aroma. The process of making this drink is simple, as long as the raw materials are good.

The period of ripening viburnum - September.But collect it when it gets cold. After the first frost, the bitter taste of the berry becomes softer. She is torn, tied up in bunches and suspended in attics or verandas so that the viburnum is well-nailed with frost. Berries are not only healthy, but also very tasty. A variety of dishes are prepared from them: seasonings, gravy, jam, marmalade, juice, wine, tinctures, liqueurs ... And now the promised recipe.

Homemade wine from viburnum

Freshly picked berries must be picked,remove debris, peduncles and knead in cooked dishes. Berries should not be washed, so as not to wash off the necessary bacteria. Wine from viburnum is made at the rate of: for 1 kg of raw material - 200 ml of water (purified), 100 g of sugar and some raisins.

homemade wine from viburnum

Close the neck of the container with all the componentsa piece of gauze and leave for 3-4 days in a warm place for fermentation. After time, separating from the ground, filter the resulting juice and top up with water. Next on the 4th, 7th, 10th day add sugar in small portions. Install a special water shutter cap on the neck.

After about 4 weeks (when the process endsfermentation), wine from viburnum is poured into another container, so that it settles and collects its taste. Completely ready wine is considered in a month. Such a wonderful drink can be stored for more than a year in bottles arranged horizontally in a room with a temperature not lower than 5 aboutWith heat that contributes to the preservation of the amazing taste of wine.

Pouring of viburnum

Feasts are often accompanied by different alcoholhome-made drinks. Popular among them is also considered to be liqueur - a sweet drink made from fruits and berries on alcohol (or vodka) with added sugar. Its strength is slightly higher than that of wine (18-20%). You can also cook and low alcohol homemade liqueur. To do this, you need to fill the prepared bottle with the berries cleaned from garbage and leaves for 4/5 of the total volume. Add sugar to the brim, cover with gauze and leave for 5 days to ripen in a sunny place. Shake the container periodically. When fermentation begins, the bottle must be removed in a dark place for two months. Pouring of viburnum without vodka is ready! Next, strain the drink, pour into a suitable container and seal tightly.

viburnum liqueur without vodka

Now, using our recipes, you can also at home make an excellent liqueur or wine from viburnum.