/ How easy is it to cook chicken stomachs in a multivariate?

How easy is it to cook chicken stomachs in a multivariate?

I wanted to treat myself to something delicious and at the same time low-calorie? Then you can advise to cook chicken stomachs in a multivark, their recipe is pretty simple.

A little about the benefits of this dish

The advantage of such a dish is that at itscooking does not take much time. And if you decide to lose weight, then you certainly need to cook chicken stomachs. Caloric content is not high - it is about 80 kcal per 100 g of product. Generally, by-products are available to everyone and are able to diversify your daily diet to the maximum.

Chicken stomach in multivark

Speaking of the benefits of this dish, we can also notethe fact that the stomachs of chicken, in a multivark prepared with the observance of all the rules, are very useful, because they contain a large amount of protein and iron, as well as no less important for the body of folic acid. On the note to those who have problems with hair or nails: always include in the diet of offal.

So, we learned about the benefits of this dish, now we will start to prepare chicken stomachs in the multivark, using the "Quenching" mode. If there is not this miracle technique, the usual, time-tested saucepan will do.

Necessary ingredients

In order to cook chicken stomachs inmultivark, we need for one kilogram 3-4 onions and 2 large carrots. As for tomato, it all depends on your taste. If desired, you can use both tomatoes and ready-made tomato paste.

The process of cooking delicious chicken stomachs

chicken stomachs in the multivariate

Let's start the cooking process. Vessels are washed well under running water to remove fat. It is advisable to leave them for half an hour in cold water.

After that, we start cooking vegetables.We cut the onions into half rings, carrots three on a large grater and send vegetables to the bowl of the multivarka, where chicken stomachs are already located. Tomatoes cut and add to the main ingredients, all the salt, pepper, season with your favorite spices. Thoroughly, but gently mix the contents of the pan. Many people interfere with their hands - so vegetables preserve their juice.

It's time to send our dish tomultivark. First you need to set the "Baking" mode, on which our dish should be cooked for about 20 minutes. Do not forget to stir thoroughly! After that, we set the "Quenching" mode for a couple of hours.

Helpful Tips

Chicken calorie stomachs

For a more saturated taste, it is recommended that the chicken stomachs in the multivark be sent to the fridge to marinate, preferably overnight. Of course, if there is no time, you can do without this procedure.

If you cook in a normal saucepan, thenThe process of cooking will need to monitor the amount of water. Most likely, you have to top up it, as it will quickly evaporate from under the lid. In the case of using a multivarker, there is no such unpleasant moment, the liquid will be quite enough, while the stomachs will also give off the juice.

Half an hour before the end of cookingadd a few slices of garlic, crushed with a knife. That's all, our dish is ready for use! The stomachs are very delicious, juicy, tender - they simply melt in the mouth. This dish is perfectly combined with any garnish, for example, with buckwheat, rice or vegetables.