/ / Pitas in St. Petersburg: a new concept of street food

Pitas in St. Petersburg: a new concept of street food

We used to think that fast food is somethingsecond-rate, fat and poor quality. More precisely, fans of a healthy lifestyle promote a similar idea. But even the inveterate HLS will decide to reconsider their view of similar food if they visit Pitas in St. Petersburg.

The concept of the institution

Three young men decided to refine the ideastreet food. Indeed, who does not like, for example, shaverma? Tasty, but the conditions in which it is sometimes cooked, you can watch, only squinting. And the crazy sauces of mayonnaise and garlic, which she watered?

Почему бы не доработать рецепты, добавив к этому simple and clean interior? No sooner said than done. So it appeared in St. Petersburg Pitas. To design the idea, the co-founders went on a trip to Scandinavia, took over the experience there. Thus, the concept of street food in the European version was formed, the main dishes were appointed shaverma, burrito and falafel.

In this cafe you will not find designerfixtures, the interior is simple and concise. There is no restaurant abundance in the menu: the three main dishes are complemented by desserts, salads, soups and drinks, including alcoholic ones. But you will find strange, but tasty combinations of products in dishes according to the recipes of Alexander Berkovsky - the brand-chef of the establishment - polite service, cleanliness and reasonable prices.

pitas saint petersburg

What is treated in a cafe?

Guests are offered 10 types of schaverma.Only from the names already played a serious appetite. Just imagine: with lingonberry sauce and mint, with lecho and potatoes, in Thai style with chicken in batter, fresh vegetables and spicy sauce. In sauces there is practically no mayonnaise, they are made mainly on the basis of sour cream, a minimum amount of garlic is added.

street food

Next, 4 types of falafel. An important nuance: it is not deep-fried, but baked in the oven without oil, which makes the dish not only softer and juicy, but also more healthy.

Guests warn that they love to add chili peppers to their food here, especially in burritos, which are also 4 species here. One already by its name warns about the urgency - El Diablo.

For dessert, there is also shawarma: with banana in caramel, with peanut paste and raspberry jam, with nutella and peanut, with ice cream. From "not shawarma" ice cream and orange cake.

From drinks in Pitas (St. Petersburg) offertraditional tea, coffee, soda, as well as fruit drinks and lemonades, including hot. There are also alcohol: beer, cider, tinctures, two types of wine and a small list of strong alcohol.

Pitas St. Petersburg Address

Pitas in St. Petersburg: addresses

The concept of the institution was so much liked by the residents of the Northern capital that today a network of four cafes has been created.

The first is located on Gorokhovaya Street, 32. Nearby are the metro stations Spasskaya, Sadovaya, and Sennaya.

The following cafe can be found at Nevsky, 65. It is next to Mayakovskaya, Ploshchad Vosstaniya metro stations.

To visit the third point, you need to go to the embankment of Karpovka, house 10. This is the Petrogradskaya metro station.

And, finally, the fourth point is located in the shopping center "Gallery", on the fourth floor, the metro station "Ploshad Vosstaniya".

Please note that the work schedule for each network establishment is different, you can clarify it on the official website.

For residents of the Petrogradsky district, whose soul craves shavarmy with lingonberries, delivery works with an order amount of 4,000 rubles.

You can meet food from Pitas in St. Petersburg at the biggest festivals. For example, GEEK PICNIC, STEREOLETO, VK Fest and others.

Pitas in St. Petersburg: reviews

What do people say about these cafes? To begin with, on the popular TripAdvisor resource of this network, based on reviews, a rating of 4.5 points out of five is possible.

Рассмотрим минусы, хотя откровенно дурных отзывов extremely little. Guests did not like the format of self-service, coffee from the machine and a long (10 minutes for coffee and shawarma) waiting for the order. Some were not pleased with the taste of dishes, which is different from the traditional. Also, guests note that the format of the institution is youth, and prices are too high.

pitas st petersburg reviews

Now go to the pluses.Of them mark a good choice, delicious natural lemonade, cleanliness and accuracy. Guests write that this is a convenient institution for those who are in a hurry and want to have a snack on the go.

Regarding the taste of dishes, price level and qualityservice responses vary widely. Someone is delighted, someone is fresh, for someone the food at Pitas in St. Petersburg is expensive, for others is cheap, someone is happy with the service staff, others are disappointed. In short, it is worth visiting the cafe of this network on your own and make a conclusion.