/ / Cooking Non-boring Sausages

Cooking spicy dishes of sausages

История колбасы, старшего родственника сосиски, lost in the ages. We will never know who had the idea to put chopped meat in the gut and cook or grind it all together, but it can be said with confidence that this person was clearly not stupid and versed in food.

But the sausage story in the form in which weaccustomed to see her, it is quite specific. In the not so distant 1804, the butcher Johan Georg Laner moved to Vienna, and a year later he began to produce products of his own production, the first sausages in the world. Later they were called Frankfurt.

In his hometown of Hasseldorf, thankfuldescendants even erected a monument to a sausage. At the base of the label is attached, and anyone can read its history. Germans are generally very interesting about this national dish. For example, in Düsseldorf, one of the restaurants serves sausage dishes covered with a layer of gold. Yes, a thin layer of test gold 585.

Currently, such a sausage productYou can freely buy in the nearest grocery stores, and you can develop your own homemade sausage recipes, which will be no worse than shopping, and much better. For cooking at home you need a little imagination and a set of products (meat, favorite spices, as well as guts for filling with minced meat).

But we will not cook homemade sausages andexotic dishes from sausages, and we will make of them something simple, but interesting. For example, shaggy sausages, which will surely please the most fastidious eaters - your children.

Take any sausage, remove the shell (ifthere is), along the entire length we pierce it through dry spaghetti of small length. The result should be something like a long hedgehog. Put in water and cook until cooked.

You can slightly modify the recipe:slice a raw sausage across into 3-4 cm long pieces and pierce them along with thin macaroni. Get funny jellyfish. And if you only paste macaroni from one side and don't be too lazy to draw eyes, then the similarity will turn out to be even greater. Or try to cut the sausage lengthwise into four parts, leaving a few centimeters intact, and cook in this form. The result is octopus. I am sure that the baby will not refuse to be supported by such sea inhabitants.

And sausages can be made daisy.To do this, cut it lengthwise into two parts, and then cut each halves across the petals. The cuts are at a short distance from each other, not reaching the edge, so that this tape does not fall apart. Heat the pan, connect the ends, so that the circle turns out to be petals out, cut off with a skewer and fry slightly on the flat side. In the middle of the chamomile we drive in a quail egg. When the yolk grabs, lay out on a plate. From the green you can make a flower stalk and leaves. Good appetite!

A variation on eggs and sausages can besausage heart. Sausage cut along into two parts, not reaching 1-2 centimeters to the edge. We bend the halves so that we get a heart, we split the edges with a skewer. Then everything is using the same technology: fry, we drive in a raw chicken egg, salt, pepper, take out on a plate, rejoice.

But such sausage dishes can be served to guests before the main dish or cooked as a snack for beer. The husband will be pleased.

We will need:unsweetened drying sausages, mustard, milk, cheese. Count how many dryers fit on one sausage (remember, they swell a little!), Multiply by the number of sausages and put them wet in warm milk. At this time, grease each sausage with mustard, grate the cheese and preheat the oven. Put swollen drying on sausage so that there is not much space around the edges, sprinkle with cheese and put in the oven. They need to pull out when there is a beautiful ruddy crust.

In conclusion, I want to say, the sausage is an amazing product created for experiments. Invent new dishes from sausages for health and delight your loved ones with your culinary fantasies!