/ / "Polar Bear" - beer with a kind character

"Polar Bear" - beer with a good character

"Polar Bear" - beer, which you will never confuse with any other. It simply attracts with its crystal clearness, fine taste and excellent quality.

New brand

white bear beer

Компания «Эфес» действует в России с 1997 года.During this time, she launched several new brands on the market, which obviously appealed to the domestic consumer. One of them is Polar Bear. Beer with this name first appeared on store shelves in 2001. It was made in Ufa, at the Amstar plant, owned by this company. The debut of the drink was extremely successful. The face of the new trade mark became the northern bear, which could not be better suited to characterize the properties of the new product. In nature, a white bear is a severe and at the same time a tender animal. The same can be said about the new product. First of all, it should be noted that "Polar Bear" is beer, which is produced by special technology in the best traditions of the art of brewing. The drink quickly found its buyer and to this day uses, as a rule, increased demand among the population. An important role in this is the price. A small cost per bottle makes this beer affordable and popular.

Types and characteristics of the drink

The trade network receives several varietiesof the famous product: "Polar Bear Bright" (alcohol is not less than 4.8 percent), "Polar Bear is strong" (alcohol is not less than 7.1 percent), "Polar Bear is nonalcoholic" (alcohol is not more than 1 percent), "Polar Bear unfiltered "(Alcohol is at least 4.5 percent)," Bashkir's White Bear "(alcohol not less than 4.9 percent). These are only basic varieties. Variety in this list adds a way of packing the goods. "Polar Bear" - beer, which is packaged in the following types of containers:

  • a glass bottle of 0.5 liters,
  • PET bottle 1.5 liters,
  • PET bottle 2.0 liters,
  • 0.5 liter aluminum can,
  • kegs for the sale of goods for bottling of 30 and 50 liters.

A sufficiently wide variety allowssatisfy the desire of almost any buyer. The appearance of the packaging (the design of the label and the shape of the container) is thought through to the smallest detail. The company's specialists did everything to make it not only comfortable, but also looked as attractive as possible.

Whose product is this

beer polar bear manufacturer

In Russia, it is often possiblemeet the beer "Polar Bear". The manufacturer of this popular beverage is a company with a worldwide reputation Efes Breweries International. Representative offices of this company are available in many countries. For the first time about the brand Efes learned in Turkey. Then, breweries were built in Adana, Ankara, Bilicik. Gradually, mastering new regions, the beer "Efes" began its triumphal procession and by the nineties of the last century it acquired the status of a world brand. On the territory of the former Union, currently there are representative offices of the famous company in Russia, Kazakhstan, Moldova and Ukraine. The large holding acquired full rights to issue in these countries such well-known names as "Stary Melnik", "Zhigulevskoe", "Krasny Vostok", "Sokol", "Polar Bear", "Yantarnoye", "Solodov" and others. In addition, the company acquired a license and produces at its plants products of well-known foreign firms.

Beer for everyone

beer, white, non-alcoholic

Компания «Эфес» старается привлечь к своей products attention as many potential buyers as possible. In conditions when many people completely refuse from alcohol, the factories of a well-known firm begin to produce a special kind of products with the most reduced alcohol content. So on sale there was a new beer "Polar Bear non-alcoholic". In Russia it is produced in glass bottles with a capacity of 0.5 liters. The composition of this product is slightly different from the rest. It contains barley malt, water, hops, maltose syrup and natural flavors "beer". Its energy value is small and amounts to only 31 kilocalories. The new product has an ordinary classic flavor and to taste is in no way inferior to its alcoholic "fellow". It is preferred by those who wish to remain sober, enjoying a characteristic intoxicating taste. Of course, because the alcohol content in it does not exceed 1 percent.

"Live" goods

beer polar bear unfiltered

For gourmets and lovers with experience, the firm "Efes"launched a completely new product on the market "Polar Bear unfiltered". The new beer completely corresponds to its trade mark. It is very light, almost white, like a bear on a label. The strength of this drink is very low (about 4.5 percent), while the level of carbon dioxide in it is quite high. This leads to certain consequences. In addition, a new method of double enrichment of the beverage with oxygen is used in the manufacturing process. As a result, the finished product acquired a specific flavor, characteristic of bottled beer. Sometimes a new product is also called "alive". There are reasons for that. When the drink is already finishing the stage of fermentation, it passes the filtration stage. As a result, small particles of hop and yeast remain in the drink. This makes it slightly cloudy, but it retains a characteristic pleasant taste. The new product attracted attention and was liked by many. Perhaps, that is why it was decided to launch it into mass production in a 1.5 liter PET bottle.