Burger sauce: recipe

Those who have already managed to join the industryfast food, realize that burger sauce is one of the main components of the success of a popular product. Aromatic mass gives it a special taste and personality.

Original composition

To make burger sauce, do not have to befirst-class cook. You just need to put together those components that can nicely complement the taste of familiar products. For example, you can consider one of the most famous options relating to the American cuisine.

burger sauce

For him, you need ingredients that are better measured with tablespoons:

  • crushed marinated cucumber - 3;
  • brine from it - 1;
  • mayonnaise - 4;
  • ketchup - 1;
  • mustard and sugar - 0.25.

Prepare a sauce for a burger is not difficult. For this you need:

  1. Exactly measure all selected components.
  2. Collect prepared foods in one container and mix them well.
  3. Put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.This time is needed in order for the mass to thicken, and the products could mutually exchange tastes. The mixture should be a single whole. Otherwise, it will not give the desired effect.

After this, you can start cooking burger, using a fresh aromatic sauce.

An unusual combination

Especially nice when the sauce is not justfragrant sauce, and quite an independent mixture. This result can be achieved if you use not quite normal components. Take, for example, a sauce for a burger called "Pesto". It includes:

2 cups fresh basil, salt, a quarter of a glass of peeled pine nuts, 3 cloves of garlic, 1/3 cup olive oil and grated cheese "Parmesan", and a little pepper black ground.

The cooking process consists of several stages:

  1. First, the nuts along with the basil leaves need to be ground in a blender to a homogeneous state.
  2. Add the remaining components to the resulting pasteand whisk them until the mixture has a glossy shade. Periodically, in breaks, you need to scrape pieces of food from the sides of the blender bowl. Otherwise, it will not be possible to achieve the desired homogeneity.

Such a composition will be perfectly combined with both meat and vegetable components of burger.

Original version

Сам процесс приготовления популярного фаст-фуда, as a rule, does not cause problems. Particularly noteworthy is the sauce for burger. The recipe will depend on how the cook wants to emphasize the taste of each ingredient. Fans of thrill can be advised not quite the usual composition of the liquid component.

burger sauce recipe

To prepare it you will need:

2 tablespoons of orange juice, 12 grams of honey, salt, and a half tablespoons of lemon juice, 17 grams of vegetable oil and a little pepper ground.

Prepares sauce using the following technology:

  1. First thing honey should be warmed in a water bath, and then mix it with butter. The mixture should look homogeneous and not exfoliate.
  2. After that, add the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.

The resulting mass is used as impregnation.She does not need to water the food. The liquid component should simply be applied to pieces of bread and wait until it is completely absorbed. The effect of this will be much stronger. And those who love more spicy dishes, you can advise adding a little bit of the usual table of mustard to the finished product.

The simplest house burger

Many children really like burgers.They are ready to eat them every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But the cost of one trip to McDonald's often makes parents think about what their child is eating. In this case, there is only one way for mom to cook the most desired fast food. For such a dish, the following products may be needed:

bun, cutlet, lettuce, tomato, onion, mayonnaise and mustard.

The whole process mainly consists of twostages: preparation of initial products and product assembly. First, the bun should be cut in half. Cutlet can be taken ready or made from minced meat on its own. The salad leaf should just be torn, the onion - crumbled with a large straw, and the tomato - cut into rings. A sauce for homemade burgers is just a mixture of mustard and mayonnaise in a ratio of 1: 3.

burger sauce

Then everything is done very simply:

  1. The bottom of the loaf should be greased with a sauce prepared in advance.
  2. Then lay on it all the products in the following sequence: a cutlet - a tomato - a onion - a salad.
  3. Lightly pour the design with the same sauce and cover it with the second half of the bun.

Some people prefer to add a little ketchup to the liquid mass or replace mustard with them. Everything depends on the owner's own taste.

Home "Big Mac"

If earlier people went for burgers in"McDonald's", now there is an opportunity to please yourself, without leaving home. It is known that for their manufacture the famous company has developed a special sauce. Almost fifty years she kept it a secret, but now she decided to reveal her secret. Therefore, any hostess can make the same sauce for burgers at home. To do this, you need the most common products:

mayonnaise, yellow mustard, pickled cucumbers in sweet pour, a little paprika, as well as powder from dried garlic and onions.

The whole process of preparation is reduced to a thorough mixing of the components to the state of a viscous homogeneous mass. After that, it remains only to collect the "pyramid" from the previously prepared ingredients.

burger sauce at home

By the rules below should be sesamebun. Then the products go in strict sequence: sauce, salad, cheese, cutlet, piece of bread, sauce, lettuce, cucumber, cutlet, top of a roll, sprinkled with sesame. Only in this case, you can be sure that you get a real "Big Mac".

Visual Assistant

If a person first undertakes to preparedish, it is better if there is someone nearby who can point out the mistakes in time. This will help him to properly prepare the sauce for burgers. Recipe, photo and full description - this is exactly what you need in this case. Take, for example, an ordinary hamburger. To prepare a sauce for him, you will need:

a half cup of milk (or plain water), 90 grams of flour, a little pepper, salt and any seasonings.

Cook this product better in a pan:

  1. To begin with, the flour should be dissolved in 100 grams of water (or milk), beat well, and then poured into a hot pan.
  2. Add the remaining water and bring the mass to a boil with constant stirring.
  3. Add the remaining ingredients and heat until the sauce thickens.

sauce for burgers

After this, it can be used immediately for the intended purpose or allowed to cool slightly. To make the taste more pronounced, you can add a little cheese or chopped mushrooms.