/ / Biscuits with brine from tomatoes: cooking features, the best recipes and reviews

Biscuits with brine from tomatoes: cooking features, the best recipes and reviews

Low-calorie and lean dishes are popular today.Someone just can not have desserts, in the preparation of which chicken eggs are involved, someone is fasting or eating right, but someone wanted something new. If you also decided to give up the sweet or you want to pamper the family with something unusual, we advise you to cook a biscuit with brine from tomatoes. The recipe is simple and quick.

cookies with brine from tomatoes

Required Products

To prepare such a cookie you will need very simple and affordable ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - two or three glasses.
  • Sugar sand - 150 grams.
  • Tomato brine is twenty tablespoons.
  • Vegetable or olive oil - six tablespoons.
  • One packet of vanillin.
  • On request - ground cinnamon.
  • One teaspoon of baking soda.

Cooking process

The recipe for biscuits on brine from tomatoes differsamazing simplicity, so even an inexperienced mistress will cope with its preparation. In a spacious dish, which will then conveniently knead the dough, pour the vegetable oil and add the sugar. We carefully mix everything, wait until the sugar dissolves.

Add the soda to the butter with sugar.We pour in brine from tomatoes. Stir and gradually introduce flour. The dough is kneaded to a sufficiently dense consistency. In doing so, remember that it should remain supple and not stick to your hands. If the dough turns liquid, add more flour. If you get too thick a tight dough, pour in a little more pickle from the tomatoes.

how to cook biscuits from brine from tomatoes

Dough, as is known, should always be a little"Rest" after the vymeshivaniya. Wrap the dough with food film and send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. If there is no time to wait so long, then use the advice of experienced housewives: put the dough in the freezer for ten minutes. The effect will be exactly the same.

Cookie Forming

Lenten cookies on brine from tomatoes, recipewhich we offer to you, is prepared surprisingly quickly. Even more time is saved by special kitchen helpers. For example, many housewives use in making cookies rugs or parchment. On it cookies are formed and on it they go to the oven. If you do not have "assistants", make cookies in the old manner, on the table, and then shift them to the pan.

So, we get a dough out of the refrigerator, from whichwe will make cookies with brine from tomatoes, and roll it out. The shape of the cookie can be any. What you find in the kitchen baking molds, and cut out cookies. If you are just a beginner mistress and have not yet acquired special molds, usual utensils-a glass or a cup-will always come to your aid. Cutting cookies with them is very easy.

When the cookies with brine from tomatoes will beit is formed, we send it to the baking tray, covered in advance with baking paper or greased with vegetable oil. Try to lay cookies so that their edges do not come into contact with neighbors.

recipe for biscuits on brine from tomatoes

The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. Bakes are cooked with brine from tomatoes for twenty minutes. As soon as the top is browned, you can take it out.

Oven, frying pan, multicore

Many mistresses often complain about their workoven. If your oven does not listen to you, and the recipe for biscuits on the brine from tomatoes you liked, we suggest using, so to speak, improvised means. Bake cookies can be not only in the oven, but also in a frying pan or in a multivark.

If you decide to make cookies in a multivariate,we also advise you not to forget to cover the bottom of the dishes with parchment or paper for baking. If you want to make a cookie from brine from tomatoes in a frying pan, add a little bit of vegetable oil to the bottom and rub it with a brush. Baking in a frying pan is just as good as in the oven, and it's more convenient to control the degree of readiness.

How to serve

When the cookie is ready, it should be removed from theoven, remove from the baking tray on a plate covered with a napkin. It should be noted that any lean cookies can be made more satisfying and sweet if desired. If you cooked cookies not because of a diet or fasting, but simply because there were no other ingredients in the house, we advise you to use whipped cream, mastic or usual powdered sugar for decoration.

lean cookies on brine from tomato recipe

Secrets of cooking

So, you already know how to make a cookie from brine from tomatoes. Now we will share some secrets with you.

  • In the preparation of such cookies, not only tomato brine can take part. You can use brine from any canned vegetables: cucumbers, marinated Bulgarian pepper, etc.
  • If you want to get more crunchy cookies on the way out, experienced housewives advise to roll out the dough more finely. Do not be afraid that it will break. Dough on the brine is very elastic and supple.
  • If you want to make gingerbread, roll it outthe dough is thicker. Form the cookies with your hands. Roll a lump the size of a little more ball for table tennis. Inside the ball you can hide a walnut, dried apricots, a few pieces of raisins or any other stuff for your taste.
  • Homemade cookies are perfect for people with an allergic reaction to chicken eggs.
  • Cookies will be a good find for housewives,who are accustomed to using all products to the maximum. The brine, left after consuming salted tomatoes or pickled cucumbers, will not be lost in such housewives.
  • Many mothers know how to cook cookies from brine from tomatoes, but their babies often refuse it. And you try to add a little more sugar or flavor a batch of flavored cinnamon.


Many housewives say that such a cookie is just a find if you want to fast or follow a rational healthy diet.

biscuits from brine from tomatoes in a frying pan

Children weave such a cookie on both cheeks, especially if they are made with foolish and unusual molds. He is called a successful invention due to the use of a brine, that is, everything is going on.

According to reviews, cookies have grown to be loved by many also because there are no yeast in it. The dough is made very quickly, even a young hostess can cope with the preparation of dessert without experience.