/ / Sesame Milk: Cooking Recipe, Ingredients, Beneficial Properties

Sesame Milk: Cooking Recipe, Ingredients, Beneficial Properties

Sometimes it happens that people can not useany dairy products. In some cases, this is caused by an allergy or intolerance to lactose, sometimes associated with personal beliefs. As a rule, almond milk is widespread among vegans, but this is by no means the only option. The diet can be diversified very significantly, if you competently approach the issue. For example, you can make sesame milk, the recipe of which is very simple.

Sesame Milk Recipe

It's pretty tasty, but you need to be an amateurtaste of sesame seeds to evaluate this product. If you are used to eating these seeds in baking and other dishes, you can drink milk from it in its pure form. But usually children prefer a more intense taste, so the recipe can be supplemented with honey or vanilla. But first of all you need to know what sesame is.

Beneficial features

How to use these seeds?Sesame seeds have always been a part of Indian cuisine, and for many centuries have been used in the Japanese, Middle Eastern and Chinese culinary traditions. Many Asian dishes are prepared in butter from this seed in a hot pan, it is also used in salad dressings and marinades. In most cases, Indian sesame seeds are used, the grains of which are white. However, on sale you can find and black seeds, which have a small bitterness. They are more typical for Japanese cuisine. What is useful sesame? The composition of this grain includes many nutrients: vitamins B1 and E, calcium and iron.

sesame goodies how to use

Calcium content

Did you know that a tablespoon of sesame seedscontains about 88 mg of calcium? Also, a quarter of a glass of natural grains provides the human body with this trace element more than a whole glass of milk of animal origin. Thus, a quarter of a glass of raw sesame seeds contains 351 mg of calcium, and a glass of skimmed cow's milk is 316.3 mg, and a single glass of only 311 mg. In addition, sesame, the composition of which is so useful, is an alkaline food, and milk is acidic.

They also contain copper, the most well-knownanti-inflammatory ability. Consuming foods with this trace element reduces pain and swelling associated with rheumatoid arthritis, and also helps strengthen bones and blood vessels. And this is not all that distinguishes sesame (useful properties). How to use it so that all vitamins and trace elements are preserved?

Features of preparation

It is known that the taste of sesame is enhanced bytoasting, but, unfortunately, a high concentration of healthy fats (polyunsaturated) is damaged by strong heating. This is observed no matter what color seeds you use. Therefore, it is better to cook it without heat treatment, in order to maintain a high health benefit.

sesame composition

In addition, the level of calcium decreases approximately60 percent, when shells are removed from sesame seeds. Since they are a rich source of this microelement in its entirety, you can make tasty and fragrant sesame milk, the recipe of which is listed below. It is especially useful for pregnant and lactating mothers.

How to do it?

For this recipe you will need unpeeledwhite sesame seeds, maple syrup and coconut oil along with a small amount of vanilla extract. It's really a simple process. Soak the seeds for a while, and serve the cooked milk chilled.

If you are a fan of Middle Eastern Thin sauce ortahini halva, you will like this product. It is also worth noting that this is an excellent base for ice cream and milkshake. You will appreciate this product, and even if you are not a vegetarian, you can enjoy this milk from time to time. If you are vegan, this is a great addition to your daily diet.

sesame indian

Time to prepare this dish will be about half an hour. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 1/3 cup unroasted white sesame seeds;
  • ¾ teaspoon of vanilla extract;
  • ½ tablespoon unrefined coconut oil;
  • 2 table spoons of pure maple syrup;
  • ¼ teaspoon of sea salt;
  • 2 cups of water.

Cooking process

Place the sesame seeds in the jug of the high-speed blender and pour them ½ cup of water. They should be soaked from 30 minutes to an hour.

Then whip them with a high-speed blender infor 40 seconds. Add vanilla, coconut oil, maple syrup, salt and 1½ glasses of water, continue to beat until the mixture is as homogeneous as possible. Then strain through the filter with a fine mesh obtained sesame milk.

How to cook different dishes from it? Cool it in an airtight container in the refrigerator and use it as the basis for any cooking recipes.

You should get a gentle drink thatsmells strongly of sesame seeds. Since you cook it from natural products, this milk does not contain carrageenan or lecithin, as well as other random additives that are added to commercially manufactured nut products.

sesame milk is good and bad

The second way

The above method of preparation is not the only one. You can cook sesame milk in a different way, the recipe of which is much simpler. For him you will need:

  • 1 1/2 cups raw uncooked sesame seeds (soaked for 8 hours or overnight and then dried);
  • 4 glasses of water;
  • a pinch of salt.


Add the sesame seed and water to the blender,mix at high speed for at least a minute until the seeds are all crushed. The mixture should be smooth and homogeneous. Add a pinch of salt and any spices. If you want the product to have a sweet aftertaste, you can put some honey. Then wrap the vessel with the resulting mixture of unused capron pantyhose or stocking and squeeze the milk through it. Keep the product in the refrigerator.

You can add it as a basis for various cocktails, oatmeal, chia-pudding or to drink it in its pure form.

Sesame Milk How to Cook

The third way

This sesame milk, the recipe of which is given below, is most suitable for children. It has a sweet taste and contains only useful products.

It will require the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup sesame seeds;
  • 1 tablespoon of hemp oil;
  • 4 cups of clean water;
  • 2 large dates, pitted;
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla powder or extract;
  • pinch of Himalayan or sea salt.

How to cook?

For this recipe it is better to use Indian sesame. Soak the seeds in a sufficient amount of water and leave overnight in the refrigerator.

Then strain and rinse the sesame, draining the water. Place the soggy seeds and fresh water in the blender, whisk for 30-60 seconds, depending on how powerful your device is.

Strain the milk through a thin cloth or gauze. You can use sesame pulp for the preparation of raw cakes and biscuits or as a filler for baking.

Rinse the blender and pour into a bowl.cooked milk. Add dates, vanilla and salt. Mix again until smooth. You can store the product in a closed glass jar in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

sesame milk caloric content

Is Sesame Milk Good for Everyone?

The benefits and harms of this product should beare considered seriously. If useful properties and qualities are obvious, do sesame milk have contraindications? First and foremost, allergic reactions are possible, therefore, the product should be tried with caution at such an inclination of the body. Secondly, sesame can influence the increase in blood coagulability. Accordingly, people who are prone to blood clots, can not consume grain and milk from them on an ongoing basis.

In addition, it is worth noting the high caloric valuesesame seeds, which is about 550 kcal per hundred grams of dry product. For this reason, grains are not recommended for slimming. However, this does not apply to sesame milk, the caloric content of which is relatively low - only about 100-150 kcal per 100 ml. This value depends on the recipe used for the preparation of the drink.