/ / "Slavic Bazaar" - a restaurant that will disappoint very few people

"Slavianski Bazaar" - a restaurant that few will disappoint

In the capital, there are not too many places withrich history. But still they are. "Slavic Bazaar" - a restaurant that has its own history and its own namesake on Bolshaya Ordynka. The latter, by the way, refers to taverns. But the name of his great brother supports.

Slavic bazaar restaurant

Famous institution since the time of Tchaikovsky

In 1993, the famous many restaurantThe Slavic Bazaar in Moscow ceased its work due to a fire. The building was built in 1873. First, the hotel of the same name opened, and then the restaurant itself. He was visited by many famous writers, composers, musicians and officials. Bribed the kitchen and atmosphere. Here guests were always welcome, and cooks cooked from the heart and a pure heart. After the restaurant burned down, it was not forgotten. In the central district of Moscow, his namesake opened, which is still popular.

Bolshaya Ordynka

Here is located the modern "Slavic Bazaar"- restaurant-tavern, which has two levels. On the ground floor is a small room with a capacity of 25 people, with a magnificent view of the lively center. Those who decide to order a banquet here may not worry that passers-by may see it from the outside, since windows can always be curtained. On the second level there are two more rooms: for smokers and non-smokers. Thanks to good ventilation, fans of smoking will not interfere with those who do not tolerate this smell. Actually, the hall for non-smoking and in size more - designed for 60 people, for smokers - two times smaller.

 restaurant Slavic bazaar in Moscow


Restaurant "Slavic Bazaar" in Moscow menu forits guests prepared extensive. Despite the fact that it is a tavern, here they do not adhere to strictly Russian or Slavic cuisine. No, they cook dishes according to European recipes and technologies. A lamb rack does not differ at all from what is served in the Middle East. But the main focus here is on fish dishes, which are prepared exclusively from fresh catch. For example, a pike perch stuffed with crabs has generally become a favorite among many metropolitan residents and visitors to the city. To pass by the aromas reaching from the tavern is practically impossible.

restaurant Slavic bazaar in Moscow menu

Banquets and buffets

"Slavic Bazaar" - a restaurant in which alwaysYou can order a celebration or celebration. And the guests are always prepared an extensive menu. Of course, no one forbids to choose for themselves only what he likes. Just for convenience, a special banquet menu was created. The average cost per invoice per person is 2000-3000 rubles. If you visit the tavern in private, without a celebration, then the average bill will be 1000-1500 rubles. Not counting the drinks.

restaurant slavic bazaar reviews

Bar card

It is not as extensive as it could be.Several popular beers, mead, a couple of vodka varieties, martinis for ladies. But there are plenty of soft drinks: these are fruit drinks from different berries, freshly squeezed juices, milkshakes, coffee of different varieties and fruit smoothies. With your alcohol, as in many institutions of the capital, it is impossible to pass. However, this also applies to soft drinks. For small visitors, there is no separate menu, but they will be able to please exactly milkshakes, of which there is a huge variety. But the dishes will have to choose individually.

Guest Reviews

There are a lot of them.Restaurant "Slavic Bazaar" reviews about myself deserved quite positive. Visitors are not waiting for much from the tavern, so they are satisfied with the music, the service, and the kitchen. By the way, for the sake of the latter, many return more than once. Fish dishes are so delicious that office workers from neighboring buildings come to the pub for lunch or dinner. But not everyone is satisfied with the quality of banquets, since they have high hopes for an entertainment program, which is not very interesting here. Live music is infrequent, and managers (toastmaster) need to invite their own. Not everyone likes this situation, given the fact that the average score is still not that small.

Should I attend?

Those who walk along the Big Ordynka are sure toshould look into the "Slavic Bazaar". The restaurant, though not striking in its wealth or luxury, still has a decent cuisine. Here you can have a snack during a walk so that you will stay full until the evening. The institution is open from 09:00 to 00:00. Therefore, even during the evening promenade there you can look. Ordering a pre-table on a weekday is not necessary, since the workload is not too large. But on weekends, it is better to take care of the place in advance, it is usually sold out. To visit a restaurant or not is everyone's business, but at least once it is worth it. No wonder that the owners named it in honor of the famous institution, which is still remembered and spoken with warmth and kindness. The later "Slavic Bazaar" will not disappoint in the least if you don’t place high hopes in the restaurant in advance.