/ / Gooseberry blanks for the winter - jam and chutney

Harvest for the winter from gooseberry - jam and chutney

Preparations of gooseberry for the winter, sweet orsalty, have great taste. In combination with an interesting emerald color and useful properties, this berry can forever charm fans of unusual preservation. Such preparation for the winter from a gooseberry as imperial jam - one of the most widespread, but at the same time difficult and demanding time. But the gooseberry jam, jelly and jam - much easier to prepare, but no less tasty. Cook them can even beginner cook. Chutney from this berry will be a great addition to fat meat, chicken wings, grilled dishes, baked pork.

harvesting for the winter of gooseberry

Unsweetened preparation for the winter of gooseberry

Chutney is an unusual name for our ear.This is the eastern (Indian) seasoning in the form of a sauce, very spicy and savory. It is served with meat and fish, combined with basic sauces (for example, bechamel), added to cakes, spread on sandwiches, and complemented with cheese dishes.

If at first chutneys were made from fruits thatgrow in Southeast Asia (mango, coconut), then with the increasing popularity of its began to make many other fruits and vegetables. The highlight of this sauce is that it must combine several flavors of flavor at the same time, for example, sweetness and acid. This is a real work of culinary art, the creation of which will require knowledge of the properties of products.

preparations of gooseberry for the winter
Для чатни подойдут авокадо, помидоры, баклажаны, melons, horseradish, cabbage, beans, quince, apples and pears. As well as spices - ginger, pepper, nutmeg, garlic, curry. The sauce can be prepared both at once and as a blank. It is important that it has a slightly non-uniform texture and contains pieces of whole fruits or vegetables. Another important subtlety is that chutney must be brewed for a couple of days in order to achieve the best taste and aroma.

Preparation for the winter of gooseberry is the bestPerfect for exploring this exotic sauce. We start preparing the berries - first cut the tails with a knife or kitchen scissors. Wash the gooseberries. It will take about one and a half kilograms. In addition to emerald berries, you need five hundred grams of onions, a small grated ginger root, a glass of 6% apple cider vinegar, a head of garlic and a quarter of a teaspoon of red hot pepper. Gooseberry and chopped onion, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour half a kilogram of sugar.

gooseberry jam
Finely chop the garlic. Add to the pan with ginger, pepper and vinegar. Salt and boil for two and a half hours - the mass should be homogeneous. Place in a sealed container for storage.

Sweet preparation for the winter of gooseberry (red)

For this jam you need a kilo of berries,1300 grams of granulated sugar and two glasses of water. Pour the liquid into the enamel saucepan, boil. Add sugar and boil syrup. Put the peeled berry in it. Boil fifteen minutes, removing skimmer foam. Without cooling, strain through a colander, pour into prepared sterilized jars. Cover with clean gauze and cool now.