/ / Green coffee: benefits and harm, useful properties and contraindications

Green coffee: benefits and harm, beneficial properties and contraindications

Nothing so invigorates in the morning, like a cup of fresh,fragrant coffee. He rightfully occupies a leading position among other drinks. This is due to a tonic effect on the body. And if you know about black coffee for almost everyone, some people hear about green beans for the first time. We will try to fill these gaps and tell as much as possible about the harm and benefits of green coffee.

Differences between black and green drink

Almost everyone has heard about the beneficial properties of green tea. But what about his brother-green coffee? And what does he even represent?

green coffee composition benefit harm

In fact, these are ordinary coffee grains that are notfried and heat treated. The varieties of Robusta and Arabica are most often used. The second option is superior in quality to Robust, and accordingly, and at a price. The taste of Arabica is softer and contains less fat and caffeine.

The benefits of green coffee (we will discuss its harmlater) is due to the lack of frying. It is thanks to this that all vitamins and trace elements are stored in grains. In addition, the buyer in this case has the opportunity to control the roasting process itself, and therefore, to affect the taste tones of the drink.

The main thing that you should pay attention to during the purchase of exotic grains, so this is the area in which they are grown. The real value is only an environmentally friendly product.

How to distinguish good grains from bad ones

It is not difficult to guess that this type of coffeeIt is called green because of external characteristics that can be observed with the naked eye. Indeed, the main distinguishing feature of a green drink is the color - turbid-olive. Many people ask: is green coffee harmful? The answer to this question depends primarily on the quality of the product.

The benefits and harm of green coffee

To choose a quality coffee,attention to the grains themselves: they must be solid, solid, without stains or inclusions of any other colors, without mold and traces of insects. A characteristic aroma of coffee should be felt. If at least one of these factors is violated, this may indicate a violation of storage or transportation conditions.

What does it taste like?

It should immediately be warned that green coffeemuch inferior to taste, aroma and saturation of his black brother. But this does not mean that it is worth to abandon it only on the basis of external characteristics. Remember, the main thing is inside. And inside him is a whole storehouse of useful substances. And if we talk about what is more - harm or benefit - in green coffee, will outweigh yet useful properties.

green coffee beans

As for taste, it has a sourshade. The smell of the drink is pronounced grassy, ​​with a bit of astringency. If you can compare it to taste with some product, then, most likely, with an unripe persimmon. For this reason, few green grains are to their liking. In the case of roasting, the color changes to brown.

So what is the composition of green coffee? Benefit or harm - what prevails? Let's understand further.

What does green coffee contain?

No wonder they call coffee tree laboratorythe production of useful substances, among which are vitamins, macro- and microelements - more than 1000 in total. It is interesting that as soon as the grains are torn off and the processing begins, the chemical composition of the grains also changes. To answer the question of the harm and benefits of green coffee, let's first find out what it consists of:

1. Caffeine.Compared with a black drink, the amount of this substance in green coffee is several times less. Everyone is accustomed to the belief that caffeine bears only a threat to the body. In fact, the benefits of it are much more significant. Its main beneficial effects:

  • relieving fatigue;
  • improvement of thought processes;
  • the ability to relieve cramps;
  • improvement of the metabolic process;
  • the ability to break down fat and others.

2. Tannin.It is he who gives the green drink a tart taste. And if you wonder about the benefits and dangers of green coffee for human health, thanks to tannins, you can significantly improve the overall condition of the whole organism. Substance is capable of:

  • fight and counteract the reproduction of various bacteria (including staphylococci);
  • relieve or relieve itching during dermatological diseases (chickenpox, eczema, allergic reactions, etc.);
  • stop inflammatory processes.
green coffee

3. A set of amino acids that ensure the proper functioning of the whole organism.

four.Chlorogenic acid, which actively fights free radicals, and therefore, is able to counteract cancer diseases and prolong youth. It is important to note here that it is contained only in green coffee beans.

5. Lipids, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

6. Fiber, without which it is difficult to imagine the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

7. Essential oils. Their presence will help to cope with cough, inflammatory processes in the body, normalize the work of the heart, fight various bacteria, etc.

After such a list, try yourself to answer the question that outweighs in green coffee - the benefits or harm. Useful properties of this product are just going wild.

How effective is a green drink?

As mentioned above, green coffee contains inyourself chlorogenic acid. Its main advantage in terms of its effect on the body is its ability to break down fats. It is due to this phenomenon that unroasted grains are noted by nutritionists.

green slimming coffee

If we talk about green coffee, the benefits and harms for losing weight, then, of course, he has all the qualities of a unique diet product. Why is this all happening?

  1. The ability to break down fat is 45%, which is three times more than black coffee.
  2. The presence of antioxidants in a green drink helps to effectively fight old age, remove free radicals from the body.
  3. When the process of losing weight begins, it is notaffects the condition of the epidermis. Usually, the elasticity and elasticity of the skin cover with extra pounds. In this case, on the contrary, the skin becomes clean and healthy.
  4. Due to the caffeine content of green beansdrink manages to maintain the overall tone of the body throughout the day. But this is only in the case of a moderate reception. In large doses, caffeine adversely affects health.
  5. If we talk about green coffee - the benefits and harm - the opinion of doctors comes down to the fact that it is capable of a beneficial effect on brain activity, and thus significantly improve performance.

The main types of green drink

As you know, the countries that are engagedgrowing and exporting green coffee all over the world are Ethiopia, Colombia, India and Brazil. And every year the product becomes more and more popular.

harm and benefits of green coffee

Поставки происходят как моносорта, так и blended - mixed sorts of coffee. This is done to obtain a certain delicate taste and flavor of the drink. Up to 13 varieties of grains can be used for mixing. It is important to use grains of the same degree of processing, otherwise in the process of roasting the mixture will be heterogeneous. In addition, attention is drawn to the density of grains, as well as their size.

Raw green coffee beans

If we talk about the dangers and benefits of green coffee, thenThis variety contains the largest number of substances with useful properties. Grains are first, second, premium and higher (special) class. The most expensive, of course, the highest grade, it is served in restaurants and coffee shops abroad. In Russia, GOST rules allow for the sale of all kinds. Therefore, choose carefully, pay attention to the quality of the grains.

Roasted grains of green coffee

This kind of green drink is somewhat inferiorcoffee made from raw beans. This is due to the fact that during the heat treatment the compounds of some useful chemical elements, including chlorogenic acid, are destroyed. It is thanks to her that green coffee took a leading position in the list of dietary products. But still many other nutrients remain in roasted grains.

harm and benefits of green coffee

Roasting green coffee at home, you need to monitor the condition of the beans. The main thing - do not let him burn.

Ground and granulated coffee

In the market you can buy ready-to-useusing ground or granulated grains. If in the first case everything is clear with technology, then with the second things are somewhat more complicated. To obtain granules, the coffee beans are roasted, then boiled, dried, and then steamed. The result is a freeze-dried product.

You have learned a lot about the benefits of green coffee.But like any product, this drink has a number of warnings that are appropriate for certain diseases. All other contraindications are relevant only in case of overuse of drink. This is due to the presence of caffeine. In particular, the abuse of green coffee leads:

  • caffeine addiction;
  • depletion of the nervous system;
  • development of psychosis, paranoia;
  • increase blood pressure, etc.

More details about the dangers and benefits of green coffee can be viewed in the video below:

Green coffee is an amazing healthy drink.with the help of which you can improve your health, tighten your body shape and just enjoy its unique taste. The main thing - to stick to the golden mean and use it in moderation.