Тыква полезна и сытна, богата витаминами.From it make porridge, soups, other dishes. In the fall, when the massive harvest of this gourd crop begins, treat yourself to delicious pumpkin casseroles. Cooking is easy. Often, to neutralize the sweetish taste of a pumpkin, sour apples are added to it. But you can also use cottage cheese, lingonberries. Even in the casserole of pumpkin with apples put component, allowing to form a dough. This may be semolina, rice, oatmeal, breadcrumbs.
The question arises as to how to usepumpkin - in cheese, boiled, stewed or baked. There is no universal answer. Each recipe for pumpkin casserole with apples suggests its own version of the preliminary preparation. The same applies to other ingredients. Apples, for example, can be rubbed raw or used mashed potatoes or jam. If you still have semolina or rice porridge, literally one hundred grams, please your loved ones with a casserole for breakfast. Rub 400 g of peeled pumpkin. Mix three tablespoons of butter with one hundred grams of sugar and three egg yolks, add grated lemon zest, vanilla, cinnamon, crushed nuts to taste. Connect this mass with a pumpkin. Stir in the slightly warmed porridge. Squirrel whisk and carefully add to the casserole. Grease the form, spread the dough. We place it in the oven preheated to 180 ° C for about half an hour. This sweet pumpkin casserole for kids is served with apple jam or mousse.
The following recipe suggests to use forforming a dough is not porridge, and semolina. Pumpkin, you must first cut into large cubes and simmer until soft. After that, you need to give her time to drain in a colander. Mix five spoons of semolina with 2-3 spoons of sugar. Pound with pieces of pumpkin, so that there are no lumps of cereal. Leave to swell for 20 minutes. Pour juice from half a lemon into a plate and cut 8-10 pieces of sour apples into it. Stew them in a hot frying pan so that they become soft. For this puff casserole of pumpkin with apples, we use a pound of cottage cheese of delicate texture. We mix it with sugar and egg yolk. Protein is whipped up the foam and gently knead with curd mass. Grease the form with butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs. We add vanilla sugar to taste to the pumpkin mass, we drive in an egg. Now lay out layer by layer, not forgetting to sprinkle each one with ground cinnamon. First comes the pumpkin mass, followed by the apple mass, and from above - the curd. Send the form to the oven, preheated to 200 °, for 25 minutes. If the top of the pumpkin and apple casserole starts burning, cover it with a piece of pastry paper. When the dish has cooled, cut it into portions, pour some syrup, garnish with slices of apples.
Try this old Russian recipe.Grate the grated quarter of pumpkin into a saucepan. Add a couple of spoons of butter, half a cup of milk and simmer under the lid. Meanwhile, rub three to four apples. In the cooled pumpkin pulp, enter the fruit puree. This pumpkin and apple casserole can include both semolina soaked in milk and breadcrumbs. Their number is regulated relative to the juiciness of the two main ingredients. Separately, rub three yolks with sugar, enter them into the total mass. Stir, salt and carefully add whipped proteins. Put in a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form, bake. Serve with sour cream.