Silicon in food products

Silicon in food products
It has long been known that the state of the organism andwell-being depend directly on what we eat. Properly selected and balanced diet serves not only for prevention, but also for treatment. Silicon in food plays an important role. Irreplaceable is its importance for protection against such a common disease as tuberculosis. It is proved that a lot of silicon is in the lower part of the right lung, and so, this area is the least susceptible to the disease, it rarely forms foci. If the disease has occurred, the stocks of the microelement are reduced by half, the same happens in the bones. At the same time, the content of other minerals decreases. Normalization of the silicon reserve helps to restore the balance of other minerals, such as manganese, iron, calcium, fluorine, cobalt. The presence of silicon in sufficient quantities helps maintain immunity. With its lack in the brain tissues, the work of the vestibular apparatus is disrupted, the emotional state worsens, anxiety, depression, fear of death appear, Insufficient quantity of the element promotes stagnant and inflammatory phenomena in the airways, excessive formation of mucus in them, which leads to a decrease in access to oxygen in the body .

The microelement is present in all organs andtissues of the body. Silicon derivatives have an active resistance to the invasion of the body of viruses, pathogens, fungi and yeasts. The normal content of the microelement helps to improve digestion, helps reduce blood pressure, accelerates the healing of wounds. The condition of the hair, teeth and nails, too, largely depends on it.

To normalize the content in the body of stocksmicroelement, it is necessary to use products containing silicon. Improper nutrition, the use of refined and refined foods, causes serious harm to the body. Traditional feeding of babies with food with a reduced content of fiber, the same semolina, leads to a decrease in the content of silicon and other microelements in children's body almost twofold.

What foods contain silicon and what should I consume in order to replenish the body with this trace element?

Basically, these are vegetable productsorigin, most of all in the shell of cereals - oats, millet, rice, buckwheat, less - in wheat and legumes. A lot of useful is contained in the husks from which the groats are peeled. There is a sufficient amount of silicon in food products of sea origin, in fish caviar, as well as in the skin of vegetables and fruits. A significant amount of this important ingredient is in cucumbers, tomatoes, black currant, strawberry. Sources of microelements include turnips, beets, cabbage, radish, leeks, pumpkins and celery. The general addiction to refined vegetable oil leads to loss of this necessary component of a healthy diet by the body. The love for sunflower seeds and nuts can compensate to some extent the lost. Silicon in food is digested especially pleasantly if it is found in watermelons, bananas, raisins, grape juice, cherries or plums.
But, there is also such a way of replenishmentmicronutrient deficiency, like silicon water. It is obtained by infusing ordinary drinking water on black flint. The element is contained in such herbs as field horsetail, sporish, therefore, their broths will also be curative. Not always the way to health is expensive. Sometimes, it is enough to consume silicon in food, drink broths of medicinal herbs and silicon water to feel much easier, feel the surge of energy and begin to recover.